Marine Commander Tips And Hints
Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members

This is intended to be a compilation of ideas geared towards making the life of a commander easier/more successful. It's not intended to be very specific (scenario or map-wise), but instead, it is intended to provide general methods that all commanders can use to make their life easier/more successful.
This is a work in progress, so feel free to suggest any improvements and/or argue any of the recommendations.
<b>Hints and tips for Marine commanders.</b>
<b>Table of contents</b>
1 Commanding, what's it all about?
1.1 When is a good time to take the commanders chair?
1.2 Is commanding fun?
1.3 Why should I command?
2 Communication is important
2.1 These aren’t computer AI marines, these are “real people”
3 Turrets
3.1 Turret your base properly
3.2 Don’t go overboard with turrets!
4 Early game
4.1 Always have the main goal of taking 2 hives as soon as possible
4.2 Don’t forget about siege turrets!
4.3 Don’t forget about phase gates!.
5 Aliens have 2 hives, what now?
5.1 Ok, I messed up, or the aliens were just too damn good. They got 2 hives, what now?!
5.2 Fades!
5.3 You need to take out that second hive as soon as possible
5.4 What kind of equipment should I give out to the "strike force"?
5.5 How am I going to lay waste to their second hive?
5.6 What about everyone else?
5.7 What should I equip my defending marines with?
5.8 Ever since the strike squad left, main base/hive has been quiet
6 Miscellaneous Tips and hints
6.1 Once you secure two hives, take your time
6.2 Hang on to your guns
<b>1 Commanding, what's it all about?</b>
<b>1.1 When is a good time to take the commanders chair?</b>
Ideally, I would suggest that you do not take the commanders chair unless you have significant knowledge of both the map and the game. This only comes through playing, both as a marine and an alien. Only by doing this will you really know what the common tactics are (on both sides) and ways that might defeat them. Also, with the added experience, you should feel more confident in your ability to command, and you won’t be shy about giving orders (not, drill instructor giving orders, but nice, polite, direct, orders). You are the commander, act like it.
Since this game is so new, there will most likely be many situations where nobody on the marine team really knows the map well, or has played the game for a long enough time to steer the marines to victory (or, the people that can, don’t want to because they don’t particularly enjoy commanding). If this is the case, then hop on in and enjoy (or pull your hair out, whatever the case may be), but do try and give precedence to others that have played longer or have proven that they can win, especially on bigger servers.
If you think there is ever a chance that you might command, I recommend that you first try commanding on smaller servers. This works great, since most likely, the other people there are new to the game, and are on smaller servers because they want to get a feel for the game before heading out to the more populated ones. Not only will this give you a better sense of how commanding will work (waypointing people etc.), but it’s a great place to learn maps. Smaller servers also have the added benefit of having more tolerant players (in my experience, anyways). It’s a lot to ask for, commanding for the first time on a large server, where the chances are high that at least one of the aliens knows what they are doing, and where you will have many more marines with just as many requests. It’s enough to scare a commander off for good, and that’s the last thing that we want.
<b>1.2 Is commanding fun?</b>
Good question. You will have to come up with the answer to that yourself, and the best way to get started is to try it out on smaller servers. If you like what you see, or enjoy directing people to victory, then you will like commanding. Commanding is not for everyone, by any means. Many people won’t like all the requesting for goodies/asking for orders, and just as many won’t like the fact that they aren’t out in the field gibbing skulks.
<b>1.3 Why should I command?</b>
The main reason why people command, I think, is because they want to win. So, how bad do you want to win?
<b>2 Communication is important.</b>
The more that you and your marines are on the same page, the more efficient you will be and the more likely you are to execute whatever task it is that you are trying to accomplish. To that end, let everyone know where you want them to be. Be it by grouping them up and giving your orders to groups, or naming people one by one, it will go a long way in getting people to do what you ask them to. This is one idea to group up marines on pubs.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Grouping marines on pubs</a>
<b>2.1 These aren’t computer AI marines, these are “real people”</b>
Somewhat corny? Yes, but also very true. They aren’t your little **obscenity** in boot camp, and you can’t talk to them as such. They are regular people that are trying to have fun, just like you! Don’t talk down to them, or bark orders like some crazed maniac. Let people know where you need them to be at, and give them objectives to complete. If they can’t complete those objectives, you are asking too much from them, and then you should try and help them out, if you can. Point out things that they are doing wrong, or whatever (or maybe you really are just asking too much from them). Try and avoid the “god **obscenity** people, you SUXORS!!!!” moments.
<b>3 Turrets</b>
<b>3.1 Turret your base properly</b>
What does properly mean, anyway? Properly means, make sure that you have turrets protecting both your turret factory and your command chair (so that no matter what lvl 1 aliens might try, they won’t be able to take the turret factory or cc out, alone or in small groups). There has been some discussion about this, but at the bare minimum, use a triangular configuration of turrets around any tf (I know there's a post about this somewhere, just not sure where). For your main and for hives, I would go further (when you can), with pentagonal or hexagonal configurations (draw a pentagon or a hexagon and place the turret factory in the middle), and possibly more around the area to protect key buildings (spawn and cc or phase gates.).
<b>3.2 Don’t go overboard with turrets!</b>
Turrets, for the most part, are only really effective against lvl 1 aliens (gorges, skulks, and lerks with lvl 1 abilities). Once lvl 2+ aliens are around, those turrets aren’t going to do anything but delay them for a short while. A lerk’s umbra ability turns marine bullets into spitwads. Umbra coupled with acid rockets means = dead turrets. For this reason, early game, don’t go overboard with turrets (they won't do all that much in the long run anyway). Make just enough to protect against lvl 1 alien attacks at key locations (main base and hives).
<b>3.3 Continuing with the overboard with turrets theme</b>
It’s not necessary to turret up every resource node, especially early in the game. When lvl 1 aliens see resource nodes that are turreted to hell and back, they just run past them. Ok great, they did their job, yay! But wait, how many resources did you spend making that turret nest? 80, 100, 120? Early game, those resources can be put to better use.
<b>4 Early game</b>
<b>4.1 Always have the main goal of taking 2 hives as soon as possible</b>
Once your main base and a hive are sufficiently secured, go for the second hive. You can also try to take two hives at the same time, but those are just details. There are some lengthy posts about this issue, and I would refer you to those to go over the fine points. Basically, the longer marines wait for bigger guns (which aren’t necessary against lvl 1 aliens in the first place), the harder their life is going to be in the long run. If you can secure two hives before the aliens, you win, period. Taking the path of least resistance is hard coded in nature. Don’t go against nature, you freak!
<a href='' target='_blank'>Take two hives, early game</a>
<b>4.2 Don’t forget about siege turrets!</b>
When you get the free resources, place siege turrets at every key location (main base and hives) to prevent aliens from trying to make a comeback with offensive and defensive towers. They also make great, well, sieging tools. Pop a few of these up outside of the aliens hive, and sit back and watch the fireworks.
<b>4.3 Don’t forget about phase gates!</b>
Phase gates are great. They make defending key locations (main base plus hives) at least 1000% faster/easier. That’s right, 1000%! At least! This is efficiency that you just can’t ignore. Set up phase gates at your main base and each hive ASAP. There are some posts on this topic, and I'd refer you to those.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Phase gates</a>
<b>5 Aliens have two hives</b> *this section could use some more ideas I think, since I haven't played many games where marines won after the aliens had 2 hives for a significant period of time*
<b>5.1 Ok, I messed up, or the aliens were just too damn good. They got 2 hives, what now?!</b>
This is going to be a smack down, no holds barred, battle to end. No path of least resistance anymore, you anti-evolutionary monkey. If you want to win, you are gonna have to kick some serious alien **obscenity**.
I don’t know the best way to win these games, I don’t think there is a best way, only the one way that happens to work in your particular situation. But, here are some tips.
<b>5.2 Ruuun!!! Fades!!!</b>
...No. Don't panic. This won’t be any easy fight by any means, but don’t succumb to the mythical imaginations that you have about fade immortality. They are not immortal, but they sure would like you to think that they are. There are some good posts about this, and I would refer you to those to go over the details.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Fear-The real marine killer</a>
<b>5.3 You need to take out that second hive, as soon as possible. First thing to do, equip your marines, or at least some of them.</b>
Again, this won’t be easy. Now that they have lvl 2 aliens, you will need to equip your marines with the latest in technology that those Frontiersman eggheads have dreamed up and put them to good use. You might not have the resources to do this for all your marines, so I would recommend, for now, to give a squad of marines that know how to kill well, and that know how to work together as a team, the best equipment that you can buy, and send them out to attack the second hive. The rest of your marines will need to hold off those lvl 2 aliens for as long as they can, while they hope those other marines are successful in their attempt to lay waste to one of the alien hives.
<b>5.4 What kind of equipment should I give out to the "strike force"?</b>
That depends, but always give each marine a welder! At the very least, give half of them welders. This will prolong their lives many fold. Also, mix up the weapons that you give them. Give out a variety of hmgs, GL, and shotguns if you can, they are each good in certain situations. Mix in HA and JP as well. This is all detail and it depends on who you are sending out, and how well them use what you give them. Make sure to tell them to always weld before moving on, and watch their advance carefully, giving them ammo and health whenever they need. They are your last hope for victory.
<b>5.5 How am I going to lay waste to their second hive?</b>
That depends. Use your scanners to scout the area ahead, and plan your actions from that information
<b>5.6 What about everyone else?</b>
All your other marines should be trying to keep hold of main base and your last remaining hive. The more time they hold the aliens off, the longer the strike team has to take out one of the hives. The more times the strike team fails, or if your marines can’t hold off the aliens, it’s game over.
<b>5.7 What should I equip my defending marines with?</b>
That also depends. Most good alien teams will be using umbra/acid rockets to lay waste to your turrets. Be sure to let your marines know to weld them and to give 2 or 3 of them grenade launchers. If you space your grenades out, 2 marines should be able to keep an entrance under constant explosions. This is bad news for that lerk. And without a lerk, your marines can actually damage those fades with guns. Bottom line is, if umbra is up, don’t bother shooting, you are wasting your time. You are better off having your marines weld turrets/building turrets.
<b>5.8 Ever since the strike squad left, main base/hive has been quiet</b>
Leave some marines to stay and defend, and send others out to reclaim nodes/damage aliens when they are busy with the strike squad (assuming you have enough marines to do this). Maybe even send a small group to their main hive. Really depends on the situation.
<b>6 Miscellaneous hints and tips</b>
<b>6.1 Once you secure two hives, take your time. The longer you have two hives, the worse off the aliens are, the longer they have two hives, the worse off the marines are</b>
Once you have secured two hives, there is no reason why you should lose the game, unless you get sloppy. Make sure that each hive and your main has enough normal turrets and siege turrets to repel any lvl 1 alien attack, and make sure that you have at least one marine that can respond to an attack at any of your key locations to kill those lvl 1 aliens/weld or replace buildings.
<b>6.2 How can I save resources?</b>
Try and be as efficient as possible. Tell your marines to shout out (or type out) if they were killed with a welder or GL, and where they dropped it, so that other marines can go and retrieve them. They only stick around for about 30 seconds after they drop (not weapons that comms drop, weapons that marines drop after dying), so don’t waste time.
<b>Remember, you need to secure that second hive, or you will lose the game</b>
That's what I have so far, I'm sure that I missed something. Feel free to add, complain, suggest or debate
*trimmed some more fat*
This is a work in progress, so feel free to suggest any improvements and/or argue any of the recommendations.
<b>Hints and tips for Marine commanders.</b>
<b>Table of contents</b>
1 Commanding, what's it all about?
1.1 When is a good time to take the commanders chair?
1.2 Is commanding fun?
1.3 Why should I command?
2 Communication is important
2.1 These aren’t computer AI marines, these are “real people”
3 Turrets
3.1 Turret your base properly
3.2 Don’t go overboard with turrets!
4 Early game
4.1 Always have the main goal of taking 2 hives as soon as possible
4.2 Don’t forget about siege turrets!
4.3 Don’t forget about phase gates!.
5 Aliens have 2 hives, what now?
5.1 Ok, I messed up, or the aliens were just too damn good. They got 2 hives, what now?!
5.2 Fades!
5.3 You need to take out that second hive as soon as possible
5.4 What kind of equipment should I give out to the "strike force"?
5.5 How am I going to lay waste to their second hive?
5.6 What about everyone else?
5.7 What should I equip my defending marines with?
5.8 Ever since the strike squad left, main base/hive has been quiet
6 Miscellaneous Tips and hints
6.1 Once you secure two hives, take your time
6.2 Hang on to your guns
<b>1 Commanding, what's it all about?</b>
<b>1.1 When is a good time to take the commanders chair?</b>
Ideally, I would suggest that you do not take the commanders chair unless you have significant knowledge of both the map and the game. This only comes through playing, both as a marine and an alien. Only by doing this will you really know what the common tactics are (on both sides) and ways that might defeat them. Also, with the added experience, you should feel more confident in your ability to command, and you won’t be shy about giving orders (not, drill instructor giving orders, but nice, polite, direct, orders). You are the commander, act like it.
Since this game is so new, there will most likely be many situations where nobody on the marine team really knows the map well, or has played the game for a long enough time to steer the marines to victory (or, the people that can, don’t want to because they don’t particularly enjoy commanding). If this is the case, then hop on in and enjoy (or pull your hair out, whatever the case may be), but do try and give precedence to others that have played longer or have proven that they can win, especially on bigger servers.
If you think there is ever a chance that you might command, I recommend that you first try commanding on smaller servers. This works great, since most likely, the other people there are new to the game, and are on smaller servers because they want to get a feel for the game before heading out to the more populated ones. Not only will this give you a better sense of how commanding will work (waypointing people etc.), but it’s a great place to learn maps. Smaller servers also have the added benefit of having more tolerant players (in my experience, anyways). It’s a lot to ask for, commanding for the first time on a large server, where the chances are high that at least one of the aliens knows what they are doing, and where you will have many more marines with just as many requests. It’s enough to scare a commander off for good, and that’s the last thing that we want.
<b>1.2 Is commanding fun?</b>
Good question. You will have to come up with the answer to that yourself, and the best way to get started is to try it out on smaller servers. If you like what you see, or enjoy directing people to victory, then you will like commanding. Commanding is not for everyone, by any means. Many people won’t like all the requesting for goodies/asking for orders, and just as many won’t like the fact that they aren’t out in the field gibbing skulks.
<b>1.3 Why should I command?</b>
The main reason why people command, I think, is because they want to win. So, how bad do you want to win?
<b>2 Communication is important.</b>
The more that you and your marines are on the same page, the more efficient you will be and the more likely you are to execute whatever task it is that you are trying to accomplish. To that end, let everyone know where you want them to be. Be it by grouping them up and giving your orders to groups, or naming people one by one, it will go a long way in getting people to do what you ask them to. This is one idea to group up marines on pubs.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Grouping marines on pubs</a>
<b>2.1 These aren’t computer AI marines, these are “real people”</b>
Somewhat corny? Yes, but also very true. They aren’t your little **obscenity** in boot camp, and you can’t talk to them as such. They are regular people that are trying to have fun, just like you! Don’t talk down to them, or bark orders like some crazed maniac. Let people know where you need them to be at, and give them objectives to complete. If they can’t complete those objectives, you are asking too much from them, and then you should try and help them out, if you can. Point out things that they are doing wrong, or whatever (or maybe you really are just asking too much from them). Try and avoid the “god **obscenity** people, you SUXORS!!!!” moments.
<b>3 Turrets</b>
<b>3.1 Turret your base properly</b>
What does properly mean, anyway? Properly means, make sure that you have turrets protecting both your turret factory and your command chair (so that no matter what lvl 1 aliens might try, they won’t be able to take the turret factory or cc out, alone or in small groups). There has been some discussion about this, but at the bare minimum, use a triangular configuration of turrets around any tf (I know there's a post about this somewhere, just not sure where). For your main and for hives, I would go further (when you can), with pentagonal or hexagonal configurations (draw a pentagon or a hexagon and place the turret factory in the middle), and possibly more around the area to protect key buildings (spawn and cc or phase gates.).
<b>3.2 Don’t go overboard with turrets!</b>
Turrets, for the most part, are only really effective against lvl 1 aliens (gorges, skulks, and lerks with lvl 1 abilities). Once lvl 2+ aliens are around, those turrets aren’t going to do anything but delay them for a short while. A lerk’s umbra ability turns marine bullets into spitwads. Umbra coupled with acid rockets means = dead turrets. For this reason, early game, don’t go overboard with turrets (they won't do all that much in the long run anyway). Make just enough to protect against lvl 1 alien attacks at key locations (main base and hives).
<b>3.3 Continuing with the overboard with turrets theme</b>
It’s not necessary to turret up every resource node, especially early in the game. When lvl 1 aliens see resource nodes that are turreted to hell and back, they just run past them. Ok great, they did their job, yay! But wait, how many resources did you spend making that turret nest? 80, 100, 120? Early game, those resources can be put to better use.
<b>4 Early game</b>
<b>4.1 Always have the main goal of taking 2 hives as soon as possible</b>
Once your main base and a hive are sufficiently secured, go for the second hive. You can also try to take two hives at the same time, but those are just details. There are some lengthy posts about this issue, and I would refer you to those to go over the fine points. Basically, the longer marines wait for bigger guns (which aren’t necessary against lvl 1 aliens in the first place), the harder their life is going to be in the long run. If you can secure two hives before the aliens, you win, period. Taking the path of least resistance is hard coded in nature. Don’t go against nature, you freak!
<a href='' target='_blank'>Take two hives, early game</a>
<b>4.2 Don’t forget about siege turrets!</b>
When you get the free resources, place siege turrets at every key location (main base and hives) to prevent aliens from trying to make a comeback with offensive and defensive towers. They also make great, well, sieging tools. Pop a few of these up outside of the aliens hive, and sit back and watch the fireworks.
<b>4.3 Don’t forget about phase gates!</b>
Phase gates are great. They make defending key locations (main base plus hives) at least 1000% faster/easier. That’s right, 1000%! At least! This is efficiency that you just can’t ignore. Set up phase gates at your main base and each hive ASAP. There are some posts on this topic, and I'd refer you to those.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Phase gates</a>
<b>5 Aliens have two hives</b> *this section could use some more ideas I think, since I haven't played many games where marines won after the aliens had 2 hives for a significant period of time*
<b>5.1 Ok, I messed up, or the aliens were just too damn good. They got 2 hives, what now?!</b>
This is going to be a smack down, no holds barred, battle to end. No path of least resistance anymore, you anti-evolutionary monkey. If you want to win, you are gonna have to kick some serious alien **obscenity**.
I don’t know the best way to win these games, I don’t think there is a best way, only the one way that happens to work in your particular situation. But, here are some tips.
<b>5.2 Ruuun!!! Fades!!!</b>
...No. Don't panic. This won’t be any easy fight by any means, but don’t succumb to the mythical imaginations that you have about fade immortality. They are not immortal, but they sure would like you to think that they are. There are some good posts about this, and I would refer you to those to go over the details.
<a href='' target='_blank'>Fear-The real marine killer</a>
<b>5.3 You need to take out that second hive, as soon as possible. First thing to do, equip your marines, or at least some of them.</b>
Again, this won’t be easy. Now that they have lvl 2 aliens, you will need to equip your marines with the latest in technology that those Frontiersman eggheads have dreamed up and put them to good use. You might not have the resources to do this for all your marines, so I would recommend, for now, to give a squad of marines that know how to kill well, and that know how to work together as a team, the best equipment that you can buy, and send them out to attack the second hive. The rest of your marines will need to hold off those lvl 2 aliens for as long as they can, while they hope those other marines are successful in their attempt to lay waste to one of the alien hives.
<b>5.4 What kind of equipment should I give out to the "strike force"?</b>
That depends, but always give each marine a welder! At the very least, give half of them welders. This will prolong their lives many fold. Also, mix up the weapons that you give them. Give out a variety of hmgs, GL, and shotguns if you can, they are each good in certain situations. Mix in HA and JP as well. This is all detail and it depends on who you are sending out, and how well them use what you give them. Make sure to tell them to always weld before moving on, and watch their advance carefully, giving them ammo and health whenever they need. They are your last hope for victory.
<b>5.5 How am I going to lay waste to their second hive?</b>
That depends. Use your scanners to scout the area ahead, and plan your actions from that information
<b>5.6 What about everyone else?</b>
All your other marines should be trying to keep hold of main base and your last remaining hive. The more time they hold the aliens off, the longer the strike team has to take out one of the hives. The more times the strike team fails, or if your marines can’t hold off the aliens, it’s game over.
<b>5.7 What should I equip my defending marines with?</b>
That also depends. Most good alien teams will be using umbra/acid rockets to lay waste to your turrets. Be sure to let your marines know to weld them and to give 2 or 3 of them grenade launchers. If you space your grenades out, 2 marines should be able to keep an entrance under constant explosions. This is bad news for that lerk. And without a lerk, your marines can actually damage those fades with guns. Bottom line is, if umbra is up, don’t bother shooting, you are wasting your time. You are better off having your marines weld turrets/building turrets.
<b>5.8 Ever since the strike squad left, main base/hive has been quiet</b>
Leave some marines to stay and defend, and send others out to reclaim nodes/damage aliens when they are busy with the strike squad (assuming you have enough marines to do this). Maybe even send a small group to their main hive. Really depends on the situation.
<b>6 Miscellaneous hints and tips</b>
<b>6.1 Once you secure two hives, take your time. The longer you have two hives, the worse off the aliens are, the longer they have two hives, the worse off the marines are</b>
Once you have secured two hives, there is no reason why you should lose the game, unless you get sloppy. Make sure that each hive and your main has enough normal turrets and siege turrets to repel any lvl 1 alien attack, and make sure that you have at least one marine that can respond to an attack at any of your key locations to kill those lvl 1 aliens/weld or replace buildings.
<b>6.2 How can I save resources?</b>
Try and be as efficient as possible. Tell your marines to shout out (or type out) if they were killed with a welder or GL, and where they dropped it, so that other marines can go and retrieve them. They only stick around for about 30 seconds after they drop (not weapons that comms drop, weapons that marines drop after dying), so don’t waste time.
<b>Remember, you need to secure that second hive, or you will lose the game</b>
That's what I have so far, I'm sure that I missed something. Feel free to add, complain, suggest or debate
*trimmed some more fat*
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
very good, i would also add about building "buildings" against walls, preferably corners, that way its only exposed from 2-3 sides instead of 4, should make turrets more efficient . thats the only thing i can think of. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You could do that, but it is kind of risky. If your building doesn't spawn in correctly or if you misplace it, those skulks can wedge themselves in between the building and the wall, and there goes your whole setup. It's safer to use a triangular configuration (I know I first read about that on these boards somewhere, not sure where the post is). If I can, I'll try and draw some diagrams of turrets and turret factory setups.
Also sirus, I probably won't be able to mess around with that for a while (a few days at the minimum), but if you want to write up exactly how to place those turret factories/buildings (is there a surefire way to do it every time?), I can add it in.
I am going to link your post to mine so that it becomes a part of my guide.. there are a few of these good ideas out there and should be all Pinned Up IMHO.... I wish I had this information when I first started playing, it would have save me lots of grief and losses...
Texas Ranger
<a href='' target='_blank'>TF against the wall</a>