What upgrades do you use in alien?



  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    Asuming pub play or a 'mere' div3.

    Skulk: Celer / Regen, swapping later for adren / cara.
    Celer for the speed. Regen because a skulk should not get hit full health especially early game. Late game leaps and w3 may make adren/cara more useful.

    Gorge: Adren/ Regen. (vs superb aim celer/cara)
    Adren regen combo leaves all energy for spits and bilebombs. Heals of course help combined with regen to stay in the fight. Its a allround battle gorge.
    However if you get pinched to much you may need to swap to celer for dodging and cara to soak. (exo direct fire for example)

    Lerk: I go celer / regen and lateron adren / regen but my lerk blows.

    Fade: Adren / regen because without adren I suck. Regen because a fade should not get hit that much.

    Onos: Adren\Celer depending on onos upgrades. Regen\Cara depending on having gorges.
  • JekyllJekyll Oregon Join Date: 2013-11-20 Member: 189469Members, Reinforced - Silver
    sotanaht wrote: »
    Do your numbers account for armor regen ticks? Regen restores health first, and if health is maxed it restores armor by the same amount which means that the effect is doubled during that time. Of course if you are currently taking damage it will pretty much always be regenning health so maybe that doesn't matter much.

    24 seconds looks pretty good for onos. it's the slow damage you take while retreating that is most important to survive I think, and that can last 24 seconds by itself. Plus once you do make it to a hive you are back in the fight faster.

    Lerk and Gorge use regen when they are in a position where they might not be retreating to a hive/crag AT ALL. The idea for lerk is to hide behind enemy lines and heal to full before passing back through either to attack or completely retreat. For gorge regen is used when you can't afford energy for healspray, which pretty much means you are using celerity and combined is only good for the battle gorge poking around walls.
    Actually I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know.

    So I guess the question of regen effectiveness is more complicated than I originally thought.
  • JekyllJekyll Oregon Join Date: 2013-11-20 Member: 189469Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Zinkey wrote: »
    Not quite sure I agree with these figures...

    Skulk for example, full cara is + 20 armor which is +40EHP against normal damage. Full regen is 6% of max HP/Armor / tick which on 1biomass is about 2.5 hp/armor /sec. So to make up that extra 40 EHP up is about 16 seconds. Not taking into account armor regens at the same rate as health but is worth double against normal damage. So when regenerating armor as a skulk you are getting 5 EHP/sec. And as this is based on max health pools it also scales slightly with biomass.

    That being said I may be misunderstanding the whole thing, I was generally under the impression that regen was pretty good all around but leaves you at risk of getting minced by someone with a good shot.

    Yeah I thought that's how it worked too because that's what the wiki said, but apparently it hasn't been updated in quite a while and regen has been nerfed in that time.
  • Infinity_XInfinity_X USA Join Date: 2013-12-17 Member: 190195Members
    Jekyll wrote: »
    Yeah I thought that's how it worked too because that's what the wiki said, but apparently it hasn't been updated in quite a while and regen has been nerfed in that time.

    Unfortunately, the wiki is extremely out of date. It seems like interest in editing is not nearly high enough to attempt to deal with the lovely rate of patches being applied to the game.
  • PsiWarpPsiWarp Gifted Gorge Richmond, B.C., Canada Join Date: 2010-08-28 Member: 73810Members
    Oh, Evolutions wiki pages were recently updated. Although, Regen's effectiveness (+1% more regen bonus) is a bit of a stretch (can't seem to find it in lua, but it's gotta be stronger with more Shells right?)

    You could always contribute in your free time ;)
  • Infinity_XInfinity_X USA Join Date: 2013-12-17 Member: 190195Members
    PsiWarp wrote: »
    Oh, Evolutions wiki pages were recently updated. Although, Regen's effectiveness (+1% more regen bonus) is a bit of a stretch (can't seem to find it in lua, but it's gotta be stronger with more Shells right?)

    You could always contribute in your free time ;)

    My apologies! I was talking about the Wikia sub-wiki for the game. I suppose I was unaware of wiki.unknownworlds.com's existence. Thanks!
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