ResBeef Mod

RedTalonRedTalon Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 171203Members
edited March 2013 in Modding
ResBeef Mod: the Resource Tweaking mod

Version: 0.1.1

To enable tweaking of distribution of resources both teams and individuals (players) that may change the gameplay/gamefocus to something for better or worse.


I initially wanted to make a map that explores the disparity of resource when you have a situation where one side will definitely lose because they are blockaded with 1 res tower. In most cases the losing side always gives up since the winning side has 9 to 11 times more resources per tick. I thought it might help if there is a base resource production that was about 4 or 5 res per tick so resource production between the two teams will only differ by about 3 or 4 times instead of 9 to 11 times in the most extreme cases. But then I realised changing the map to have 2 or 3 res per area wouldn't work for many reasons. I mainly thought of it this way since FP maps in starcraft worked really well (FP as in fastest possible - maps, they had resource production that is as fast as possible that you might think importance of resource is being neglected but in fact it encouraged players to take advantage of this as best as they can.

Instead I thought making a mod that changes resource dependencies would work much better, plus it would be ubiquitous to all maps. I still need to see a proper match where this mod has been implemented and see what happens (not very evidence based since this isn't a scholar thingy, instead I'm just stabbing in the dark). I've inserted some variables that might be useful in most instances of changing how much resources are given per tick (tick is equivalent to 1-10 second?).

In the future I was hoping to even add system that rewards kills not to individual players but is shared among the whole team. Since it'll smooth out overpowering caused by a pro player.

Also I was considering some more functions that might change how resource is generated. Maybe teams could create a single refinery that adds 4 more res per second (can only make 1 per team), and since it is physically in the game you can destroy it which might put some importance to resources since you'll lose potentially 4 res towers if it is destroyed.

Anyway right now the code is very immature but that's how I want it initially. Since this is open sourced you could tweak it and report bugs or workable tweaks and I'll post it here. Also I'd like some feed back.

Potential affects to game:
- Faster start because teams can build up quicker
- Potential turtling (very long games)
- Easier evolution and equipment acquisition (because players always get resources equivalent to ~4 more res towers)

Link: Workshop


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