Power Node Suggestions

realmenplaypingpongrealmenplaypingpong Join Date: 2009-02-23 Member: 66520Members
edited February 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
I don’t think these suggestions will affect the current state of the game much. Mostly, they’ll provide additional resilience to marine base defense. I’m offering them to incite further talks on these modifications. I don’t think they should all be implemented, but wanted to discuss them in efforts to improve the game. In general, I like power nodes for the dynamic environment create, which is unlike any other game, and a good contrast to infestation.

The current weakness with power nodes: They are often the first targeted and go down fairly quickly, shutting down an entire primary or secondary base and often resulting in GG for marines, most often in mid to late games. This can be accomplished by a single skulk or more effectively by a single bile bombing gorge. Of course marines can respond in various ways as everyone can see when a node is taking damage; the commander can beacon, people can phase back/run back etc. However, there is a massive issue with certain locations; they’re easier to attack than others. Consider ns_docking. Terminal is easily bile bombed from east and central. Departures is exposed (by a vent and in the middle of a 3 way junction), locker room can be bile bombed from the entrance to ball court. What we typically see in response are multiple marines phasing around to maintain defense of this critical structure at all times instead of out and attacking. Aliens can afford a leisurely response to the same event. If a single marine is in the alien spawn, it will take him a while to take out the hive and typically at worst, that marine might take out an upgrade or two. However, a single skulk in less time, can take out an entire primary or secondary base through power node destruction.

Possible improvements:

1. Power nodes should not be needed in tech points with command centers/command centers should replace power nodes.
This gives marines a fighting chance, even if the observatory is taken out, the IPs and the phase gate will still be there(if they were purchased). The power node is usually attacked first because everyone knows where it is, every single game. This change would prevent a single gorge from taking out a main or secondary base in 10 seconds.
2. There should be a delay on power lost, power should exist for a few seconds after it is knocked out.
As a node can be taken out fairly quickly by just a gorge and a skulk, a few extra second would certainly help marines complete a beacon or phase to prevent the loss.
3. Marines should not have to wait 4 seconds to repair a node.
Marines are already penalized by having the node requirement in the first place. Given that this node provides no other functionality than allowing their structures to function, why should they be required to wait to repair while their base is in a vulnerable state?
4. Allow us to place power nodes or provide multiple locations for placement.
As apparent from the 60/40 ratio, Marines could use the tactical advantage. It forces aliens to find the node instead of instantly running to the known location.
5. Do not allow aliens to cyst into a room with power, or reduce building growth rate, or infestation spread rate.
Giving aliens the ability to cyst into a main base and drop whips like crazy is not really entertaining or fun for anyone but the alien com. The term insult to injury comes to mind. There is currently no reason to put power into rooms without structures, and there should be.

UWE, keep up the good work! Been playing for 10 years. Though not perfect, not far off either, great work on NS2. I know balancing is tricky business, best of luck. Is there a reason UWE couldn't produce multiple official versions of the game?


  • CalegoCalego Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181848Members, NS2 Map Tester
    5. Do not allow aliens to cyst into a room with power, or reduce building growth rate, or infestation spread rate.
    Giving aliens the ability to cyst into a main base and drop whips like crazy is not really entertaining or fun for anyone but the alien com. The term insult to injury comes to mind. There is currently no reason to put power into rooms without structures, and there should be.

    That's an interesting idea right there. Since infestation stops marine structures from building, why not have power "resist" infestation?

    Perhaps not making it impossible to put infestation in a room, but certainly making it harder. Maybe decreasing the radius around a cyst that infestation will spread to.
  • EmooEmoo Ibasa Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11198Members
    1. Yes, similar to how cysts aren't need around a Hive.
    2. Meh wouldn't change much
    3. YES!
    4. Meh I'd rather power nodes were fixed too not be such a liability.
    5. No. You can power up a hive room, no reason you can't cyst a powered room.

    Adding CC as power node and no 4 second reapir delay OR doubling or tripling a power nodes health is the only way I see them not being a total pain. I'd really like to see aliens go for structures other than the power node. As it is now a single skulk is much better chewing power than the arms lab, armory or proto despite them all costing way more.
  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    1. Remove power nodes
    2. Less E, more fun!

    Every iteration, from beta to release to now of the power node has introduced more gameplay gimmicks and unnecessary problems. This builds flavor is building the node to 99% so aliens can't bite it! What will be next patch? Who knows! It's a game in its self.
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