Interface in ready room for joining a team
Join Date: 2012-11-21 Member: 172726Members

I think there should be some sort of flag you can set in the ready room, possibly the radial menu, that allows you to pick the team you want: random, marine, alien, spectate. It could function like the vote concede button where once you select an option, it would remain selected until you left the ready room (joined a team/spectated). I don't see a reason why there shouldn't be some sort GUI for joining teams in the ready rooms, even for annoying cases like new players getting stuck in the alien side in mining.
It can be very frustrating if you want to join a specific side in the round start, and stand in a team entrance only to have other people fill the side you want before you. there could be 1 on one team, and 2 on the side you want for whatever reason, but you cant seem to join as teams fill because you cant dance in the entrance as good or spam your bind hard enough (which i would think no newer player would even know console commands.) Everyone has reasons for joining a specific team, and they should have as good a chance even if they aren't spamming their join team bind or dancing in the team entrance.
It can be very frustrating if you want to join a specific side in the round start, and stand in a team entrance only to have other people fill the side you want before you. there could be 1 on one team, and 2 on the side you want for whatever reason, but you cant seem to join as teams fill because you cant dance in the entrance as good or spam your bind hard enough (which i would think no newer player would even know console commands.) Everyone has reasons for joining a specific team, and they should have as good a chance even if they aren't spamming their join team bind or dancing in the team entrance.
I'm against it, it would be really frustrating for people who load slower than others, and it's fair the way it currently is.
If two people are costing player slots for the other team you shouldn't be rewarding them with guaranteed team slots.
If so, yes, I think this would be the fairest way of doing things. Even if it only worked this way for the first few seconds after a game ends to prevent console join abuse (then, players who aren't joining via console can run into their chosen readyroom trigger as usual).
Great idea!
Isn't that what anyone who attempts to join a specific team wants? To take the next available slot?
I am saying i do not think it is currently fair the way it is. The people who load fastest currently have the first choice pretty much regardless; there isn't much you can do about that aside from not letting players join a team for a set period of time after map switch, and maybe that is needed. i just want a stress-free way to join a team without having to sprint to the entrance of the team i want and dance around, or spam a join team bind which most newer players wouldn't know about.
There could be numerous ways it could be implemented: it could randomly select players who are flagged to place into the next spot, or it could make a queue, though that would reward fast clickers/loaders. It could even hold the players who selected random for a few moments so anyone who selected a specific team could be placed on that team if there is room before randomers are placed on teams. Less ideal would be a UI option that doesn't set a flag, just places you on the team you select through the ingame UI when you click the button. I would prefer just selecting which team you'd like once though like vote concede, instead of having to click the radial menu like a madman when a spot becomes available. This functionality already exists with j1 and j2 in console, but it isn't obvious to new players.
bind F2 j2