NS2WC 90%+ Funded! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Impossible is nothing. With two days to go, the Natural Selection 2 World Championship is 91% funded.Over the weekend, Reddog, Wasabione, Zefram and others made a huge push and brought in several thousand more dollars. Help push this baby over the line, and give NS2 players all over the planet the chance to compete at the highest level! http://www.gofundme.com/ns2worldchampionship …
Not wear bright orange pants....ever? (j/k
Performance, Hugh. Performance.
If this happens I'm going to get me some outrageous trousers.
Also, love this guys' donation text:
A mod spotlight, focusing on all the awesome mods and maps out there.
No, I didn't introduce a new typo. It's HUGE.
Haha ye I saw that too and wanted to post it here but you were faster. Epic text.
Just throwing some ideas out there
And I know during the last Invitational, there were some EU teams not involved in the tournament that were there in the audience--perhaps they could be included in the festivities, as well (and @blind was there, but not casting, what's up with that!?).
I'm suggesting this because, if I recall correctly, I think @Hugh mentioned that there will be no fan art, face painting, etc. this time around? So there needs to be some filler: and what better way to kill time than watch some more NS2. It'll also help to retain viewers who aren't too familiar with the game; as soon as a round ends, viewership will dip--that's a given. If you assault the audience with non-stop NS2 action, however, they'll be more likely to stick around.
Just my thoughts
EDIT: P.S - I totally forgot. Is UWE planning for a Free Weekend/Steam sale to coincide with the Twitch frontpage broadcast? I think that would be the most logical time to have one.
EDIT #2: And how could I forget. What @Squishpoke said 3 posts below this one is a huge aspect that's been missing at the past 3 major LAN events (2012 Euro Open, 2013 Invitational, 2013 Euro Open). We absolutely need team interviews and post-game analysis of games (even pre-game analysis, to show possible strategies that might be employed). Even at a LAN event, these teams and players still exist pretty much only as their in-game personas. We hardly get to meet them, to see them other than the general 'stand by' overhead camera view that surveys the entire room.
Sure we got a little bit of Bitey and Scrajm pre and post-game last time, but what about in between rounds? There were 14-16 players there, but we only actually got to hear from 2 of them (maybe 3, I don't recall if Fana got any airtime... I might be thinking of their match against Exertus). Ask the teams what they think went wrong, what they think went right. Get rid of the fan art, get rid of the face painting, get rid of sv_cheats 1 Exo vs. Onos, and you'll have over an hour to kill. You're advertising this event as for the players and the community. Prove it. The teams should be getting almost all of the air time, whether it be gameplay or otherwise.
Show the viewers that there are actually people playing this game, and not automatons, as one might assume based on their marine aim.
heh, thats me :P
I agree, it would be a great idea to give the viewers more NS2. A brief breakdown and explanation of how the game is played for the new viewers, an in-depth discussion on maps and strategies, and maybe some background history of competitive NS2. Some clips of Red Dog's roundup would be cool, too, especially the highlights from this season.
@WasabiOne wears similar pants to @Hugh's bright orange pants.
Lerk tramp stamp.
If anything, the very first person to donate should be rewarded, not the very last.
In the end: it's going to hit the goal at this rate. There's no further incentive needed.
Going to be an awesome tournament!