Marine structure nanite repair

WhiteWeaselWhiteWeasel Join Date: 2012-11-25 Member: 173197Members
edited February 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
A research upgrade at the arms lab for __ res.
Basically marine structures regenerate health at a rate slower than a welder. However structures can only repair them selves up to __% (maybe 25-35%; could be different for each structure) And they still regen while under attack.

It would give marines a little more time to react and not have to babysit as much.


  • GrueneMedizinGrueneMedizin Join Date: 2012-12-13 Member: 175008Members
    Sounds unnecessary. Plus it would give the marines even more room to move around freely and be aggressive instead of being pulled back by harassing skulks for example.
  • WhiteWeaselWhiteWeasel Join Date: 2012-11-25 Member: 173197Members
    Sounds unnecessary. Plus it would give the marines even more room to move around freely and be aggressive instead of being pulled back by harassing skulks for example.
    What room do they have to begin with? Aggressive? The main reasons why marines lose is too much turtling and babysitting. This would give them a bit of lenience to do something.
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