The "What I want to see" thread!
Fluid Core
Join Date: 2007-12-26 Member: 63260Members, Reinforced - Shadow

We already have a "fact and speculation" thread... But what about all the things we don't know but would like to see? Call it suggestions if you will, but I feel there is a great void in the forums right now!
I want to see caves... Underwater caves... Dark, omnious places where you can lose yourself in if you are not careful, and if you get too far whatever contact you might have with the outside world will start to break, static and magnetical anomalities breaking compasses... And then you get to a huge bioluminary mushroom forest inside the cave... Stuff like that.
Would also like to see the submarines be highly customizable so you can fit them for different tasks. Arms for picking things, drones for getting into small places. Different size hulls for being able to push through smaller places (in caves) that bigger ones can't reach... Basically, a lot of freedom with how you can build your submarine and fit it for different tasks. There should be vastly different needs and specifications for a near-surface sub where there are still light from the sky, and there are day and night cycles, and a depth exploring craft with the permanent nights and high pressures.
I want to see caves... Underwater caves... Dark, omnious places where you can lose yourself in if you are not careful, and if you get too far whatever contact you might have with the outside world will start to break, static and magnetical anomalities breaking compasses... And then you get to a huge bioluminary mushroom forest inside the cave... Stuff like that.
Would also like to see the submarines be highly customizable so you can fit them for different tasks. Arms for picking things, drones for getting into small places. Different size hulls for being able to push through smaller places (in caves) that bigger ones can't reach... Basically, a lot of freedom with how you can build your submarine and fit it for different tasks. There should be vastly different needs and specifications for a near-surface sub where there are still light from the sky, and there are day and night cycles, and a depth exploring craft with the permanent nights and high pressures.
I like this idea.
And of course easter eggs. Lots of easter eggs. Looking forward to the hidden achievement "find all 7 gorges".
You'd assemble submarines instead of rockets, would explore the ocean instead of the solar system, and during EVAs you wear a diving suit instead of a space suit. Your base would be either at the shore, or, even better (because you don't have land this way), some afloat station-thingy. You could set up bases on the ground of the ocean.
This is actually a pretty awesome idea. Especially if it's all first person.
Or i wont be playing it.
Mechanazi-Zombiesharks with Superheropowers
SuperPowerrangerMechanazi-Zombiesharks .... on RAILS
Sharkskelletons (who would expect a underwatergame without sharks)
First i would prefer to see what kind of direction they want to head into, before i can clear up my mind of what i want to see :P
Underwaterdungeonkeeeper ? Dive&Conquer Red Alert ? SubmarineCraft ? Su-Swim-doku ?
Damn, you beat me to it
(A patch of infestation, with a bunch of alien structures on the ocean floor (rare easter egg) something along those lines
You mean few things more terrifying than the ocean at night....
What really interests me is the chance discover unusual lifeforms and watch their behavior in a realistic habitat. Creatures need to interact with each other in more interesting ways than the typical predator vs prey/ fight or flight behaviors.
I'd also like to see more distinct behavior patterns for each type of creature. Are they territorial or free roaming? Social/pack animals? Are they Nocturnal? etc etc etc
With sandbox worlds the devil really is in the detail. If this is done right it would bring the world to life and create epic and surprising unscripted events that would spread the word of the game far and wide... or maybe I've just watched too many nature programs.
I hate to be pessimistic but I guess what we'll actually get is a bunch of pretty floating things and with all the character and intrigue of your average drifter....
So something I'd definitely like to see is being able to cruise the seas and tracking down long lost shipwrecks, then searching them extensively for valuable artifacts (while dealing with certain threats?).
Here are a few clips from it. The Last one has one badass ....submarine spaceship thingy.
I can promise you, we want to make all things matter and be interesting to interact with. How much we'll succeed in that, we'll see.
We obviously need a deadly Giant Squid (or two{hundred}) as well
I am sure most of us can recall the first time we played Half-life 1, sure the AI was very good on a functional level but it also had a sense of character and fun about some of the features (roaches been scared of light, hound eye idle interaction, NPC alliances etc) which I think was core to its success. I was reading a interview with far cry 3's lead AI programmer where he said people view half-life with rose colored glasses as far cry had 4 states of awareness, simulated senses, positional awareness bla bla bla... Shame it lacked any sense of being dynamic, random or having character. Watching a panther pounce on tapir is all well and good but that was literally the only interaction i saw (30 times) between none enemy NPC's.
Here's to dreaming!
Steve, Cory make it happen
Full use of the environment. Underwater is an amazing setting with many unique or special characteristics that can and should be used to their full potential. It can be compared to space, but in almost every way makes for a much more compelling gameplay.
The Surroundings
Water is more or less murky. Even in clear water, you can not see things very far away, and as a result need to explore more then observe to find things. In space, there is no sound at all. Water, on the other hand, transmit sound better then air, and typically carry much more sounds then we are used to hear over the surface. You can fairly easily move up and down in water. As such, things are all around you. This is not something we are used to, the majority of our information come more or less from one plane rather then from every direction.
The Behaviour
Commonly, under water is compared to zero-gravity. This is a good approximation, if you are a uniform body with the buoyancy of water. Heavier objects sink, and lighter float toward the surface. While this seem obvious, it extends beyond that simple fact, when you consider that even objects with the same buoyancy as water very seldom are uniform. Fish typically have one "up" side where their swimming bladder is, which causes them to move easier at a certain depth rather then up or down. The same would be very true for submarines, and it would be very interesting if it could be kept in mind when constructing your submarine. For example, if your submarine were cylindrical, it would be immersive if it were easier and quicker to surface if you not only increased your buoyancy, but also shifted it to make sure one of the ends rose first, to greatly reduce your drag. Space doesn't have drag, you can use any shape that you want. In water, that is another aspect you need to keep in mind.
The Playstyle
This is where things start to get more subjective. Personally, I greatly enjoy to be able to customize things to great extents, to be able to support less common, or odd, playstyles. I hope that we are able to build our own submarines, and that there are pretty much no boundaries on what can make. Many designs would naturally be highly dysfunctional or even unusable, but that's where the fun come in, to designs something yourself, thinking about what properties you value the most and try to get those as good as possible, but balance to not lose too much of something else. There could easily be multiple ways to play the same game; explore to be able to build better submarines, or build submarines to be able to explore better. With enough options, parts and materials to play around with, I could easily spend much more time designing submarines then actually using them, and I would enjoy it.
I probably forgot a bunch of things I had thought of... But then, there is room for more posts
Also: subaquatic volcanos!