Mods can bury your thread.

SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
Apparently mods can flag your post as much as they want, thus burying your post. And now the mods are covering mods... see "New patch...?".... kinda lame?


  • PremonitionPremonition Join Date: 2013-01-05 Member: 177620Members
    Well this is a moderated board. So if a thread is degrades into something completely void any content what so over, or some kind of circle jerk, they will close your thread.

    Maybe post things meriting discussion and they won't close your threads?
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    Mods can moderate ... kinda lame?
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    there's closing a thread, and flagging someone 7 times on ur own.
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    Sampson wrote: »
    there's closing a thread, and flagging someone 7 times on ur own.

    I thought it was strange when I was warned because enough random people flagged my posts, even though the moderator could find nothing wrong with the post, and therefore could not edit its content.

    I find it even stranger that a moderator would see fit to flag something 5 times and still not edit its content. Very strange indeed.

  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    edited February 2013
    yea.. if anyone looks at the post "New Patch...?" you can clearly see that Obraxis flagged my post multiple times (when i wasnt even intentionally (as i see it, i wasn't)) saying i was trolling. this new system is flawed...
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    edited February 2013
    wish i knew how to post the picture from that thread to show that only obraxis called it a troll post and i still got like 7 or 8 flags
  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    Mods have been editing and locking threads for some time now. Action must be taken, abuse flags must be set. We can't let this injustice continue.
    Honestly though, I'd rather a moderator bury a post that they think is largely questionable, then edit it completely. That Angelusuzz (etc.) guy is an editing monster.
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    edited February 2013
    best i can do:

    from the looks of it, a mod can flag u as many times as possible... it's like editting a person's post without officially doing it
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    edited February 2013
    Jekt wrote: »
    Mods have been editing and locking threads for some time now. Action must be taken, abuse flags must be set. We can't let this injustice continue.
    Honestly though, I'd rather a moderator bury a post that they think is largely questionable, then edit it completely. That Angelusuzz (etc.) guy is an editing monster.

    If a post is flagged by multiple users and is toxic, then it must be edited. That is the whole point of moderation.

    If a post is flagged by multiple users and is not toxic, however, then the moderators should take action against the people flagging posts incorrectly, lest they be inundated with false flags which they have to sift through.

  • BacillusBacillus Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58241Members
    I'm not sure if this thread is going anywhere, but I really don't like how the mods can go past the flag rules. The flags are not a moderation tool in that sense, they're based on everyone getting one vote.

    If a mod decides to intervene, show it clearly. I'm fairly sure you've got plenty of purposeful tools for that one too.
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    strofix, you don't understand anything that has been posted.

    mods can flag you as many times as they wish (thus burying your post). if im wrong, i'd like to be corrected... but from what i've seen, that's what they can do
  • MavickMavick Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168138Members
    Interesting point raised.

    Took a look at that other thread and didn't see anything wrong with it until the post flagged 5 times only showing Obraxis, and I honestly didn't see why that post would have been flagged. Of course, flagging every post as troll after doesn't really do you any credit Sampson. Also, I'm not sure people are misunderstanding or even disagreeing with you.

    I kinda shrug at it all tho. Some boards are more heavily moderated then others. Seems like they might have added some new mods recently who might be more heavyhanded, but I'm used to shit like that honestly from gaming communities. At least this one isn't overloaded with idiots like the good ole' WoW forums.
  • BacillusBacillus Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58241Members
    Sampson wrote: »
    mods can flag you as many times as they wish (thus burying your post). if im wrong, i'd like to be corrected... but from what i've seen, that's what they can do

    I think I've seen a mod jokingly agree with his own post, so I do think they can go past some of the usual flag limitations. I wasn't particularly worried about that one, but it gets a lot more alarming if it goes to casting multiple negative votes on a post or so. It's basically a rigged vote at that point.
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    My guess is that stacking Troll flags is the only way the mods have to manually Bury a post. I would think that you would find this preferable to them simply deleting the contents of your post like they would have before though.
  • GISPGISP Battle Gorge Denmark Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27460Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Gold, Subnautica Playtester, Forum staff
    Why would be bother flagging posts at all. If we see a spammer, abuser or troll ourselfs, we deal whit it then and there.
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    The thing that still concerns me the most is not that a mod can multi-flag, but why a mod would want to.

    Mods are meant to be impartial observers. I guess they can post their opinions on certain subjects, but in my opinion that shouldn't even do that, and should instead create a smurf account for ordinary forum use. All they should do is impartially edit toxic content, and resolve disputes which are getting out of hand, either by temporary gags, or permanent bans if necessary.
    Censoring a post shows that the post is toxic and should not be seen. Multi-flagging it into oblivion is more a case of the mod disagreeing with the content and deeming the opinion incorrect enough to be buried, which goes against the impartial observer part.
  • SquishpokePOOPFACESquishpokePOOPFACE -21,248 posts (ignore below) Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165262Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Mods aren't doing enough if you ask me. I want bans and I want them now!
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    |strofix| wrote: »
    The thing that still concerns me the most is not that a mod can multi-flag, but why a mod would want to.

    Mods are meant to be impartial observers. I guess they can post their opinions on certain subjects, but in my opinion that shouldn't even do that, and should instead create a smurf account for ordinary forum use. All they should do is impartially edit toxic content, and resolve disputes which are getting out of hand, either by temporary gags, or permanent bans if necessary.
    Censoring a post shows that the post is toxic and should not be seen. Multi-flagging it into oblivion is more a case of the mod disagreeing with the content and deeming the opinion incorrect enough to be buried, which goes against the impartial observer part.

    I don't understand why you think burying a post is biased censorship but editing it is not.

    A mod should have the authority to decide that a post is a troll and should be treated as a troll, which right now means burial. The voting process is an alternative to direct moderation, not a replacement.
  • AngeluszAngelusz Harmonic entropist Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18072Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    edited February 2013
    I'm not aware of moderators being able to flag a post more than once. Personally, I'm not an avid user of the flag system - I use it only occasionally.

    Could it perhaps be a bug, that occurs if someone flags a post and then refreshes the page a few times, flagging it over and over? I'll raise a discussion in our private moderator forum about this.

    One thing I can tell you is that we don't need the flag system to moderate. We have multiple tools to clean up the forum.

    @Jekt and others; As for your comments pertaining to the way we moderate, this is no different than how it used to be and won't change, either. Yes, this is a moderated forum. Yes, we will moderate at our own discretion. Finally, No. You don't get to discuss this in public. If you have a problem with the way we moderate, contact us through PM.

    So, in short: I'll look into it. If you have any further questions, you know how to PM us.

This discussion has been closed.