
DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
Use jump pads to jump to floating platforms!

For best results stop walking on the arrow platform. If you walk over the edge before the push kicks in it's not my fault!

Combat only right now.




Very simple, should be pretty fun.

Note: Fade & marine fly a little too much sometimes, but fat gorgies were hard to accommodate for. That said I've tested every jump with everything but Fade & Lerk and you should land safely without having to change your direction.

I'm trying to make a MvM version, but I just figured out that if it isn't connected by a face to an area with a tech point, you can't build there! Does anyone know how to work around this? Or are my dreams of having this as an MvM map dashed?


  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    Also, I've tested fade, but it seems random - sometimes it works smoothly like marine, sometimes you go flying. I can't find rhyme nor reason to it.

    DarkSeraph wrote: »
    I'm trying to make a MvM version, but I just figured out that if it isn't connected by a face to an area with a tech point, you can't build there! Does anyone know how to work around this? Or are my dreams of having this as an MvM map dashed?

    Just wanted to say I might try to solve this by creating connecting faces in glass that are only 1 or 2 units wide. That way the system might think all platforms are on connected planes, even though there is no physical way to walk there.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    This might not be interesting to anyone else, but evidently you need to have a face of at least 68 wide in order to allow the commander to build. It's easily wide enough to run across as onos without falling.

    It looks like this in game:


    Someone please give me some input - is this a deal breaker? I think most people would still use the jump pads because it's MUCH faster. It's not a serious map in the first place, but is it worth making this map for MvM play if the platforms are connected?

    ...Am I just talking to myself here? :((
  • schkorpioschkorpio I can mspaint Join Date: 2003-05-23 Member: 16635Members
    DarkSeraph wrote: »
    This might not be interesting to anyone else, but evidently you need to have a face of at least 68 wide in order to allow the commander to build.

    I think you can tweak that to whatever you like if you change the path_settings entity

    Also just from the screen shots are you able to shoot the hive from marine spawn? (or is there an invisible wall there?)

  • bp2008bp2008 Join Date: 2012-11-28 Member: 173581Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    edited February 2013
    Hey, this looks cool. I was hoping for a remake of the ns1 combat map with a space ship and asteroid where falling to the bottom teleported you to the top again... but perhaps that is just wishful thinking (not really possible with current entities).

    I think there might be a special group name that makes faces no-clip. Check out the secret rooms in Official map ready rooms and try that for your connecting platforms.

    Probably won't work but worth a try.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    schkorpio wrote: »
    DarkSeraph wrote: »
    This might not be interesting to anyone else, but evidently you need to have a face of at least 68 wide in order to allow the commander to build.

    I think you can tweak that to whatever you like if you change the path_settings entity

    Also just from the screen shots are you able to shoot the hive from marine spawn? (or is there an invisible wall there?)

    From the middle of the map, it appears you can. When you are in one spawn it barely renders the middle platforms, so there is no way to shoot from spawn to spawn as you can't even see it. I can give aliens a 'shield' in front of the hive if you think that's a good idea, though I'd have to make spawns not random. It's probably not a bad idea since you can shoot both bases from the very center of the map (though it might be hard to live there long).

    For the pathing_settings which variable? There are so many - Tile size is 48 default, or maybe Region Min Size or Region Merge Size (at 20+ tile size is 68? I dunno).
  • [AwE]Sentinel[AwE]Sentinel Join Date: 2012-06-05 Member: 152949Members
    You can hit things outside the viewrange as long as there is nothing between you and the target. You don't have to see it, but it is still there. At least that is what I came to understand in one of my testmaps.
  • bp2008bp2008 Join Date: 2012-11-28 Member: 173581Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    Since the map already relies 100% on ExtraEntitiesMod, just put in a Map Settings entity and increase the draw / clip distance.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    @[AwE]Sentinel That's good to know, thanks!
    bp2008 wrote: »
    Since the map already relies 100% on ExtraEntitiesMod, just put in a Map Settings entity and increase the draw / clip distance.

    The combat version of the map does not require Extra Entities Mod, as I believe both PushTrigger and map_settings are already included in Combat mod (it's all by JimWest). The hard part will be getting these entities into MvM - I think I will need @McGlaspie 's help, but he will only have to add JimWest's code.

    Map_settings only affects draw distance except for active "models like cc, doors, but not prop_statics" (I had to ask Jim). So I could lower it, but there really isn't any reason to as there is no benefit.

    I think I will go about making a 'shield' for the hive for the alien side of the combat map - it'll be fine to have aliens static on Red side and marines static on Blue.

    Also if anyone can give me help with my path_settings question above that would be awesome. I'll test it out tonight & play with it, but if you already know that would help a lot.
  • McGlaspieMcGlaspie www.team156.com Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 73044Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Gold, Subnautica Playtester
    To make this work in MvM context, yes, I would have to add JimWest's entities mod to MvM. Although, I may be coming up with an alternative solution soon (note, maybe. I have an idea/design but no functional prototype). Hopefully, RealLife will leave me alone long enough to make it happen. *Le Sigh*
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    McGlaspie wrote: »
    To make this work in MvM context, yes, I would have to add JimWest's entities mod to MvM. Although, I may be coming up with an alternative solution soon (note, maybe. I have an idea/design but no functional prototype). Hopefully, RealLife will leave me alone long enough to make it happen. *Le Sigh*

    Ooh I'm intrigued. In the meantime I may just publish the map with a note that it won't work in MvM until those two entities are added. Assuming I can fix this path_settings thing.

    No rush - real life happens and is way more important!
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    The modId from EEM has just to be put into the other mod ids from the server and it will work then.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    JimWest wrote: »
    The modId from EEM has just to be put into the other mod ids from the server and it will work then.

    No need to add them? Excellent! I was worried there might be a conflict or something, when I had both active the extra entities stopped working.
  • 0ni0ni Join Date: 2012-08-30 Member: 156991Members
    Such a silly map but it was so much fun. Is it on the regular rotation of any NA servers?
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    0ni wrote: »
    Such a silly map but it was so much fun. Is it on the regular rotation of any NA servers?

    I've been keeping an eye out but I haven't seen any yet. Then again with votemap not working its hard for me to tell what servers have what maps.

    I honestly haven't played a full round on it yet - I want to watch EXO & Onos fly through the air!
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    edited March 2013
    @Oni So we almost tried this today on Team GG but admin changed the map right away. I'm not sure how I can get people to realize it's purely for sh!ts 'n giggles and not meant to be taken seriously.

    Maybe if I can use logic_worldtooltip in the ready room I can just remind people it's for the fun of watching onos and exo fly through the air?

    I also need to tell people to just STAND on the pad. So many newbies join and just run off to their death because push_trigger doesn't kick in fast enough - I want to warn them! I promise that the pads are adjusted to get you across if you stand on them as almost all lifeforms.
  • FlaterectomyFlaterectomy Netherlandistan Join Date: 2005-02-03 Member: 39643Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    We've played it a few times on Fail Masters outside of the usual Sunday night maptests. The map always guarantees a good amount of lols. :>
  • HowserHowser UK Join Date: 2010-02-08 Member: 70488Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Retired Community Developer
    Shits and giggles indeed... we usually have a shit load of giggles when playing it! It needs more crazy! Glass suction tubes? or moving platforms?
    More crazy combat maps please!
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    edited March 2013
    Haha moving platforms would be fun. The next silly map I had an idea for is a maze of small rooms with a teleport at each end. This could easily be a community map since everyone could design a room. I might make the only requirement for the lighting to have some blue to red difference at each end so people can kinda tell which way they are going (marine or alien).

    Yay - this map is in rotation in a Japanese server! NS2JP or something like that.

    Edit: I also just fixed the sky box on this map so that the planet is visible.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    Been a while since I've posted in this thread. The map has been updated - 'backboards' have been raised to help a bit with the flying too far. The hive has been modified to have shield on all sides so you cannot shoot from platforms or from the side of the hive.

    Aliens seem to do well xp-wise, but some teams seem to have trouble rushing the cc and end up losing due to persistent JP attacks on hive. I'd highly suggest all alien teams on this map think about using bile bomb rush to kill CC, which is really OP in my opinion but requires organization.

    I still don't think the map is very balanced, but it's a little less rapey.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    The latest patch changed movement code which has seriously affected how the jump pads work. Marines go farther than before while gorges go less far, making the adjustment to fix this very difficult.
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