FFS, I'd love to record in game if it was interesting at some point. The fact there aren't any program able to convert the file into a viewable one is just too bad.
I don't see the point of recording in game since every single update makes it unviewable.
Try OBS (Open Broadcast Software). Set to 30 fps, I sit comfortably at 120fps and don't drop a beat.
FFS, I'd love to record in game if it was interesting at some point. The fact there aren't any program able to convert the file into a viewable one is just too bad.
Shadowplay is a goodstuff for that ... if you got an Nvidia spec .
Basicly, we don't have Tastosis in ns2. Also, people who don't give a shit about competitive gameplay, or try to understand the game will always be there to disregard games likes these, the same way most of us shake our heads when someone starts ranting about their pubplay being bad in a random way. So let's try to just remain glad and optimistic that our competitive scenes exists, and whats to come in next few months.
There was so much more content this weekend, this was just the premium finals. So many entertaining games played, so many to talk about while waiting for the next patch of officials to start up. Extended graditute to the casters of not just these finals, but all the divisions and 'bronze'-games, even AUSNS. Keep it up.
Despite our loss, these were actually really good games. There were several engagements that could have turned the tide in our favor but we just didn't capitalize on them. I guess we were just off our game while the snails brought everything they had (plus some new innovative strats). A well deserved victory for the Frenchies. Well played friends.
Try OBS (Open Broadcast Software). Set to 30 fps, I sit comfortably at 120fps and don't drop a beat.
Shadowplay is a goodstuff for that ... if you got an Nvidia spec
There was so much more content this weekend, this was just the premium finals. So many entertaining games played, so many to talk about while waiting for the next patch of officials to start up. Extended graditute to the casters of not just these finals, but all the divisions and 'bronze'-games, even AUSNS. Keep it up.
tnx to all players!
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4: