this patch broke what was good about ns2
Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166229Members

way too many changes at once. it doesn't even feel like I am playing the same game anymore
Everything moves faster and everything is more fast paced.
onos in particular has way less hp. all the units feel weaker in some way.
these changes encourage players to take less risks and stick together more. which leads to zergfest pvp and not the intelligent careful play we saw before.
choosing evolutions should not cost resources for individual players
biomass is stupid idea. since the patch, 100% of games that last longer than 45 mins always end with aliens winning (see ns2stats). once they reach critical biomass there is no stopping aliens.
Everything moves faster and everything is more fast paced.
onos in particular has way less hp. all the units feel weaker in some way.
these changes encourage players to take less risks and stick together more. which leads to zergfest pvp and not the intelligent careful play we saw before.
choosing evolutions should not cost resources for individual players
biomass is stupid idea. since the patch, 100% of games that last longer than 45 mins always end with aliens winning (see ns2stats). once they reach critical biomass there is no stopping aliens.
This discussion has been closed.
Subjective my friend, everyone's definition of fun is different, so in essence can not be used in a rational argument because there's to many variables, but the game will be more liked if you kept true to its vision, never pander... stick to the idea of build and they will come.
About the OP, most of it just silly moans, but this "these changes encourage players to take less risks and stick together more", really? You saying there's too much team ups in a team game?
So you had the time before, but not now. There you go your point invalidated, also there's no such thing as a casual gamer in a inherently competitive game, if you play casually you're playing it wrong, also being something of nuisance to your team, play Sims if you want a casual game.
fast switch
gls with crosshair
flame thrower buff
All of this should have a been a no brainer. Gls were basically a pray and lob until the recent buffs.
Quick everybody, if you've ever played a 'comp game' for fun and not to win you better start uninstalling them right now! As soon as you finish the SC2 campaign you better delete your account. Don't you dare do any placement matches if you aren't interested in getting to GM level at least. Don't join a 4on4 with some of your mates because it's a waste of time. There is no place for that kinda nonsense in a competitive game. Get with it.
You ever played a console fighting game? I hope you attended MLG and put your skills on the line to try and claim 1st place. If not you may as well break that CD in half. Better not be having any fun in any fighting games with your mates on the weekends. It's all about competing!
And you other FPS players..and yes I mean even you, you CoD fanboys! No more zombie killing co-op or anything like that. Now you either play duel or standard team size. Best not be joining any larger servers for shits and giggles. Everyone knows FFA should be deleted from all FPS games because it's not competitive. No casuals, only competing.
Instantly mass-flagging him as "Abusive" and "Spam" is highly irresponsible.
People have been coming on these forums asking what this patch is, why the game is so different, offering their varied and 'Non competitive' opinions... this is valuable data, and these people are members of our community, whether they soak up a thousand forum posts or not. Greeting them at the gate with open hostility and flagging their very first posts as spam and abuse (unless they really are spamming or abusing) is immature and shaming.
Especially from people involved in and embraced by the developmental cycle of the game. Treat people with decency, at all times; especially if you're going to be seen as an advocate of growth and a representative of "The community".
Surely the lifeforms feeling weaker does the exact opposite and promotes even more intelligent and careful play?
When i played pre250 I was casual, I am still casual. Point invalidated.
One of his points was that you played casual pre b250 and learned the mechanics, you can play b250 and learn the mechanics like you did before as a casual.
The other point he made was pretty stupid.
Someone who logs in a few hours a week or whatever as a casual 'for fun' player probably feels like they are slowly learning the game over a long period of time. To have basic fundamentals like movement and watching your energy/hp to know when you should escape change drastically probably feels daunting for a lot of players in those positions. I fully understand someone saying "I don't want to re-learn this game." because of those huge changes. (And they are huge for people who don't follow the UWE website, who don't play every day and who don't play to be competitive).
I play a few other games casually with mates and I sure as hell never check their developer websites for impending changes/patches and the likes. It's actually really disappointing that all these threads about the new build end up as 'comp vs casual' or 'play the game how i want you to, not how you like to'.
Just, LOL at the people saying 24p servers, or ANY server is killing the community. People playing 24p in NS2 is basically like people playing 4on4 in SC2. They are still there playing, they are having fun and enjoying the game. They are the casual players who enjoy the game and there are probably a fair few of them who also enjoy watching NS2 comp streams. Just because they aren't all forming into 6on6 scrim teams doesn't mean they deserve to cop shit.
Sarcasm, got to love it, still the lowest form of wit, but still got to love it, but my point still stands, your effort to devalue what I said has no merit, also I think you misunderstood what I said which is fine, none of us is perfect.
I will try to get my point across again, everyone who plays this game whether public or pug, is playing at a competitive level, just because it's a lower level doesn't preclude it being competitive, and no you can not play this casually, because then you're not playing it properly, the same with Starcraft, because it's seem as a form of trolling, because you not playing the game on you own, there's a certain level of wanting to win which is needed and equals being competitive.
about your Call of Duty reference makes sense when referring to NS combat, but we're talking about the main game, which has to be played with a certain amount of competitiveness, the same with CS or Dota, the main part of the game is meant to be played competitively, hence the reason for there to be a winner and also a scoring board, but most games have a no thought, fun for all kind of modes, but I'm not talking about those modes.
About the notion of fun being used in a argument, again is pointless, it's too subjective, what you play games for is different to what other play for, hence why games can not be built around the sole idea of fun, but making a unique experience, enjoyment comes of the experience, I doubt any game developers just make games on the pure notion of fun, but more that it's a side effect of their ideas, reason why we have so many genres.
Please elucidate, what did you find silly?
Though would have been nice to ask what you lot didn't understand, instead of getting on your high horse, also a counter argument, maybe expecting too much from a forum.
That's all I'm saying, like Dota or games of similar ilk, the developers intended people to find enjoyment in the competitive aspect, also ties into how fun is subjective, I play for the challenge, but others don't.
But that's where a match making systems help inherently competitive games, but alas our player count isn't what you call vast.
The reason why I said playing casually doesn't work or how the developers intended how the game to be played.
This game is play to win, which equals being competitive, though there are modes which are just meant to be played casually like Combat(Well some do play that very competitively) and Faded.
Sure, but both this game and Football are meant to be played competitively, is the reason why most play both to win, to feed their competitive side, which fuels their enjoyment(subjective), but how angry do strangers get when they feel you're ruining their chances of winning? Quite a bit.
My point is that this game is at all levels meant to be played competitively, playing not to win defeats the reason.
You can still play a game of football with strangers and have fun. They don't need to go all out to get the win, just because there is big tournament of football out there in the world.
I never complained about balance. I do play in a competitive team and I also enjoy playing a more relaxed pub game as well. Don't see why every thread post-250 seems to turn into a stupid back and forth about people telling other people how to enjoy the game.
Of course there are casual gamers in competitive games. Just because they are in a win or lose situation doesn't mean their only drive is to win. Doesn't mean they are doing it wrong either. I guess that's the subjective thing, since I don't see anything wrong with someone saying: "I don't like to go Fade because it's no fun, I'd rather just stay skulk all game." No variables there. Same with someone who saves all his cash for rail exos. Guess he's just playing casually and how he likes, not aiming to min/max his teams effort.
Yeah, the sarcasm was pretty thick and obvious - you just kind of blew me away when you decided to tell everyone who wasn't playing to win that they were doing it wrong. Cheers for all the insults though.
I'm not interested in Apollo's response as he has managed to use large words to make little sense. Competitive gaming begins through the enjoyment of success. If you have limited methods of even small successes it is harder to enjoy.
In the end I believe it comes back to the dire need for UWE to invest time in developing some training platform. Noone will stay with such a massively complex and sophisticated game with no manual or training/ tutorials.
I disagree with that, it just means the other team is bringing their A game while you're not
I rarely bring my A game and still have a good time playing a match as long as everyone is working as a team and trying to win (and so is the other team)
starcraft 1-2
call of duty UO/2/4
counter-strike -1.6
team fortress - all
quake -all
unreal 90s/2k4/whatever
dota 1-2
league of legends
halo 2/3
gears of war 1
saints row 1
rainbow six
Yes uneven/bad matches are upsetting but it's not the fact that the game is competitive, it's just the uneven matchup; a guy on the other team can be playing like it's a LAN final, while your team is just trying to have a good time
Which you've proven my point, while people may play casually, it still doesn't remove the plain fact this game is intended to be played competitively and for the win, and about the people not going Fade or saving for Rail, do effect other people, which I've heard many times people complain about.
People's enjoyment shouldn't be of the behest of others, hence why I don't like the idea of people playing casually, even when the developers intended the game to be played competitively, in a team game, you main focus should be helping your team, or in essence it is like a minor form of trolling if you don't.
It's is so wrong that all levels people should be expected to play for the win, in a inherently competitive game, I thought that's where the fun is for people, I don't see the reason why people play to lose.
But again there are to many variables to base fun as a rationale, as you pointed out, one person may like fade, but another doesn't, hence why you don't build games on the pure notion of fun, but on the idea or ethos, because you won't please everyone, it's the concept that bring people in.
If I've seem to be insulting, then I apologies, I wasn't intending to.
My point is that at all levels it is competitive, in these type of games there is no divide, just different skill levels.
I stopped reading at the first game in your list...
Ahahahahahahahaha. Every game, gorgecomm, cara, lerk, fadeplosion,hive. SOOO FUN II: Heart of the Swarm
The first game in your list is Starcraft 1...
At this point I think the two sides are arguing about different forms of "competitive". From my side of the argument, "competitive" is akin to "progamer". No game has ever been successful focusing solely on the "progamer" types.