Options menu won't work

jfdesgagnejfdesgagne Join Date: 2013-09-16 Member: 188268Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow
edited December 2013 in Technical Support
I used to play NS2 on Win8 without any problem, but I've recently installed Win7 on the same computer. Since then, I can't change anything in the Options Menu. As soon as I open it, the apply button won't make the menu go away, neither the back button.

From the logs, it seems like there are a problem with Physx.

Here is my specs:
ASRock extreme4 z77
AMD Radeon HD 7870
Intel i5 3570k 3.4Ghz
120Gb OCZ Vertex4
8Gb Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

I tried to disable Physx, but I can't from the option menu since the apply button won't work. Maybe there is a way using the console?

Here is the logs:
Date: 12/21/13
Time: 14:28:37:
Build 262
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Error: PhysX: Invalid Cuda context!
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (
Sound Device: Speakers (Logitech G930 Headset) 7.1
Record Device: Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Cooked mesh with 1578 faces, 1236 vertices
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 262
Steam Id: 124869947
Error: lua/Globals.lua:455: attempt to index a nil value
[Client] Script Error #1: lua/Globals.lua:455: attempt to index a nil value
    Call stack:
    #1: GetVariantName lua/Globals.lua:455
        data =  {1= {displayName="Green", modelFilePart="", viewModelFilePart="" }, 2= {displayName="Black", modelFilePart="_special", productId=4930, viewModelFilePart="_special" }, 3= {displayName="Deluxe", modelFilePart="_special_v1", productId=4932, viewModelFilePart="_deluxe" }, 4= {displayName="Assault", modelFilePart="_assault", productId=250892, viewModelFilePart="_assault" }, 5= {displayName="Elite Assault", modelFilePart="_eliteassault", productId=250893, viewModelFilePart="_eliteassault" } }
        var = 6
    #2: InitOptions lua/menu/GUIMainMenu.lua:1904
        optionElements =  {AccelerationAmount=SlideBar { }, AmbientOcclusion=DropDown { }, AnisotropicFiltering=DropDown { }, AntiAliasing=DropDown { }, Atmospherics=DropDown { }, Bloom=DropDown { }, CameraAnimation=DropDown { }, DecalLifeTime=SlideBar { }, Detail=DropDown { }, Display=DropDown { }, DisplayBuffering=DropDown { }, DrawDamage=DropDown { }, FOVAdjustment=SlideBar { }, GorgeVariantName=DropDown { }, Infestation=DropDown { }, InvertedMouse=DropDown { }, Language=DropDown { }, LerkVariantName=DropDown { }, MarineVariantName=DropDown { }, MinimapZoom=SlideBar { }, MouseAcceleration=DropDown { }, MusicVolume=SlideBar { }, NickName=TextInput { }, ParticleQuality=DropDown { }, PhysicsGpuAcceleration=DropDown { }, RawInput=DropDown { }, RecordingGain=SlideBar { }, RecordingVolume=ProgressBar { }, Reflections=DropDown { }, RenderDevice=DropDown { }, Resolution=DropDown { }, RookieMode=DropDown { }, Sensitivity=SlideBar { }, SexType=DropDown { }, Shadows=DropDown { }, ShowCommanderHelp=DropDown { }, ShowHints=DropDown { }, SkulkVariantName=DropDown { }, SoundInputDevice=DropDown { }, SoundOutputDevice=DropDown { }, SoundVolume=SlideBar { }, VoiceVolume=SlideBar { }, WindowMode=DropDown { }, hudmode=DropDown { } }
        BoolToIndex = function
        nickName = "nox"
        mouseSens = 0.26470583363583
        mouseAcceleration = false
        accelerationAmount = 0
        invMouse = false
        rawInput = false
        locale = "enUS"
        showHints = false
        showCommanderHelp = true
        drawDamage = true
        rookieMode = false
        screenResIdx = 9
        visualDetailIdx = 2
        display = 0
        windowMode = 1
        windowModes =  {1=1, 2=2, 3=3 }
        windowModeOptionIndex = 1
        displayBuffering = 0
        ambientOcclusion = "off"
        reflections = false
        particleQuality = "low"
        infestation = "minimal"
        fovAdjustment = 0
        cameraAnimation = "ON"
        physicsGpuAcceleration = "OFF"
        decalLifeTime = 0.20000000298023
        minimapZoom = 0.61897099018097
        marineVariant = 6
        skulkVariant = 6
        gorgeVariant = 2
        lerkVariant = 2
        hudmode = 1
        sexType = "Female"
        shadows = false
        bloom = false
        atmospherics = false
        anisotropicFiltering = false
        antiAliasing = false
        renderDevice = "D3D9"
        soundInputDeviceGuid = "Default"
        soundOutputDeviceGuid = "Default"
        soundInputDevice = 1
        soundOutputDevice = 1
        soundVol = 0.9
        musicVol = 0.9
        voiceVol = 0.9
        recordingGain = 0.5
    #3: InitOptionWindow lua/menu/GUIMainMenu.lua:2256
    #4: CreateOptionWindow lua/menu/GUIMainMenu.lua:2696
        self = GUIMainMenu { }
        InitOptionWindow = function
        content = ContentBox { }
        back = MenuButton { }
        apply = MenuButton { }
        displays =  {1="DEFAULT", 2="DISPLAY 1" }
        windowModes =  {1=1, 2=2, 3=3 }
        windowModeNames =  {1="WINDOWED", 2="FULLSCREEN", 3="FULLSCREEN WINDOWED" }
        screenResolutions =  {10="1280x960", 11="1280x1024", 12="1360x768", 13="1360x1024", 14="1366x768", 15="1440x900 *", 16="1600x1200", 17="1680x1050 *", 18="1792x1344", 19="1800x1440", 1="640x480", 20="1856x1392", 21="1920x1080", 22="1920x1200 *", 23="2048x1536", 24="2560x1600 *", 2="720x480", 3="720x576", 4="800x600", 5="1024x768", 6="1152x864", 7="1280x720", 8="1280x768", 9="1280x800 *" }
        soundOutputDevices =  {1="Default", 2="Speakers (Logitech G930 Headset)", 3="Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)", 4="Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)" }
        soundInputDevices =  {1="Default", 2="Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)" }
        languages =  {1="English", 2="French", 3="German", 4="Korean", 5="Polish", 6="Spanish", 7="Swedish" }
        marineVariantNames =  {1="Elite Assault", 2="Green", 3="Assault" }
        skulkVariantNames =  {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" }
        gorgeVariantNames =  {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" }
        lerkVariantNames =  {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" }
        sexTypes =  {1="Male", 2="Female" }
        generalOptions =  {10= {label="DRAW DAMAGE", name="DrawDamage", type="select", values= {1="NO", 2="YES" } }, 11= {label="ROOKIE MODE", name="RookieMode", type="select", values= {1="NO", 2="YES" } }, 12= {label="FOV ADJUSTMENT", name="FOVAdjustment", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 13= {label="MINIMAP ZOOM", name="MinimapZoom", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 14= {label="MARINE ARMOR", name="MarineVariantName", type="select", values= {1="Elite Assault", 2="Green", 3="Assault" } }, 15= {label="MARINE GENDER", name="SexType", type="select", values= {1="Male", 2="Female" } }, 16= {label="SKULK TYPE", name="SkulkVariantName", type="select", values= {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" } }, 17= {label="GORGE TYPE", name="GorgeVariantName", type="select", values= {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" } }, 18= {label="LERK TYPE", name="LerkVariantName", type="select", values= {1="Shadow", 2="Normal" } }, 19= {callback=function, label="CAMERA ANIMATION", name="CameraAnimation", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 1= {label="NICKNAME", name="NickName" }, 20= {callback=function, label="PHYSX GPU ACCELERATION", name="PhysicsGpuAcceleration", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 2= {label="LANGUAGE", name="Language", type="select", values= {1="English", 2="French", 3="German", 4="Korean", 5="Polish", 6="Spanish", 7="Swedish" } }, 3= {label="MOUSE SENSITIVITY", name="Sensitivity", type="slider" }, 4= {label="REVERSE MOUSE", name="InvertedMouse", type="select", values= {1="NO", 2="YES" } }, 5= {label="MOUSE ACCELERATION", name="MouseAcceleration", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 6= {label="ACCELERATION AMOUNT", name="AccelerationAmount", type="slider" }, 7= {label="RAW INPUT", name="RawInput", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 8= {label="SHOW HINTS", name="ShowHints", type="select", values= {1="NO", 2="YES" } }, 9= {label="COMMANDER HELP", name="ShowCommanderHelp", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } } }
        soundOptions =  {1= {callback=function, label="OUTPUT DEVICE", name="SoundOutputDevice", type="select", values= {1="Default", 2="Speakers (Logitech G930 Headset)", 3="Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)", 4="Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)" } }, 2= {callback=function, label="INPUT DEVICE", name="SoundInputDevice", type="select", values= {1="Default", 2="Microphone (Logitech G930 Headset)" } }, 3= {label="SOUND VOLUME", name="SoundVolume", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 4= {label="MUSIC VOLUME", name="MusicVolume", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 5= {label="VOICE VOLUME", name="VoiceVolume", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 6= {label="MICROPHONE GAIN", name="RecordingGain", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" }, 7= {label="MICROPHONE LEVEL", name="RecordingVolume", type="progress" } }
        autoApplyCallback = function
        graphicsOptions =  {10= {callback=function, label="INFESTATION", name="Infestation", type="select", values= {1="MINIMAL", 2="RICH" } }, 11= {callback=function, label="ANTI-ALIASING", name="AntiAliasing", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 12= {callback=function, label="BLOOM", name="Bloom", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 13= {callback=function, label="ATMOSPHERICS", name="Atmospherics", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 14= {callback=function, label="ANISOTROPIC FILTERING", name="AnisotropicFiltering", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 15= {callback=function, label="AMBIENT OCCLUSION", name="AmbientOcclusion", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="MEDIUM", 3="HIGH" } }, 16= {callback=function, label="REFLECTIONS", name="Reflections", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 17= {callback=function, label="SHADOWS", name="Shadows", type="select", values= {1="OFF", 2="ON" } }, 1= {callback=function, label="DEVICE", name="RenderDevice", type="select", values= {1="D3D11 (Beta)", 2="D3D9", 3="OpenGL (Beta)" } }, 2= {label="DISPLAY", name="Display", type="select", values= {1="DEFAULT", 2="DISPLAY 1" } }, 3= {label="RESOLUTION", name="Resolution", type="select", values= {10="1280x960", 11="1280x1024", 12="1360x768", 13="1360x1024", 14="1366x768", 15="1440x900 *", 16="1600x1200", 17="1680x1050 *", 18="1792x1344", 19="1800x1440", 1="640x480", 20="1856x1392", 21="1920x1080", 22="1920x1200 *", 23="2048x1536", 24="2560x1600 *", 2="720x480", 3="720x576", 4="800x600", 5="1024x768", 6="1152x864", 7="1280x720", 8="1280x768", 9="1280x800 *" } }, 4= {label="WINDOW MODE", name="WindowMode", type="select", values= {1="WINDOWED", 2="FULLSCREEN", 3="FULLSCREEN WINDOWED" } }, 5= {label="WAIT FOR VERTICAL SYNC", name="DisplayBuffering", type="select", values= {1="DISABLED", 2="DOUBLE BUFFERED", 3="TRIPLE BUFFERED" } }, 6= {callback=function, label="HUD QUALITY", name="hudmode", type="select", values= {1="FULL", 2="MINIMAL" } }, 7= {callback=function, label="TEXTURE QUALITY", name="Detail", type="select", values= {1="LOW", 2="MEDIUM", 3="HIGH" } }, 8= {callback=function, label="PARTICLE QUALITY", name="ParticleQuality", type="select", values= {1="LOW", 2="HIGH" } }, 9= {label="DECAL LIFE TIME", name="DecalLifeTime", sliderCallback=function, type="slider" } }
        generalForm = Form { }
        keyBindingsForm = Form { }
        keyBindingsFormCom = Form { }
        graphicsForm = Form { }
        soundForm = Form { }
        tabs =  {1= {form=Form { }, label="GENERAL", scroll=true }, 2= {form=Form { }, label="BINDINGS", scroll=true }, 3= {form=Form { }, label="COMMANDER", scroll=true }, 4= {form=Form { }, label="GRAPHICS", scroll=true }, 5= {form=Form { }, label="SOUND" } }
        xTabWidth = 256
        tabBackground = Image { }
        tabAnimateTime = 0.1
    #5: callback lua/menu/GUIMainMenu.lua:346
        self = Link { }
    #6: OnClick lua/menu/MenuElement.lua:682
        self = Link { }
        (for generator) = function
        (for state) =  {1=function }
        (for control) = 1
        _ = 1
        callback = function
    #7: OnMouseUp lua/menu/WindowManager.lua:127
        self = WindowManager { }
        key = 117
        element = Link { }
        window = Window { }
        windowLayer =  {offset=20, windowOrder= {1=Window { }, 2=Window { }, 3=Window { }, 4=Window { }, 5=Window { } }, windows= {1=Window { }, 2=Window { }, 3=Window { }, 4=Window { }, 5=Window { } } }
    #8: MouseTracker_SendKeyEvent lua/menu/MouseTracker.lua:193
        key = 117
        down = false
        amount = 0
        inputBlocked = false
        doubleClick = false
        stop = false
        (for generator) = function
        (for state) =  {1=WindowManager { } }
        (for control) = 1
        index = 1
        listener = WindowManager { }
    #9: lua/InputHandler.lua:212
        key = 117
        down = false
        amount = 0
        repeated = false

Anyone has an idea?

Thanks in advance,


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