He's the cancer of NS2 because he plays on 24-person servers? Well, that escalated quickly xD ...
Also Mavick's server lags like crap every so often (1-2 minute intervals), no offense to him because I'm sure the hardware is fine. There's some problem with this patch that causes occasional lags which are very noticeable. This didn't happen before, or not nearly as badly. I think it starts really crapping out when the massive nade spam commences, so it might have to do with nade prediction.
With cluster grenades (?) or whatever the hell is coming in "reinforced" (252) I really hope they've done something to address that issue. That, or make the "official maximum" of players 18-20. Personally, I prefer 18-player servers, but there pretty much are never any that are actually populated. 16-18-20 were never popular even around release, so I doubt it'll magically happen now that 200 people are playing in the US at peak -_- ...
[quote="OnosFactory;2141448"Like the Total War series - we won't be stung that many times in a row - watch RTW2 fall over sales wise, it is because we just don't trust you anymore. [/quote]
Not sure if insane or incredibly fucking stupid if you think TWR:2 is gonna flop, if the same attention to detail from Shogun is put into Rome it'll stay in the top 20 or even 10 for the next 3 years, especially with workshop support.
Why doesn't this "get rid of +20 player servers" ever stop? Nobody is forcing u to play on them so deal with it or just stfu for crying out loud. Bad perfomance? how's that "bad performance" is any of ur fucking business if u don't play on them? The enjoyment of playing with high player count seems to be so much higher than on low player count servers that ppl are willing to deal with some lag. I'm sorry if ur small player count servers are empty, but people should have a freedom to decide where they play and not being forced to play 6v6 by some kids who are mad that their -20 player servers are empty.
If ppl are willing to pay a price of lag to play on +24 server, what does that mean? IT MEANS 6v6-10v10 SUCKS! PLAYERS HAVE SPOKEN.
Sweetspot for this game by ENJOYMENT seems to be 24-34 players according to majority of players DESPITE THE LAG so deal with it or gtfo.
dePARAJoin Date: 2011-04-29Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
Players have spoken, lol, good joke.
In the EU we have an good mix between 16 to 24 slot servers.
Saying that 24 slot servers keeping the game alive is pure nonsense.
Some of the most played servers in the EU are 20 and below.
And im sure 80% of the players on theses 24 slot servers playing there cause they have no alternative.
This is an US phenomen mostly btw.
These servers are longer filled cause they reach the sweetspot where an server die later (around 8-10 player)
People joining servers with players on it. They would do that with only 20 slot servers also.
Its interisting btw that the country with the most NS2 players has no real vital clanscene.
Maybe cause the EU players learn the game on smaller servers wich fit more to the the 6v6 format.
But thats only very speculative.
Foolish replies here, the same type of foolishness and arrogance driving this game to the ground. Anyone thinking this game needs more 24-32 slots of are ignoring the needs and direction of the game.
You think people are going to attempt to seed EMPTY 18-20 slot servers when these 24 slots are populated for the wrong reasons?
A hard-cap on 18-20 should be the catalyst for balance changes. This should be an official developer response to this madness. You leave the community to make their own servers and rules, then all balance and design expectations for this game are thrown out the window. COD Black Ops 1 is an example of how a shit community ruins a game by introducing that type of freedom.
24/7 Nuketown (small map) with 32 players. Not only a huge clusterfuck, but also a plague that infested the server-browser with tons of 24/7 32player Nuketown servers. That was the only damn type of server and map that the game had available most, if not every day.
Move onto Black Ops 2, no more player-hosted dedicated server hosting, but the game is no longer a cluster-fuck. A developer-enforced move due to Black Ops 1 not being played the way the developer intended. It still uses dedicated servers for matchmaking, but it does not utilize a server-browser. Yet the game is still more financially successful, fun, and popular than Black Ops 1, most notably in balance.
Standards is something this game desperately needs. As long as player numbers remain unrestricted, and out of whack, balance will never have a meaningful focal point on which to establish those proper standards for gameplay.
As long as player numbers remain unrestricted, and out of whack, balance will never have a meaningful focal point on which to establish those proper standards for gameplay.
So balance for 20 players. Then the game will be enjoyable from 16 to 24 players which will apply on the preference of most players.
Why doesn't this "get rid of +20 player servers" ever stop? Nobody is forcing u to play on them so deal with it or just stfu for crying out loud. Bad perfomance? how's that "bad performance" is any of ur fucking business if u don't play on them? The enjoyment of playing with high player count seems to be so much higher than on low player count servers that ppl are willing to deal with some lag. I'm sorry if ur small player count servers are empty, but people should have a freedom to decide where they play and not being forced to play 6v6 by some kids who are mad that their -20 player servers are empty.
If ppl are willing to pay a price of lag to play on +24 server, what does that mean? IT MEANS 6v6-10v10 SUCKS! PLAYERS HAVE SPOKEN.
Sweetspot for this game by ENJOYMENT seems to be 24-34 players according to majority of players DESPITE THE LAG so deal with it or gtfo.
I personally try to seed -20 servers. If I am alone no one joins. If I can invite 3 people to join, for a total of 4 seeders, the server fills up. It is either that or go play on a 24 man server. I do play on them because they are there and I don't have time to seed. I would bet a lot of people play there also because they don't want to or cant seed.
So ... some student intern guy from France ruined your game ... all that progress made in fps and we sacrifice it on more speedy models ... May as well call the game "NS2 - AMD vs Intel."
Like the Total War series - we won't be stung that many times in a row - watch RTW2 fall over sales wise, it is because we just don't trust you anymore. Guess you could get away with another couple of games, but the damage has been done, just ... disappointing.
PS4 here we come ... at least that runs ddr5 main memory. Just ... so sorry for you. Truly.
Ps4 does not use ddr5 memory. It uses gddr5. Source. Gddr5 is also just bandwidth optimized ddr3 at the cost of latency. Source: Google it.
Why doesn't this "get rid of +20 player servers" ever stop? Nobody is forcing u to play on them
we have 3 options:
1) join one of these 24 player servers
2) sit in an empty smaller server and wait ( you may never actually play a game )
3) exit the game and go play something else
but to be fair the problem with balance has almost everything to do with nonsensically asymmetrical skill requirements
the only thing player counts really kill at lower levels of play are the respawn rates
Why doesn't this "get rid of +20 player servers" ever stop? Nobody is forcing u to play on them
we have 3 options:
1) join one of these 24 player servers
2) sit in an empty smaller server and wait ( you may never actually play a game )
3) exit the game and go play something else
but to be fair the problem with balance has almost everything to do with nonsensically asymmetrical skill requirements
the only thing player counts really kill at lower levels of play are the respawn rates
1) is out of question for me.
2) most of the time as well.
3) saddens me but is what I usually have to resort to if I can't find a somewhat filled server after refreshing the server browser for 10 minutes.
A global lobby chat in the main menu would help a lot, so we could actually coordinate with other players to meet up and seed an empty server without sitting there alone all day long.
A hard-cap on 18-20 should be the catalyst for balance changes. This should be an official developer response to this madness. You leave the community to make their own servers and rules, then all balance and design expectations for this game are thrown out the window. COD Black Ops 1 is an example of how a shit community ruins a game by introducing that type of freedom.
Standards is something this game desperately needs. As long as player numbers remain unrestricted, and out of whack, balance will never have a meaningful focal point on which to establish those proper standards for gameplay.
Agreed but a bit too late now. I never liked the two extremes and felt UWE should have stepped up and officially said this is the player number we will focus on/support and endorse and everything else should be given a warning of bad quality game play like on tf2 when you step into a 32p server. Oh well maybe 252 will have sweeping changes that fixes a few of the problems.
Foolish replies here, the same type of foolishness and arrogance driving this game to the ground. Anyone thinking this game needs more 24-32 slots of are ignoring the needs and direction of the game. .
Demand and supply, it doesn't matter what any 1 person thinks, they are born because there's a demand for them.
You think people are going to attempt to seed EMPTY 18-20 slot servers when these 24 slots are populated for the wrong reasons?
Why should they be seeded? They will get seeded if ppl enjoy 18 slot servers, if they think 18p sucks they remain empty. What are those wrong reasons? enjoying playing the game how they like to?
Go seed ur 18p servers to get them populated instead of making stupid self centered posts here.
24/7 Nuketown (small map) with 32 players. Not only a huge clusterfuck, but also a plague that infested the server-browser with tons of 24/7 32player Nuketown servers. That was the only damn type of server and map that the game had available most, if not every day.
Maybe ppl like clusterfucks? who are u to decide for ppl what they should like or not? It seems to me only fool here is you, trying to force ppl to like same things as you do.
When ppl buy this game i think they have right to choose in what kinda server they play without some dickheads trying to force them seeding their low playercap servers.
Again people. Go seed ur 18p servers or stfu. U will fail in ur attempt to destroy large servers, they are here to stay. UWE will not anger half the playerbase just because couple of ppl are raging on forums how nobody plays 9v9 with them.
Even if I don't like it, I'm with VittuLima on this one. I know it's crazy but ppl just seem to enjoy clusterfucks where all you ever do is point your gun in a general direction and something will get hit, because the whole map is stuffed with players. It was the same thing wiht BF3 and 24/7 64pl Metro servers. Thinking of the greande spam, I wonder how 34-32 servers will work once grenades (or even worse: cluster grenades) will hit the floor! Six marines team up, throw their grenades into the room and proceed on scorched earth... Well, we'll see.
Anyway, the point is: all these people play on these servers because they seem to enjoy it. Or maybe they started playing on high player servers when they bought the game (because more is always better, right?) and are now too set in their ways to actually think for one second and realize the folly they fell for... The point is, when UWE will restrict player counts to 24 it will harm the community way beyond the point any imbalance between 12 and 24 servers ever could. Just think of the rage!
I don't think it would solve anything, only make things worse.
1) UWE will never restrict player counts to 20 on a server.
2) 24 player count servers will always remain the most popular.
Deal with it.
You can argue about the reasons why, but all you do is argue on what you *THINK* is better. So either deal with it or don't play public NS2 period. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean most other people don't.
Also, I guarantee you that theoretically if UWE ever did restrict player server count (which they won't ever), it would make the peak player count per day of NS2 drop faster than a rock thrown in a lake.
dePARAJoin Date: 2011-04-29Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
UWE is still trying to balance the game, thats what this thread is about.
Balancing a symetric game like CoD or BF3 is much easier than balancing NS2.
The sweetspot for balance is around 16-18 slots atm.
You want super large awesome 64 slot servers? well, stop whining about balance then.
Play on these servers and live with 85% marinewins.
If we didnt had this variation of serverslots im sure we had a much better game these days.
You want super large awesome 64 slot servers? well, stop whining about balance then.
Play on these servers and live with 85% marinewins.
I'd just like to point out that Aliens have just as high of a win rate on 24 player servers compared to smaller servers. It is a myth that Marines become "all powerful" with more players.
Why do some like to dictate what others should do?
Look some don't like big servers but others do, there's plenty of choice and options are always good, uwe shouldn't place an artificial limitation on the amount of players a server can have, 32 has always been standard anyway and we don't even have that, sure balance for however many players you think is best but take the cap off, all it does is force a limit on other that shouldn't exist, if some want to play on unbalanced and laggy servers so be it, it does no harm and who knows what mods may take advantage of its, some could easily have 32+ on bigger maps etc so stop with the childishness and let others play how they want.
Personally, I don't mind 16-24 servers. The issue with higher population servers is that the server performance goes right to hell for anything higher than 8v8. Often times I can't tell whether I died because the enemy was more skilled or the server lagged/died from performance. It also becomes a giant cluster of 5 fades vs 4 Exos and jetpacks. Fun, hectic and insane, but I'd rather not have ALL my games be that way. They serve a niche that I enjoy.
On the other hand, 16v16 games are nuts. Maps weren't designed for that many players at a time.
Why do some like to dictate what others should do?
Look some don't like big servers but others do, there's plenty of choice and options are always good, uwe shouldn't place an artificial limitation on the amount of players a server can have, 32 has always been standard anyway and we don't even have that, sure balance for however many players you think is best but take the cap off, all it does is force a limit on other that shouldn't exist, if some want to play on unbalanced and laggy servers so be it, it does no harm and who knows what mods may take advantage of its, some could easily have 32+ on bigger maps etc so stop with the childishness and let others play how they want.
Pure speculation and no basis at all on your reasoning. You have no idea what people find fun, and labeling something fun simply because it's populated is irrelevantwhen the community literally has NO sense of choice at all.
Speculate all you want, but I'll put it simply:
1.) Restrict player count down to a max of 20. COD did something similar from 32 players to 18players, and no, no one fucking raged. And if they did, no one noticed. Who's the minority now?
2.) Bring back Focus/Acid-Rocket as 3rd Hive abilities worthy of crowd-control against these cluster-fuck'd games as well as a new Marine movement I discussed in a similar thread
3.) Spend additional time brain-storming ideas to balance the game to 20-24 players.
24-slots and how they began spreading is no longer relevant. What is relevant is that the balance of this game isn't centered around 24-slots.
As long as nothing is addressed, the problem will always be choice.
Seeding an empty 16-18 slot server isn't a choice, it's desperation.
Like a kid looking for candy from a shelf of 3 baskets. The 2 baskets that are empty held the best tasting candy, and all that remains on the 3rd basket is a 'sub-par'-tasting brand of candy. He's not gonna wait until the 2 baskets fill up with good candy. He's just gonna settle for what's given, because he's desperate for candy.
Players like me are FED UP with 24 slots because WE HAVE NO CHOICE.
Guess what, there are actually people who don't enjoy 24slots! And to tell those players to "deal with it?" and that it's doing no harm whatsoever, or that people are OBVIOUSLY enjoying 24-slots because it's populated?
Such 'articulation' is only made by the unhelpful, the nonsensical, and the irrational, diseased scum.
Don't fucking tell us to deal with it. 700+ Hours of this game is enough to "deal with it." Now is the time to lay some fucking standards around here because this last patch all but amplified the problem.
Pure speculation and no basis at all on your reasoning. You have no idea what people find fun, and labeling something fun simply because it's populated is irrelevantwhen the community literally has NO sense of choice at all.
So neither do you and it's irrelevant anyway, the fact is they are being played and many do like them, there's plenty of populated -20 servers if you prefer!
As long as nothing is addressed, the problem will always be choice.
Seeding an empty 16-18 slot server isn't a choice, it's desperation.
Players like me are FED UP with 24 slots because WE HAVE NO CHOICE.
Guess what, there are actually people who don't enjoy 24slots! And to tell those players to "deal with it?" and that it's doing no harm whatsoever, or that people are OBVIOUSLY enjoying 24-slots because it's populated?
Seriously are you just trolling? How can you not see the flaws in your argument?
Anyway boohoo so what if you feel that way, it doesn't change the fact there are plenty of populated -20 servers around, just looking at the list proves it, yet you go on about having no choice, seriously? and at the same time you want to take away ours, pathetic!
Regardless of all the bitching about slots and comp games v pub ..
The fact of the matter is .. balance should scale
@Zomb3h 24 slot server are always populated for a few reasons
1. If a team ragequits .. there's still enough to have a decent game (6v6) .. so server won't empty as quick as lower slots .. and people will join and it'll fill back up (rinse and repeat)
2. Most people will sort servers by players so find a server with players to join .. higher numbers appear first in the list
These are the only reasons 24+ slots are populated over the lesser slotted server .. as the number suggests .. 1. is the main reason
It takes about 10 minutes to seed a 16player server and it will stay active until there's one round that destroys a team (stacking on the other side, troll comm, rage quits etc etc) .. then that'll be it for that server until a group of friends want to get on a server together or someone seeds it again..
24 slots are a cross between co_ and ns2_ and there's a bit of anonymity in them .. personally I suck and have horrible aim.. if I joined a 12 player server.. I'd just feel so bad for my teammates and worse when we lose :P .. at least with more players (16 is my sweet spot :P ) .. the bad players (ie. me) can get carried a little and get a bit of enjoyment out of it
.. on another side note .. ns2_tanith .. put it on your servers guys
Like the Total War series - we won't be stung that many times in a row - watch RTW2 fall over sales wise, it is because we just don't trust you anymore.
Not sure if insane or incredibly fucking stupid if you think TWR:2 is gonna flop, if the same attention to detail from Shogun is put into Rome it'll stay in the top 20 or even 10 for the next 3 years, especially with workshop support.
100% agree with XAO
Other then the 1year per turn everything they have done is right on the money. There are so many new well thought out features in the game that add just that little more depth to it. The multiplayer removed the avatar system from shogun2 which is what hurt it and introduction brackets so nubs aren't fighting pro's. Unless they're selling a game that is fundamentally broken colonial marines anyone? I can't see it being anything thing a huge success. As always they will over sell the AI and diplomacy but at higher levels the diplomacy will always be overly aggressive towards the player other wise you'll just be able to face roll through the campaign. The big leap in Rome2 is that at normal levels the AI won't treat you any differently from the other fractions which should be a big boost for the majority of players.
It's funny how I get disagrees to saying that 24 players have Aliens win just as much as smaller servers. I guess those people don't look at ns2stats. *cough* go look up the stats Zomb3h.
Also Mavick's server lags like crap every so often (1-2 minute intervals), no offense to him because I'm sure the hardware is fine. There's some problem with this patch that causes occasional lags which are very noticeable. This didn't happen before, or not nearly as badly. I think it starts really crapping out when the massive nade spam commences, so it might have to do with nade prediction.
With cluster grenades (?) or whatever the hell is coming in "reinforced" (252) I really hope they've done something to address that issue. That, or make the "official maximum" of players 18-20. Personally, I prefer 18-player servers, but there pretty much are never any that are actually populated. 16-18-20 were never popular even around release, so I doubt it'll magically happen now that 200 people are playing in the US at peak -_- ...
Not sure if insane or incredibly fucking stupid if you think TWR:2 is gonna flop, if the same attention to detail from Shogun is put into Rome it'll stay in the top 20 or even 10 for the next 3 years, especially with workshop support.
If ppl are willing to pay a price of lag to play on +24 server, what does that mean? IT MEANS 6v6-10v10 SUCKS! PLAYERS HAVE SPOKEN.
Sweetspot for this game by ENJOYMENT seems to be 24-34 players according to majority of players DESPITE THE LAG so deal with it or gtfo.
In the EU we have an good mix between 16 to 24 slot servers.
Saying that 24 slot servers keeping the game alive is pure nonsense.
Some of the most played servers in the EU are 20 and below.
And im sure 80% of the players on theses 24 slot servers playing there cause they have no alternative.
This is an US phenomen mostly btw.
These servers are longer filled cause they reach the sweetspot where an server die later (around 8-10 player)
People joining servers with players on it. They would do that with only 20 slot servers also.
Its interisting btw that the country with the most NS2 players has no real vital clanscene.
Maybe cause the EU players learn the game on smaller servers wich fit more to the the 6v6 format.
But thats only very speculative.
Anyway, back to topic now
Fades are op
Would leave few 18 slots which aint full however.
Yeh I assume 20+ are popular because it requires less brainpower, teamwork and tactics thus 'balancing' the game.
You think people are going to attempt to seed EMPTY 18-20 slot servers when these 24 slots are populated for the wrong reasons?
A hard-cap on 18-20 should be the catalyst for balance changes. This should be an official developer response to this madness. You leave the community to make their own servers and rules, then all balance and design expectations for this game are thrown out the window. COD Black Ops 1 is an example of how a shit community ruins a game by introducing that type of freedom.
24/7 Nuketown (small map) with 32 players. Not only a huge clusterfuck, but also a plague that infested the server-browser with tons of 24/7 32player Nuketown servers. That was the only damn type of server and map that the game had available most, if not every day.
Move onto Black Ops 2, no more player-hosted dedicated server hosting, but the game is no longer a cluster-fuck. A developer-enforced move due to Black Ops 1 not being played the way the developer intended. It still uses dedicated servers for matchmaking, but it does not utilize a server-browser. Yet the game is still more financially successful, fun, and popular than Black Ops 1, most notably in balance.
Standards is something this game desperately needs. As long as player numbers remain unrestricted, and out of whack, balance will never have a meaningful focal point on which to establish those proper standards for gameplay.
So balance for 20 players. Then the game will be enjoyable from 16 to 24 players which will apply on the preference of most players.
I personally try to seed -20 servers. If I am alone no one joins. If I can invite 3 people to join, for a total of 4 seeders, the server fills up. It is either that or go play on a 24 man server. I do play on them because they are there and I don't have time to seed. I would bet a lot of people play there also because they don't want to or cant seed.
Ps4 does not use ddr5 memory. It uses gddr5. Source. Gddr5 is also just bandwidth optimized ddr3 at the cost of latency. Source: Google it.
we have 3 options:
1) join one of these 24 player servers
2) sit in an empty smaller server and wait ( you may never actually play a game )
3) exit the game and go play something else
but to be fair the problem with balance has almost everything to do with nonsensically asymmetrical skill requirements
the only thing player counts really kill at lower levels of play are the respawn rates
1) is out of question for me.
2) most of the time as well.
3) saddens me but is what I usually have to resort to if I can't find a somewhat filled server after refreshing the server browser for 10 minutes.
A global lobby chat in the main menu would help a lot, so we could actually coordinate with other players to meet up and seed an empty server without sitting there alone all day long.
Agreed but a bit too late now. I never liked the two extremes and felt UWE should have stepped up and officially said this is the player number we will focus on/support and endorse and everything else should be given a warning of bad quality game play like on tf2 when you step into a 32p server. Oh well maybe 252 will have sweeping changes that fixes a few of the problems.
Really? I'd imagine not many people give a flying fuck about clan games.
Demand and supply, it doesn't matter what any 1 person thinks, they are born because there's a demand for them.
Why should they be seeded? They will get seeded if ppl enjoy 18 slot servers, if they think 18p sucks they remain empty. What are those wrong reasons? enjoying playing the game how they like to?
Go seed ur 18p servers to get them populated instead of making stupid self centered posts here.
Maybe ppl like clusterfucks? who are u to decide for ppl what they should like or not? It seems to me only fool here is you, trying to force ppl to like same things as you do.
When ppl buy this game i think they have right to choose in what kinda server they play without some dickheads trying to force them seeding their low playercap servers.
Again people. Go seed ur 18p servers or stfu. U will fail in ur attempt to destroy large servers, they are here to stay. UWE will not anger half the playerbase just because couple of ppl are raging on forums how nobody plays 9v9 with them.
Anyway, the point is: all these people play on these servers because they seem to enjoy it. Or maybe they started playing on high player servers when they bought the game (because more is always better, right?) and are now too set in their ways to actually think for one second and realize the folly they fell for... The point is, when UWE will restrict player counts to 24 it will harm the community way beyond the point any imbalance between 12 and 24 servers ever could. Just think of the rage!
I don't think it would solve anything, only make things worse.
1) UWE will never restrict player counts to 20 on a server.
2) 24 player count servers will always remain the most popular.
Deal with it.
You can argue about the reasons why, but all you do is argue on what you *THINK* is better. So either deal with it or don't play public NS2 period. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean most other people don't.
Also, I guarantee you that theoretically if UWE ever did restrict player server count (which they won't ever), it would make the peak player count per day of NS2 drop faster than a rock thrown in a lake.
My sweetspot is 18, not too much, not too litte.
Balancing a symetric game like CoD or BF3 is much easier than balancing NS2.
The sweetspot for balance is around 16-18 slots atm.
You want super large awesome 64 slot servers? well, stop whining about balance then.
Play on these servers and live with 85% marinewins.
If we didnt had this variation of serverslots im sure we had a much better game these days.
I'd just like to point out that Aliens have just as high of a win rate on 24 player servers compared to smaller servers. It is a myth that Marines become "all powerful" with more players.
Look some don't like big servers but others do, there's plenty of choice and options are always good, uwe shouldn't place an artificial limitation on the amount of players a server can have, 32 has always been standard anyway and we don't even have that, sure balance for however many players you think is best but take the cap off, all it does is force a limit on other that shouldn't exist, if some want to play on unbalanced and laggy servers so be it, it does no harm and who knows what mods may take advantage of its, some could easily have 32+ on bigger maps etc so stop with the childishness and let others play how they want.
On the other hand, 16v16 games are nuts. Maps weren't designed for that many players at a time.
Pure speculation and no basis at all on your reasoning. You have no idea what people find fun, and labeling something fun simply because it's populated is irrelevantwhen the community literally has NO sense of choice at all.
Speculate all you want, but I'll put it simply:
1.) Restrict player count down to a max of 20. COD did something similar from 32 players to 18players, and no, no one fucking raged. And if they did, no one noticed. Who's the minority now?
2.) Bring back Focus/Acid-Rocket as 3rd Hive abilities worthy of crowd-control against these cluster-fuck'd games as well as a new Marine movement I discussed in a similar thread
3.) Spend additional time brain-storming ideas to balance the game to 20-24 players.
24-slots and how they began spreading is no longer relevant. What is relevant is that the balance of this game isn't centered around 24-slots.
As long as nothing is addressed, the problem will always be choice.
Seeding an empty 16-18 slot server isn't a choice, it's desperation.
Like a kid looking for candy from a shelf of 3 baskets. The 2 baskets that are empty held the best tasting candy, and all that remains on the 3rd basket is a 'sub-par'-tasting brand of candy. He's not gonna wait until the 2 baskets fill up with good candy. He's just gonna settle for what's given, because he's desperate for candy.
Players like me are FED UP with 24 slots because WE HAVE NO CHOICE.
Guess what, there are actually people who don't enjoy 24slots! And to tell those players to "deal with it?" and that it's doing no harm whatsoever, or that people are OBVIOUSLY enjoying 24-slots because it's populated?
Such 'articulation' is only made by the unhelpful, the nonsensical, and the irrational, diseased scum.
Don't fucking tell us to deal with it. 700+ Hours of this game is enough to "deal with it." Now is the time to lay some fucking standards around here because this last patch all but amplified the problem.
So neither do you and it's irrelevant anyway, the fact is they are being played and many do like them, there's plenty of populated -20 servers if you prefer!
Seriously are you just trolling? How can you not see the flaws in your argument?
Anyway boohoo so what if you feel that way, it doesn't change the fact there are plenty of populated -20 servers around, just looking at the list proves it, yet you go on about having no choice, seriously? and at the same time you want to take away ours, pathetic!
Reread what I said, fucking illiterate.
The fact of the matter is .. balance should scale
@Zomb3h 24 slot server are always populated for a few reasons
1. If a team ragequits .. there's still enough to have a decent game (6v6) .. so server won't empty as quick as lower slots .. and people will join and it'll fill back up (rinse and repeat)
2. Most people will sort servers by players so find a server with players to join .. higher numbers appear first in the list
These are the only reasons 24+ slots are populated over the lesser slotted server
It takes about 10 minutes to seed a 16player server and it will stay active until there's one round that destroys a team (stacking on the other side, troll comm, rage quits etc etc) .. then that'll be it for that server until a group of friends want to get on a server together or someone seeds it again..
24 slots are a cross between co_ and ns2_ and there's a bit of anonymity in them .. personally I suck and have horrible aim.. if I joined a 12 player server.. I'd just feel so bad for my teammates and worse when we lose :P .. at least with more players (16 is my sweet spot :P ) .. the bad players (ie. me) can get carried a little and get a bit of enjoyment out of it
.. on another side note ..
ns2_tanith .. put it on your servers guys
The game needs to be balanced for whatever slot-amount is being played. Period.
Why? It's pointless to go any further, your reasoning is flawed and anyone with half a brain can see it.
I don't mind, as long as it has players on it.
100% agree with XAO
Other then the 1year per turn everything they have done is right on the money. There are so many new well thought out features in the game that add just that little more depth to it. The multiplayer removed the avatar system from shogun2 which is what hurt it and introduction brackets so nubs aren't fighting pro's. Unless they're selling a game that is fundamentally broken colonial marines anyone? I can't see it being anything thing a huge success. As always they will over sell the AI and diplomacy but at higher levels the diplomacy will always be overly aggressive towards the player other wise you'll just be able to face roll through the campaign. The big leap in Rome2 is that at normal levels the AI won't treat you any differently from the other fractions which should be a big boost for the majority of players.