Skill tracking
Join Date: 2013-04-07 Member: 184678Members
I understand that the new skill tracking is not finished, however I have a few questions.
From what servers do they gather data?
-I heard someone say that moded server data is not included.
--If this is true, is there or will there be a whitelist for server mods?
---I play mostly KKG which has admin mod, spectator lights, and ns2 stats
----do these for example disqualify gameplay?
Will we be told how skill is decided?
-I understand that this might encourage people to skill whore.
--maybe skill whoring isn't bad if it encourages proper play...
---- not just K/D
Will servers be able to set their skill indicator based on desired skill level, or will it simply be based on the players in game...
- would be cool to have a progress bar where desired skill is set in yellow and current skill is in green...
--maybe if current skill>desired skill the excess is shown in red...
---thus if there are pub stompers on a rookie server it would show as red
Does UWE stats intend to replace ns2stats?
-will it have breakdowns of individual rounds.
-will it show who and how many times I killed or was killed by so and so
--or will it be simply a mechanic for the server skill bar
My idea for the server browser skill bar(drawn on iPhone)

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From what servers do they gather data?
-I heard someone say that moded server data is not included.
--If this is true, is there or will there be a whitelist for server mods?
---I play mostly KKG which has admin mod, spectator lights, and ns2 stats
----do these for example disqualify gameplay?
Will we be told how skill is decided?
-I understand that this might encourage people to skill whore.
--maybe skill whoring isn't bad if it encourages proper play...
---- not just K/D
Will servers be able to set their skill indicator based on desired skill level, or will it simply be based on the players in game...
- would be cool to have a progress bar where desired skill is set in yellow and current skill is in green...
--maybe if current skill>desired skill the excess is shown in red...
---thus if there are pub stompers on a rookie server it would show as red
Does UWE stats intend to replace ns2stats?
-will it have breakdowns of individual rounds.
-will it show who and how many times I killed or was killed by so and so
--or will it be simply a mechanic for the server skill bar
My idea for the server browser skill bar(drawn on iPhone)

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-in super effectives intel video.
Why the hell would you skill w**re? To get higher epeen? In a game like ns2? Sry too busy building clog phallus in crevice. :P
I'd prefer only kdr working as the stat. I still stand by my argument that it's the only stat people really care about. Nobody whines about how many games you've helped your team win. Just doesn't happen. But I guess it's an unpleasant truth or something.
Speaking of assists and kdr:
Can you please give an option to remove "assists" from score board? As a comm it's a HUGE bummer to check kdr to decide who gets the first personal MAC, when the assists are messing up the stats table.
The only flaw I see with it is that you gain the same skill no matter who you play against, good/bad. Not an issue if you play in the same server with the same people every night though.
In a perfect scenario it should be straightened out over time. 1 round you play against players below your skill and get a higher skill level for that round, and the next you play against players above your skill, resulting in a lower skill level for that round.
Of course you could cheat the system by playing on rookie servers only, but then you wouldn't care for matchmaking anyways.
Whereas in the real world I've got rounds where I got over 1000 skill points and honestly I swear everyone on the server was awful, and I see others have played gathers (where I know full well what the quality of play will be like) and their score is terrible, because they don't have a constant stream of floor skulks feeding them kills constantly...
There needs to be a modifier in the equation that scales the skill according to the mean or median skill of the server as a whole, such that comp games and gathers give a higher skill rating than green farming on UWE official servers.
Something like:
current skill score * (median skill score of the server/1000)
should do it.
I would treat gathers seperately.
Competitive matches don't need a skill system at all, because the teams are already seperated through divisions.
Or, even better: Make kills versus good players count more than versus bad players. E.g. If I kill you, I get a dozen points, but if I kill a rookie, I get close to none.
Of course then nobody could know beforehand if a server is too high or too low for them, because all the scores are personal... Unless there'd be some kinda magic saying that "hey, the guy you're playing with now did really bad on this server, and since he's kicking your ass, you'd prolly do bad on that server too, so imma put that server "high skilled" 4u".
...I should be a project leader or something, I'd love to see programmers try to figure out what the hell my assignments mean.
Fair point. At the minute, gathers are definitely included in the stats, as are games on the NSL match servers.
They shouldn't be, I agree!
Pro kills noob. 150/1000*8=1.2
Noob kills pro. 1000/150*8=53
Noob kills noob. 150/150*8=8
Pro kills pro. 1000/1000*8=8
This would encourage people to play against better players as killing a better player yields more, this could cause people to grow and get better as players
OTOH comp players in pub games definitely need to be shown as high skill one way or another, though theoretically they should end up with high skill anyway if they play pubs reasonably often.
This is cause its new an the needed data is missing and it seems that its based on an relative simple formular.
Cause this fact a weekend rookie can have the same score like an DIV1 veteran.
So clanplayers MUST go pubstomping or the system will never know who is a pro.
some people get near the top because they kill millions of noobs on newbie servers. that only skews the entire point of the skill rank.
you should get few points from noobs, loads of points from higher ranking players and invert that pattern for deaths. at the start it's skewed because noobs and veterans are equally placed, but higher points = higher stakes so it gets harder the higher you get.
Anyway, the tl;dr is that this is a work in progress and the data isn't actually used to do anything yet. Of course feedback is always very welcome especially because there's lots of room for improvement.
Yeah, server mods prevent the stats from showing up. Shine Admin does for example. Plus it seems the site doesn't recognize the server port the info is coming from.
Just K/D doesn't make a good player. People suiciding on harvesters can be as useful to the team as someone with a good K/D, even more if the good K/D guy is just camping base doing nothing else.
Generally, measuring indviduals in a team game is hard. Seriously, you can go from anywhere like 50/0 to 20/10 in another match just because of the circumstances of the game. In one you just sit there and baserape newbies, and in the other you actually have to play, like try to save phasegates and potentially dieing a few times in the process, but at least you ensured that your team holds a key position.
Relative points is a start, but, there is also the same issue. Game is very situational. It technically also needs to take these into account. What about classes/equipment? It's so much easier to get kills as onos, fade or lerk compared to skulk. Or what about Dual-Exo vs JP/Shotgun vs Rifle Marine?
Or what about a well-executed attack, gorge player goes suicide on a base with a skulk or two, killing the power and maybe some buildings and essentially winning the game or doing a great deal for your team.
What about coms? So a bad com, that goes and builds turrets in every room, and doesn't support this troops nor communicates them is better because his team still manages to win vs that alien com that actually tries to give/orders support and has a smart build order as well tries to make tactics, but fails because the team is full of bad players that refuse to listen?
It's not simple. Simple will be a flawed system.
About ranking comms, that's easy. You win the game or you don't. Of course you could have something fancy, like counting the odds you got based on the skill of your teammembers.....yeah we're gonna be waiting on that one for a while.
what about commander gets 0 point influence while in the comm chair..
everyone actively playing gets skill ranking points based on position on the scoreboard (MVP's are almost always the better players) / time spent playing.
i know it can still be abused/farmed - but this system imo is much better than KDR which is a meaningless stat... the best marine in the world isn't going to get a reasonable kdr when he has 0 upgrades and a crap team against a team of fades.
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Forgive the drawing, can only do so much with an iphone..