Powering Down A Comm Chair Ejects The Marine Commander

Flash8798Flash8798 Join Date: 2013-02-04 Member: 182814Members
edited April 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
While I would enjoy more of you fantastic peoples' views on this, I pose a few points to get a discussion on this topic started:

-Would encourage a commander to have either someone protecting the Main Base's power, or do so himself, and give Alien's a way of distracting and disrupting Marine Command Channels through harassing the Main Base, much like they harass Marine Squad Movement through the harassment of Resource Towers.
-Prevents an endgame situation where you have an Alien Team who wiped out every structure but also has a Troll Comm staying put in his little box while the Aliens Troll him back, instead causing upon him to help defend in a final stand situation and, if the need arises, help weld the power back and create a quicker rebound movement.
-Possibly a con due to that if he is booted out and the power is restored, he might lose the chair to another marine much in the same way that the team would simply eject him through the voting system. While not an excuse to allow this to happen, if the team lost all power in main base he probably wasn't doing that well in the first place, but I'd see room for trolls to flourish with this.
-The Main Base would, as a result become essential and a priority to defend since if power is lost at the Commander's base, he is ejected and cannot manage Map Control of his other built bases, leaving them open to attack without Observatory Beacon Aid unless some other marines at that base take the helm.
-The Alien Team doesn't really have much of a compared situation as the only way to eject the Kham is to destroy the hive itself, but Marines can recycle structures so I dunno.

I honestly don't expect this to go very far past people taking sides, but I'm taking a few minutes or so to toss this one onto the pile, but also feel it could add a viable Alien Team Tactical advantage and more options for a, by definition, hit and run team.


  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    It would close off the option of relocating to another area if your main base gets destroyed as well though... And the main base is already a huge priority to defend for marines in any case, that's why we have beacon or marines hurrying back to main base to try and save it ;)
  • TheDRTheDR Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181820Members
    A possible compromise could be to have the commander ejected when the emergency power comes online (the red lighting). Lore wise it's like the commander chair sucks the last bit of power from the room.

    It would not only allow the commander to drop a new base somewhere else or do something to try to turn the game around, it would add quite a tense moment when the commander knows that he/she is about to be booted out to an uncertain situation and possible death.
  • WakeWake Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14351Members, Constellation
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