Dual Minigun Exo VS Onos after Gorgeous: Exo wins?

kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members

I just played a game where we lost many Onos in 1on1 situations against dual minigun exos. Dissapointment was high because that's usually a situation the onos can win (most of the times). I think they had w3 but that's usually no problem.

Once I noticed that the Exo could move backwards while shooting me way faster than the onos (me) could keep up because I was slowed down by the "attack building" stomp when I tried to damage the exo. Normally I try to flank/circle the exo while attacking but that didn't work also when the exo was moving away from me. So the exo could maintain a good LoS and I was screwed.

So my question is: has the dual minigun exo received a buff in any way? Or is this some kind of bug? Or was it always like that and my team was just bad today?

I killed more exos as skulk that round. =)

Thx for your insight!

(Couldn't find anything about this in the forum)


  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    First off, weapons upgrades do not affect exos. Secondly, stomp has no effect on exos (please correct me if this is wrong, I'm not 100% about this).

    Retreat speed on exos has been buffed to match forward speed this patch, so the exos are able to get more shots on you before you close them down, which is likely your issue in this case. That and if you stop in front of them doing the stomp animation, you're basically giving them a free kill!
  • bongofishbongofish Join Date: 2003-08-17 Member: 19893Members
    The dual mini usually wins a 1v1 vs an Onos in my experience. Unless the Onos takes the dual by surprise and is able to circle him. Seems to me that they designed it to be a very even match in most situations.

    Also, stomp does nothing to Exos.
  • KazterKazter Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19481Members, Constellation
    This is how it was Pre-Gorgeous and is (as always) intentional. The only upgrade that affects Exos are Armor. Onos versus Exo is pretty even, because if the Onos gets in close they have the advantage. If an Onos is attacked at range, they are at a disadvantage. This is much the same of the asymmetric Alien versus Marine gameplay IE. melee versus ranged.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Exos are too expensive, too much of a risk, and too big a step to take from jetpacks. Yes, they get used occasionally. But really no one wants to take the risk.

    They need a big change imo.
  • SavantSavant Join Date: 2002-11-30 Member: 10289Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    The only thing that changed for the minigun EXO was backwards walking speed. There is no speed penalty for walking backwards as an EXO now. The only other thing is the single minigun walks a bit faster.
  • DavilDavil Florida, USA Join Date: 2012-08-14 Member: 155602Members, Constellation
    So my question is: has the dual minigun exo received a buff in any way? Or is this some kind of bug? Or was it always like that and my team was just bad today?

    Yea the backwards speed scalar was removed so it now moves at normal speed backwards. The other 2 versions of the exo suit also move faster and the claw damage was increased a good bit as well.
  • XaoXao Join Date: 2012-12-12 Member: 174840Members
    They now walk backwards as fast as they walk forwards, allows the dual to keep putting distance between him and the onos while firing, it still takes about 2 full bars and 1/4 of both after cooldown to kill an onos off.

    I think a lot of onos got away with half catching an exo who can't walk backwards at all and getting bugged hit boxes once on top of the exo causing one or both of the guns to not rego.
  • MrPinkMrPink Join Date: 2002-05-28 Member: 678Members
    Dual minigun exo trumps onos. They kill each other at almost exact equal rates but the exo almost always draws first blood due to range.
  • Know painKnow pain Join Date: 2012-09-04 Member: 157674Members
    Exo's got a buff to walk backwards just as fast as moving forward, this was allowed so they can run away but still fire. Normal marines don't have this option yet as to not enough people have complained about it.
  • BronyBrony Join Date: 2012-11-25 Member: 173165Members
    This is a bit like asking "does a skulk beat a marine 1v1?" It of course depends on the situation, in a long corridor a marine should win, as should an exo vs an onos. But if the onos or the skulk surprises the opponent and get in their face fast they usually have the upper hand.
  • Sharp-ShooterSharp-Shooter Join Date: 2011-05-11 Member: 98364Members
    Know pain wrote: »
    Exo's got a buff to walk backwards just as fast as moving forward, this was allowed so they can run away but still fire. Normal marines don't have this option yet as to not enough people have complained about it.
    are you saying marines should be able to run just as fast backwards? i hope not
  • kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members
    thank you all for the infos!

    just to make things clear: I didn't try to "stomp" the exo. It just wasn't the "horn bash" primary attack that you get vs marines but the "building smash/stomp/whatever" primary attack animation which seems to me is kind of slowing the onos down in the process.

    but now that I know that the backwards speed for all exos is now faster I see the problems I had. I thought that was only for railgun exos.

    I dunno but in my experience a 1on1 situation with a dual minigun exo and an onos would most of the times favor the onos when it used charge to get in quickly and hadn't that long distance to close in.

    with the new backwards speed of exos I see that changed to favoring exos (in open spaces) because exos can avoid damage more easily while keeping a LoS for pwning the onos. I actually like that and will flank more as an onos in my next games.
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    Does anybody else feel that exos are currently moving faster backwards than they do forward? Or is that just an optical illusion?
  • VigilantiaVigilantia Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 51Members
    |strofix| wrote: »
    Does anybody else feel that exos are currently moving faster backwards than they do forward? Or is that just an optical illusion?

    From what someone said in another thread with the same question: It's just your mind. They move the same speed back and forwards now. (Intriguing though the thought may be of a train of Exos moonwalking into the aliens base backwards).
  • BestProfileNameBestProfileName Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177320Members
    1v1 I have never (yes never) lost to an Exo, as an Onos.

    I only lose if he has a marine or two around him.

    The trick is to use your strengths against the Exo's weakness. Wait around a corner until the Exo half blows its wad with the miniguns and then rush them. If you have teammates who will listen, tell them to distract the exo.

    On Mineshaft yesterday I told my two skulks to just jump past him and leave the rest to me. By jumping past him they made him look the other way. With two JP marines there I took the exo out and managed (somehow - the marines SHOULD have finished me off) to get out with around 200HP.

    Play smart and 1 v 1 you should NEVER lose to an Exo (provided you have celerity and carapace?). I have killed Exos with one of either, though.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    You should never engage a dual minigun exo 1vs1 in a long corridor anyway.
  • DaveodethDaveodeth Join Date: 2012-11-21 Member: 172717Members
    I always thought if you engaged on the terms of your enemy then no matter what you are your going to get splatted, I know the Onos is a big fat lard bucket but even he can be stealthy.
  • Kei-chanKei-chan Join Date: 2013-01-20 Member: 180898Members
    Your onos must have been terrible, then.

    I can take out two dual minigun exos with an onos without needing a heal in between, granted I'm fighting them consecutively and not simultaneously.

    You have to remember to circle strafe, not just stand in front of them and attack; they still have to aim, even if it's not by much since you're gigantic and in-their-face, and every bullet they don't hit you with helps.
  • KoruyoKoruyo AUT Join Date: 2009-06-06 Member: 67724Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013

    Onos vs Exo is designed in favour of the onos. And from all the exo versions, the dual minigun exo is the only one where it can go either way depending on how smart or dumb one or the other engages.

    The problem is, if the onos is able to engage you from up close your damage wont be high enough, you will either have to pause or let the weapons overheat, either way you will be destroyed before you come close to killing it.

    If the onos engages from longer distance(so you have a line of sight) you can start shooting, stop for a tiny moment to cooldown the weapons a little and continue until you overheat... because the onos will take longer until it is able to make its first hit, and because it allowed you to let your weapons cooldown for a little. You should be able to do enough damage, without the chance of overheating before its dead.

    Anyway, those 1on1 situations shouldnt happen too much... you dont want your exos to run around alone, and you dont want your onos to move into engagements where a single additional marine running around the corner in a bad moment might mean death.
  • kingkrabbe.#bofkingkrabbe.#bof Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162892Members
    Kei-chan wrote: »
    You have to remember to circle strafe, not just stand in front of them and attack; they still have to aim, even if it's not by much since you're gigantic and in-their-face, and every bullet they don't hit you with helps.

    again, thanks for all the advice.

    I usually never try to engage multiple exos/marines or let them shoot me very long, I just had that one weird 1on1 where I hadn't much distance to close in to the exo (it was in south tunnels near shipping, I came out of there and that big container blocked the LoS of the exo) but when I reached him couldn't keep up with attacking it backwards retreating while shooting me. I tried circle strafing but like I said the exo was quicker backwards and could keep LoS to me.

    and maybe they fixed hitboxes and exos hurt more now, I don't know.

    I just wanted to know if anybody experienced similar situations and I think nobody has. =)
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