Cysting into locker through wall.



  • MaxAmusMaxAmus UK Join Date: 2003-12-26 Member: 24779Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Bug or not, this is something that can be good or bad for games, from a alien POV its good as if you cant get into a location and marines are ignoreing that point of the map, then why not? some say its unfair, but really if marines are locking things down and playing well, the alien team wouldnt get to the point off this at all.

    From marines POV its cheap and annoying as at times you cant be at all locations at once and if the alien comm echo whips in most "smart" marines go right for the cyst to stop the whip from attacking, but with the cyst on the other side off the wall most and hard to get to if the whips block + if they add a shade to the other side then you have no choice but to shoot the whip giving aliens time to regroup and attack.

    Alien tactic
    Marine Bug
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