Do you like combat?



  • SidderSidder Join Date: 2012-12-23 Member: 176034Members
    mclawls wrote: »
    Used to like it a few months ago, now pretty much every time I join a combat server it's just a cluster or marines pushing aliens that don't do shit, or a stomp, generally the first one though. There's the old bunch of gorges and hydras thing, or the whole sit around the hive strategy. I guess what else can you do when the marines simply go in a giant pack, basically it's boring as hell because there is no decent combat in combat, only cluster fucks.

    This descripes about 99% of the combat rounds right now s:

    I dont know rly but I felt the maps in ns1 were like way better suited for the play of the combat, or wait was it the entire game ...

    While Ive not had the same feeling at all once on any ns2 CO_map

  • turtsmcgurtturtsmcgurt Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165456Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    i think it's due to every popular combat server being 12v12, too much chaos.
  • MestaritonttuMestaritonttu Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30229Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    I gotta say, I would love to see a game where aliens would get 2 levels, Lerk, and then ALL just camp at hive and spike away. How the hell would you win against that? :D

    P.S. Ink is OP. No, really, try fighting against an alien team where EVERYONE has ink. You cannot see anything. EVER.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited April 2013
    New Combat version is up now, we removed the Oni and exos exept for the rail gun one to test and see how it will play out, other major changes are coming soon.
    Servers should update in a min, please try it out and tell us what you think. HERE.
  • joshhhjoshhh Milwaukee, WI Join Date: 2011-06-21 Member: 105717Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    Jibrail wrote: »
    New Combat version is up now, we removed the Oni and exos exept for the rail gun one to test and see how it will play out, other major changes are coming soon.
    Servers should update in a min, please try it out and tell us what you think. HERE.

    Will try it out later. Seeing that I use combat for personal aim practice, I am willing to be I will like the changes. :)
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Jibrail wrote: »
    New Combat version is up now, we removed the Oni and exos exept for the rail gun one to test and see how it will play out, other major changes are coming soon.
    Servers should update in a min, please try it out and tell us what you think. HERE.

    I am rock hard right now.
  • derWalterderWalter Join Date: 2008-10-29 Member: 65323Members
    would like some combat servers would limit the upgrades

    i can live with mass xeno,

    but ink and devour must get outa there...
  • Marshall_DrumminMarshall_Drummin Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174115Members
    Love combat. Love how they increased skulk basic speed. Big turn off is xenocide and devour, two garbage traits that don't fit in with combat theme. Limit exos and onos more, and limit gorges. Can't really push into a hive of all gorges.
  • RegnarebRegnareb Join Date: 2007-08-26 Member: 62008Members, NS2 Playtester
    edited April 2013
    derWalter wrote: »
    would like some combat servers would limit the upgrades

    i can live with mass xeno,

    but ink and devour must get outa there...
    Love combat. Love how they increased skulk basic speed. Big turn off is xenocide and devour, two garbage traits that don't fit in with combat theme. Limit exos and onos more, and limit gorges. Can't really push into a hive of all gorges.
    How can you Devour without any Onos %D
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    How can you devour... In ns2?!

    Did I read it right that railguns are still in? Oh please don't change this before Thursday when I can next play... Pretty much the only threat to a railgun exo is the Onos!
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    @Roobubba, you never played railgun, right?
    Every fade kills you if you not hit 100%.
  • LagLightLagLight Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149708Members
    I enjoy Combat for NS2.

    Things that I enjoy about the new version.

    - Lerks are more in your face and no longer just spam gas like they did in NS1.
    - Devour is less prominent in this version.
    - Marines slowly gain and lose ground while gameplay is focused more on areas away from the hive.
    - Marines have a harder time camping the hive with faster evolution times.
    - Less base camping for either side.

    But there a few things that are really bugging me now that did not bug me in the NS1 version.

    - There is always a high number of fades on the field at the same time.
    - EXOs are great for winning games, but they can often force other Marines to be Dedicated Welders.
    - To many EXOs allowed on the field at once.
    - The brief delay before the EXO can move is annoying.
    - High level Skulks do not scale up to be as nasty as they were in NS1 Combat from what I have seen.
    - Lack of Marine weapon variety now that the HMG is gone.
    - Jet-packs do not have the vertical climbing speed that they once had making vertical maps no where as interesting.
    - Less alien evolutions to choose from now that there is only 2 upgrades per Alien aspect.
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    JimWest wrote: »
    @Roobubba, you never played railgun, right?
    Every fade kills you if you not hit 100%.

    Which is why it's important to practice not missing.

    Edit: To clarify - I use railgun exo about 10 times more often than minigun exos.
  • MestaritonttuMestaritonttu Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30229Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    Xeno does seem OP, but then again it's only great against the marine deathball. How else are you supposed to break a wall of 10 marines?

    What sucks about Xeno is that you can die without consequence and marines get no points. I think xeno should only give you points for +2 kills, 1 kill just leaving you "even"... Or something. I dunno!
    LagLight wrote: »
    - EXOs are great for winning games, but they can often force other Marines to be Dedicated Welders.
    Now that MAC's have a follow command, I think you should be able to purchase a personal MAC with 3res. Or maybe 4res, it's pretty damn OP combined with resupply and all... But should definitely be an option I think, weldering just isn't very fun but oh so necessary when there's exos about. :|
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    A friend of mine commented to be that one thing in particular annoys him immensely about combat:

    No points for doing lots of damage just before you die, then someone finishes off lifeform(s) you almost entirely killed and you don't get any points. - I'd like to see points given after death for damage you did to enemies just before they die (not sure exactly how this might work, but you guys are bright, I'm sure you can come up with something!)

    I'm sure there were a couple of other things he said to me, but that one was the big one, I think.
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