NS2 is #15 of PCGamer's "The 25 greatest shooter of all time"
Join Date: 2003-05-11 Member: 16213Members

Obviously titles like "best x of all time!" are stupid, but never the less, it's well deserved recognition!
I only have that picture and the list at http://overpower3d.com/Articles/pcgamers-top-25-greatest-shooters-of-all-time/, anybody have the actual magazine and can shed some light on the content of the acrticle on NS2?

An while NS2 is "only" #15 on the list, it made the cover
Obviously titles like "best x of all time!" are stupid, but never the less, it's well deserved recognition!
I only have that picture and the list at http://overpower3d.com/Articles/pcgamers-top-25-greatest-shooters-of-all-time/, anybody have the actual magazine and can shed some light on the content of the acrticle on NS2?

An while NS2 is "only" #15 on the list, it made the cover

whoring for page views, sigh
5. Borderlands 2
Idk GB left a bitter taste in my mouth but does anyone think it should be this high? I mean really.
My personal list would look differently, but who cares.
I'm just happy that NS2 gets this kind of recognition and exposure.
Nice to see NS2 up there though.
oh and love this...
9 Reasons You Need to be Playing PlanetSide 2
By mike On May 12, 2013 in Articles from
Why Planetside 2 is failing
By mike On Jan 17, 2013 in Articles from lorehound.com
Make up your mind Mike, I haven't got all day!
also why is COD not #1 on that list??..................easy just kidding
Where you can review MP games and SP games, I'd bash the fuck out of some metacritic scores let me tell you
Also cool to see ns2 on the list, however how is ns1 not even in a top 10? I mean games like painkiller, ut99/2k4/quakeworld/quake 3/serious sam TSE?? How do these huge games not make the list..
A friend of mine that used to play NS2 now only plays Borderlands 2. In fact, he called Borderlands 2 the best game ever made.
This list is a good appeal to both casual and competitive gamers, and even though NS2 should be in top 3, it's still awesome that it gets recognition from FPS fans.
But really? Planetside 2 is number 3? Ahead of Q3? Really??
Oh well, I suppose everyone will have problems with any list.