Unbalanced onos groud slam damage(message to uwe developers).
Join Date: 2013-01-04 Member: 177497Members
Well, the radius is way too wide and the damage is way too high. Combined with skulk xenocide its insta exo welders kill. Also. xenocide damage is too high too. Not many people are using it but when 2 skulks use xenocide + 2 onoses use ground slam its almost imposible to go throw or to protect arcs. Before there was no slam damage and, for example, grounded jet marine can get an onos hit and get up and fly away. Now he gets onos slam damage + onos hit and it often leads to infantry portal. Aliens have way to much aoe attacks. Lower slam damage and radius to 2/3 and it's ok. Lol, and btw, before when onos use seismic attack u r grounded but no dmg - it's ok. But now.. is it damage from falling? armor is THAT heavy?
xD srsly this fantasy tips aren't for this game.

And barely anyone is using xenocide (as you said), so I don't really see a problem here.
The real solution would be simply, do not let the aliens get that 3rd hive. Once they have it, the marines are on a very real timer before the alien late game tech gets out, and they are able to crush bases more easily. 3 hive aliens are not meant to be balanced, they are meant to end the game. (or put extreme pressure on marines to take a hive down, and do it before they lose to ticking time bomb that is the hive3 abilities)
btw- you can dodge onos stomp fairly easily, as it has travel time on top of the animation "spin up". The radius is not really that wide and you can usually strafe jump out of the way before getting hit.
P.S You can jump over stomp
Imma go rethink how I should live life.
Also xeno is bext siege breaker in the game, lets see the whole team respawn off their precious 4 ips.
If the Aliens are this coordinated then you deserve to die.
Its not the holidays yet but I think I hear a song coming. 12 days of Christmas ns2 style.
Also the xeno visual does not give any indication how large the radius is so you can know in the future how far to stand to be safe - you are just damaged by this invisible magic damage cloud..
Implying that xeno should be balanced with grenades. Xeno is a late game ability while grenades can be cheaply researched in the opening minutes, and marines can use grenades without killing themselves. I think it's perfectly fair that xenocide is stronger than grenades.
That being said, the cluster grenade could definitely use some damage tweaking
So then why don't Marines get an "I Win" button when they max out their skill trees
Because they don't need one... have you ever heard anyone complain about "alien turtling?" Marines are more than capable enough to take down a hive just with shotties, jps, and upgrades.
Not to mention that ARCs are pretty much an "I Win" button if the marines are fully teched.
Asymmetry. And they do, to some extent (as long as they retain sufficient map control/ are actually winning).
Essentially things like ARCs and Exosuits accomplish the same crushing power that hive 3 aliens have. Marines have never had issues ending games because of the way the alien tech tree works- the state of the power of the new hive 3 aliens is relatively new in NS2 and it was a welcome change. Marines previously (when the hive 3 abilities were weak/ irrelevant) could turtle indefinitely and it was nothing but a giant waste of time for both parties involved. Now it just works both ways, maxed aliens are quite powerful and able to win games, while aliens on 1 hive are relatively helpless against marines on late game tech and lose quite easily.
While it's quite hard and in some cases almost impossible for marines to come back after aliens get three hives, the same can be said of marines if they're allowed to tech fully while holding the alien's third hive location. A full tech marine team is certainly more dangerous than an alien team stuck on tier 2. The difference is that, in general, time and resource income are the only limiting factors for marine tech advancement, whereas aliens require holding several specific map locations. There's a clock on both ends. If you start to fall behind and let the enemy get ahead of you, well, you're going to be at a disadvantage. If the game didn't work that way it couldn't really call itself an RTS.
PS: flamethrowers kill bile bombs in mid-air. Some food for thought for the next time you're protecting an arc push.
Go up against an entire team of marines by yourself and stomp all you want. They will still kill you. Just like an ARC or exo push, you need a team effort to make it work.
Also, stomp is fairly easy to dodge. There is a very noticeable, drawn out animation, and it travels along the ground. Just jump at the right time.
You shouldn't have abilities that help win games count against the person that uses them...
In the context of the thread (ending games) arcs in combination with JP marines/ exos are pretty much an i-win mechanic against hive1 aliens.
especially in sight of the new skill ranking, which primary factor is the K/D
But you see your overall K/D there. Thats enough for many player to change their playstyle...
Teamwork OP in a team-based game?
Nerf teamwork, please.