@Roobubba your right hearing people say...
"you f***ing idiot f***, what the f*** are you f***ing thinking? Get your f*** ass to f***ing sub sector right f***ing now you f***ing idiot!!!
...is clearly a sign of advanced intelligence. (This is not an exaggerated representation of some players)
@ztrain My point is that you are complaining to the community and developers, not to the server operators. You bought the game, but they bought the server. Therefore this is not the correct forum to effect the Change you seek. Feel free to rent a server and operate it as you see fit or contact the server admins to receive clarification on why you were kicked.
The fact that you argue that there is no such thing as profanity makes me sad for you. I hope you win the lotto because growing up and entering the business world is going to be very interesting. And I sympathies for you future children, there is nothing sadder then seeing a 5 year old dropping the f*bomb in front of their parents.
I actually have a bachelor's degree from an esteemed university and I am employed full time. Next.
Never had this happen to me on ns2. BF3 however, multiple times. For some reason its okay for the soldiers to shout out countless vulgar things about getting shit pushed up their ass but saying the word "f*ck" in chat is deemed offensive.
Then again I don't tend to really swear much. BF3 just caught my by surprise as "what the f*ck" got me a few warnings there for being offensive. Even argued with an admin back then why it's okay for the in-game soldiers to shout vulgar words but not cool for players to say similar things. Reply was something along the lines of: "think of the children!"
Just do it the battlestar way, frack it all!
Personally I find it totally normal to curse in online gaming. If you can't say the situation is FUBAR then frack me sideways that's just not fracking fair!
Might wanna specify for the times you edit posts on here.
I actually follow that rule universally, even in these forums, (notice how often i bother with language filter bypassing?) but i am also not the only admin on these forums.
Hostile behavior should be distinguished from vulgar expression - one "plays well with others" and allows for a communicative environment, the other does not.
I edited the post anyhow to clarify i was speaking about in game only, however, as you had a good point, thanks!
Well, I called @BobRossTheBoss an asshole today in a game, and gosh I dunno what I'd have done if I couldn't have. Whew... Saved coworkers and family members a lot of verbal abuse.
I'm personally fine with swearing, but if people run servers I don't have a problem with them doing whatever the hell they want to do with them either. That's kind of the point of having your own server.
With the "official/ranked" setup that UWE has coming up though, this might be an issue that should be thought about. Inflation of score if you play on servers with bad players, or where good players are banned, and deflation of score if you only play with competent players (e.g. "gathers" - do those even still happen?). Speaking of which, another issue with the "skill" rating is that a certain score on a "losing" team is "worth" a lot more in skill than a certain score on a "winning" team.
I also saw some server with "no exo/no onos" yesterday which was quite entertaining. Reminds me of "no using noob tube as primary weapon" in battlefield games and "knife and pistol only" servers in bf2142 for stat/score padding and medals... Didn't really care, but a "ranked" environment unfortunately brings a boatload of issues with it, because it assumes a level playing field.
Also... mods :-D . E.g. I played some server back in the day which had a mod that forced damage numbers off. Really interesting simple change that changes the entire game... but is playing on that worth the same as playing on a non-mod server? How about pink skulks, texture mods, model mods, other mods, etc. Is there going to be a "whitelist?" I think there already is, but if more mods appear it might be a bit painful and controversial to be maintaining it and draw the line.
Imagine how BORING it would be if people wouldn't get offended by all kinds of words and concepts.
People who get offended - I just LOVE you guys! :x Because if the world was full of people like me, man, NOBODY would be having any fun verbally, lemme just say that.
I do. Sometimes a little more colour for emphasis is required, sometimes not. Having more words in your vocabulary is important, but a blanket statement that people who swear are less intelligent is factually incorrect. There are cretins around who do only use the word that looks like 'ducking,' and use it liberally and without thought. The downside there is that they lose emphasis and impact, and also restrict themselves to just one swear word.
Now sure, I don't necessarily need to use the phrase 'knob cheese' during my description of reviewer #3 of our latest manuscript describing the structure-guided design of a novel class of enzyme inhibitor for cancer, but it is both accurate and cathartic.
TL;DR: People who use broad generalisations are ducking imbeciles. (see what I did there? )
PS That last sentence is tongue in cheek, in case any of you hypersensitive types needed clarification .
Might wanna specify for the times you edit posts on here.
I actually follow that rule universally, even in these forums, (notice how often i bother with language filter bypassing?) but i am also not the only admin on these forums.
Hostile behavior should be distinguished from vulgar expression - one "plays well with others" and allows for a communicative environment, the other does not.
I edited the post anyhow to clarify i was speaking about in game only, however, as you had a good point, thanks!
Dammit man I wasn't trying to make a good point, I was trying to be a smartass!
As a server admin I like to remind people to try to keep the language clean. Purely because we want to make our server a friendly lovely happy place. The odd bit of swearing here and there is part of life, really. But excessive swearing isn't necessary and I will kick people who are clearly trying to be offensive if they ignore warnings to clean up their speech/text
To be fair to server admins though, they pay for and run the servers and are entitled to ask people not to swear. How they deal with people who choose to ignore them is up to the discretion of each person. I like to think most people would warn the offenders first, although this probably isn't always the case.
Someone who supports the server monetarily banned you? You should get the sand out of your... nethers, and move on. Don't be a fascist by forcing someone who doesn't have to put up with you how to run a server they support that you don't.
Getting to play on a server is a privilege, not a right.
Opinions and morals aside, an admin can kick you if he wants, if you do not agree with this, take it up with them.
Closing topic.
Might wanna specify for the times you edit posts on here.
I said a swear word and got banned. Not TOWARDS anyone. But, please continue. As per "4chan". You sound mad bro.
I actually have a bachelor's degree from an esteemed university and I am employed full time. Next.
Come on...
Next. I-)
Then again I don't tend to really swear much. BF3 just caught my by surprise as "what the f*ck" got me a few warnings there for being offensive. Even argued with an admin back then why it's okay for the in-game soldiers to shout vulgar words but not cool for players to say similar things. Reply was something along the lines of: "think of the children!"
Just do it the battlestar way, frack it all!
Personally I find it totally normal to curse in online gaming. If you can't say the situation is FUBAR then frack me sideways that's just not fracking fair!
Hostile behavior should be distinguished from vulgar expression - one "plays well with others" and allows for a communicative environment, the other does not.
I edited the post anyhow to clarify i was speaking about in game only, however, as you had a good point, thanks!
With the "official/ranked" setup that UWE has coming up though, this might be an issue that should be thought about. Inflation of score if you play on servers with bad players, or where good players are banned, and deflation of score if you only play with competent players (e.g. "gathers" - do those even still happen?). Speaking of which, another issue with the "skill" rating is that a certain score on a "losing" team is "worth" a lot more in skill than a certain score on a "winning" team.
I also saw some server with "no exo/no onos" yesterday which was quite entertaining. Reminds me of "no using noob tube as primary weapon" in battlefield games and "knife and pistol only" servers in bf2142 for stat/score padding and medals... Didn't really care, but a "ranked" environment unfortunately brings a boatload of issues with it, because it assumes a level playing field.
Also... mods :-D . E.g. I played some server back in the day which had a mod that forced damage numbers off. Really interesting simple change that changes the entire game... but is playing on that worth the same as playing on a non-mod server? How about pink skulks, texture mods, model mods, other mods, etc. Is there going to be a "whitelist?" I think there already is, but if more mods appear it might be a bit painful and controversial to be maintaining it and draw the line.
People who get offended - I just LOVE you guys! :x Because if the world was full of people like me, man, NOBODY would be having any fun verbally, lemme just say that.
I do. Sometimes a little more colour for emphasis is required, sometimes not. Having more words in your vocabulary is important, but a blanket statement that people who swear are less intelligent is factually incorrect. There are cretins around who do only use the word that looks like 'ducking,' and use it liberally and without thought. The downside there is that they lose emphasis and impact, and also restrict themselves to just one swear word.
Now sure, I don't necessarily need to use the phrase 'knob cheese' during my description of reviewer #3 of our latest manuscript describing the structure-guided design of a novel class of enzyme inhibitor for cancer, but it is both accurate and cathartic.
TL;DR: People who use broad generalisations are ducking imbeciles. (see what I did there?
PS That last sentence is tongue in cheek, in case any of you hypersensitive types needed clarification
Dammit man I wasn't trying to make a good point, I was trying to be a smartass!
To be fair to server admins though, they pay for and run the servers and are entitled to ask people not to swear. How they deal with people who choose to ignore them is up to the discretion of each person. I like to think most people would warn the offenders first, although this probably isn't always the case.
Admins on servers get to make the final decisions regarding bans. If you have an issue with a specific ban let the server admin know.
Opinions and morals aside, an admin can kick you if he wants, if you do not agree with this, take it up with them.
Closing topic.