getting the band back together
This is mainly for EU players who may remember us from the TF2 and DoDS days. We are floating the idea of starting the GTFOGaming servers back up. NS2 is a possibility but we are in the early days of planning so far. We have resurrected the old forums again (including my old cakes that I used to make for the LANs I ran such as pac man:
and Cthulhu:
or even that cake that wasn't a lie

anyway, now ive tempted you with cakes are there any old GTFOers hanging about? Best to let it lie or start again? There are still 87,000 people in our steam group so it might be a go-er.
anyway, now ive tempted you with cakes are there any old GTFOers hanging about? Best to let it lie or start again? There are still 87,000 people in our steam group so it might be a go-er.
anyway looks like it could be fun, pity i live NOWHERE NEAR the europes
being in good ol' straya. damn those cakes look good.
Took about 3 hours and cost about 25 in materials.