"Crusader-Mode" for ns2 ?

KelmopsKelmops Join Date: 2013-08-14 Member: 186853Members, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
Hello there, im not sure if you guys are familar with the game "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" but there was a gamemode in the multiplayer i really liked, the Crusader Mode.
For all who don´t know already this Mode contained a mappool of 5 maps. There was 1 neutral map, 2 "main city or base" maps and 2 filler maps.

Let me show it to you with a little "picture" :

[Undead Maincity map] [Undead Filler Map] [Neutral Map] [Human Filler Map] [Human Maincity Map]

The Game starts on the neutral map, if you win a round your team is pushing the enemy back towards their main city. For example the humans win the first round, then the next round will be played on the "Undead Filler Map".

The Game was over if one side managed to push the enemy back to their "main base map" and win on this final map. The further you pushed the enemy the more "siderelated" the maps looked like. The undead final map was a giant necropolis :)

I would love this kind of feature in Natural Selection 2, it gives the game a greater goal and you feel like actually achieving something by winning a game.

This is my first activity in this Forum so feel free to give your opinion on this.

If this english was bad sry, but I´m german and typed it between 2 ns2 games :)


  • shriikeshriike Join Date: 2013-03-27 Member: 184461Members
    That would take some crazy modders to pull that off.
  • MururmirMururmir Join Date: 2013-08-14 Member: 186849Members
    Sounds like a nice idea but the UWE dev team is rather small in size and they usually say that they are too few to in cooperate mods etc. into the vanilla game. But you could look up modding guides and phone some friends to make your idea happen ;)

    PS: Your English’s fine, player base all around the world, use hands and feet if necessary ;)
  • GhoulofGSG9GhoulofGSG9 Join Date: 2013-03-31 Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts
    edited August 2013
    This sounds like alot of fun, in fact the most work would be to design and to create those maps, the rest could be done in 20 minutes. But as one modder needs months to create even one map there is nearly no chance that this gets realized. But otherwise i would do the mapchange script as its quiet easy.
  • xen32xen32 Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited August 2013
    Sounds like something they have in Red Orchestra, I think it was campaign mode, where winning team gets control of the sector and decides what map is next. When either side control every map, it's over.
    Really is not hard to implement, all you need is some sort of global map which shows you all official maps as sectors. Let's say at the beginning maps are spread equally among teams, god knows what decides which map is played first, but then, winning team is able to pick enemy controlled map that is next to any territory they control.
    To add meaning to territories you control, you get a little (I do mean LITTLE) advantage, like pre-built (or 99% built) powernodes on closest res nodes, or pre-spread cysts to closest nodes (these two really make sense), or 5-10 extra res at start, or any other kind of preparation that will grant you minor advantage.
    In addition, winning team might decide not to attack, but to defend their sector. Choosing to defend grants you a little more advantage in addition to owned territory advantage. In case you are defeated, you lose control there, but if you win, you get more noticeable starting advantage next time enemy attacks this map, making it even harder to regain control of global map for enemy.

    Next thing, you just disable ready room/team switch, i.e. you can only pick your team once and then game goes on and on after each map with same teams.

    OR. You can just leave no team switch and global map with winning team deciding next map features, without all the questionable map control bonuses.

    Seriously, this game needs something like this. Adding global strategy element to existing RTS elements of the game, making it look like real war between aliens and marines.
  • xen32xen32 Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited August 2013
    So, the idea is something like this:

    Basically, it's a votemap system that keeps track who was on what team and who won on what map. Territory control bonuses might be constant every time (boring) or picked by winning team from set amount of bonuses, choice might even be based on map captured. Like, after winning on summit marines can pick between prebuilt power nodes at two closest RTs, or scan at the begging of the game, that scans one random spawn, possibly revealing alien hive or at least marking safe location and on veil you get to pick from different bonuses. So when you lose one map and aliens are attacking one of your maps, you get some slight starting advantage. And if you get to win, you pick next map and so on until campaign is complete.
  • Side1Bu2Rnz9Side1Bu2Rnz9 Join Date: 2012-10-16 Member: 162510Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited August 2013
    Only downside to this is that people will feel inclined to stay on their original team... Which could mean 5 or more games playing back to back alien, or marine. This then leads to team imbalance possibly winning the day. I really like the idea though!
  • GeekavengerGeekavenger Join Date: 2012-08-31 Member: 157117Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I feel like this would be awesome however I see one major problem. Time. If a single match can last upwards of 50 minutes then using standard NS2 Maps and gameplay would make this crazy long, even ignoring both the added incentive to turtle and the back and forth W/L that could occur. Keeping an organized team playing that long is impractical, keeping a Pub game with a functioning team going that long is almost impossible.

    I would suggest a change to standard game play and unique maps that cater to faster games might make this worth while.

    Another idea (one that would amplify the time issue, not resolve it): Alien Territory is already infested (Possibly with Structures already built), Marine Territory already has critical buildings built Armory, Arms Lap, extractors etc. To counter this I think having a really strong bonus to the winning team would make sense. Upgrades from the last map researched or choice of early game buff (Health/Speed/Res Collection rate etc.)

    Regardless this feels like it would be an AWESOME Mod if anyone has the time and inclination to take it on.
  • FrozenFrozen New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation
    This gave me a great idea for a tournament though. Well it's really basically this idea.

    If teams can sign up for a cup between seasons where you can choose to join as either Marines or Aliens, and only play as that side. It would be hard to get an even number of teams on each side, but if you do this and cycle through maps from neutral to alien sided or marine sided depending on the first victory, it might make for very interesting games!
  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    Easy: Make a server side mod that keeps track of map rotation. Win or loss decides about the next game. If you win in the final map, a special victory screen is displayed.
  • FrozenFrozen New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation
    Easy: Make a server side mod that keeps track of map rotation. Win or loss decides about the next game. If you win in the final map, a special victory screen is displayed.

    Yea and just make it so that the teams stay the same automatically for the next map, but of course new players in the middle of a round can join.

    Throw in some of those adorable story pop-ups like in Xenoswarm and you've got yourself the closest semblance to single player/co-op that natural selection will likely ever see
  • xen32xen32 Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I feel like this would be awesome however I see one major problem. Time. If a single match can last upwards of 50 minutes then using standard NS2 Maps and gameplay would make this crazy long

    Well, you don't have to play through whole session.
    Take Arma Capture the Island for example. Games lasts for days. You just hop in whenever you like to help your favourite side.
    Same goes for Planetside and Red Orchestra's Campaign mode. Of course, if you are so dedicated, you can play from the very start to the very end, but this is not required.

    Modes like this just add some more depth to ordinary gameplay.
  • GhoulofGSG9GhoulofGSG9 Join Date: 2013-03-31 Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts
    edited August 2013
    As promised here is the source for mapchange etc: https://github.com/BrightPaul/Shine/tree/Crusader-Mode/lua/shine/extensions/crusadermode


    ForceTeams : Should Teams stay the same over rounds blocks also rr by F4
    "map1", -- alien base
    "map3" -- marine base

    Rest should explain itself

    Commands :
    sh_resetteams (!resetteams in chat) : deletes teamlists
    sh_changelevel <mapname> (!map in chat) : change map to given mapname (is from the basecommand plugin)

    If you have any questions just ask, futhermore anyone is free to modify the code to his/her needs i will gladly merge pull requests.
  • UncleCrunchUncleCrunch Mayonnaise land Join Date: 2005-02-16 Member: 41365Members, Reinforced - Onos
    Kelmops wrote: »
    Hello there, im not sure if you guys are familar with the game "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" but there was a gamemode in the multiplayer i really liked, the Crusader Mode.
    For all who don´t know already this Mode contained a mappool of 5 maps. There was 1 neutral map, 2 "main city or base" maps and 2 filler maps.

    Let me show it to you with a little "picture" :

    [Undead Maincity map] [Undead Filler Map] [Neutral Map] [Human Filler Map] [Human Maincity Map]

    The Game starts on the neutral map, if you win a round your team is pushing the enemy back towards their main city. For example the humans win the first round, then the next round will be played on the "Undead Filler Map".

    The Game was over if one side managed to push the enemy back to their "main base map" and win on this final map. The further you pushed the enemy the more "siderelated" the maps looked like. The undead final map was a giant necropolis :)

    I would love this kind of feature in Natural Selection 2, it gives the game a greater goal and you feel like actually achieving something by winning a game.

    This is my first activity in this Forum so feel free to give your opinion on this.

    If this english was bad sry, but I´m german and typed it between 2 ns2 games :)

    You're late son.
    This idea has already been submitted on NS1.

    1 : One of the main problem is that you can't use original maps like that.
    If you have a alien friendly map used for this "territory fight" you will have problems using these map as casual/single. This would need development to at least patch maps. I mean making a different version of the original map to be A or B friendly. Then comes the balance issue. as pointed out by Mururmir. Dev team is small. So the modders will have to be "on their own".

    2: You can end up in the "back and forth" syndrome.
    This would ultimately require a tool to save the state of the war in order to continue next week end... Or a system that determine winning even if game isn't finished yet. Yes the almighty timer/score. It has flows.
    @xen32 have pointed out the attack/fortify system which can add to this.

    My question is:
    For that kind of project you need people.
    Many Mappers, Some Map testers, 1 Programmer, 1 Project manager
    And a really good definition of what mappers should do.

    There's always a lot of people that will say "yeah cool idea", but won't get in. Then you have the one that get in but don't do much. and you end up alone. You always have a lot of problems.

    Are you willing to put some time in this ???

    I can help. PM me.

  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    edited August 2013
    There's a solution to this. Two, actually:

    1) Make every map neutral. This avoids back-and-forth. No additional work required.

    2) Give the defending team an advantage by granting them certain tech/more bases/more harvesters in the beginning.
  • xen32xen32 Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited August 2013
    This is going to need some sort of 3d map that kinda explains connections between existing NS maps.

    Something like this, only good:


    You know, some good 3d icons that outline the map/facility action takes place in. Some connections might be shown, i.e. ships flying between descent station and docking, moving elevator between mineshaft and tram, trams going to/from refinery, etc.

    So, this map can act like new ready room for crusader mode that loads after every match or something.
  • KelmopsKelmops Join Date: 2013-08-14 Member: 186853Members, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2013

    You're late son.
    This idea has already been submitted on NS1.

    1 : One of the main problem is that you can't use original maps like that.
    If you have a alien friendly map used for this "territory fight" you will have problems using these map as casual/single. This would need development to at least patch maps. I mean making a different version of the original map to be A or B friendly. Then comes the balance issue. as pointed out by Mururmir. Dev team is small. So the modders will have to be "on their own".

    2: You can end up in the "back and forth" syndrome.
    This would ultimately require a tool to save the state of the war in order to continue next week end... Or a system that determine winning even if game isn't finished yet. Yes the almighty timer/score. It has flows.
    @xen32 have pointed out the attack/fortify system which can add to this.

    My question is:
    For that kind of project you need people.
    Many Mappers, Some Map testers, 1 Programmer, 1 Project manager
    And a really good definition of what mappers should do.

    There's always a lot of people that will say "yeah cool idea", but won't get in. Then you have the one that get in but don't do much. and you end up alone. You always have a lot of problems.

    Are you willing to put some time in this ???

    I can help. PM me.

    Jeah, you´re right. At the moment it´s just an idea and to actually create this mod I´ll need a team. The problem is that I´m alone atm just as you mentioned, and I decided to visit school again for 2 years. ( I wanna visit university afterwards) I hope that sentence makes any sense : )

    I really like creating thinks,but my time is quite limited right now. I started to create a map with the editor, but it´s in Pre pre pre alpha state atm.

    If someone knows how to use the editor, I would appreciate your help.
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