coOkie aka "Dwyane Fade"
Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167349Members, Reinforced - Shadow
I've been asked a couple of times to post my fade play so others are able to see what I do in first person. Some things to know before watching:
Fade - 3 spurs for celerity
Marine - Weapons 2, Armor 1, Shotgun
Half dmg turned on, 7 swipes to kill the marine or 4 meatshots to kill the fade. There's a bit of hitching in the 2nd part but you know... NS2 servers so bare with us... lol


Any questions, feel free to post them here
Fade - 3 spurs for celerity
Marine - Weapons 2, Armor 1, Shotgun
Half dmg turned on, 7 swipes to kill the marine or 4 meatshots to kill the fade. There's a bit of hitching in the 2nd part but you know... NS2 servers so bare with us... lol


Any questions, feel free to post them here
Props for making the video regardless. As you explained, keeping your momentum is crucial. That is one of the biggest pointers that can help improve fading.
When teaching marines to aim, i sometimes tell them to predict the alien movement by shooting ahead of them etc..
Is there anything you do similar for swiping such as swipe while passing, before passing, etc?
You shouldn't practice aiming ahead of targets. Alien movement is inherently unpredictable especially when they're trying to dodge. Instead you should focus on tracking the target and maintaining your concentration on that target.
That's precisely the point of 1v1 with half damage. The majority of players in NS2 die or lose engagements because they miss attacks, be it alien melee or marine ranged. Half damage prolongs the engagement giving you more time to develop muscle memory in each engagement.
Iron horse you need to predict that a Marine is gonna bash there head on space bar. Always try and predict there movement.
The video states the point of this was to practice fade movement + swipes + marine acc.
Currently my team is Div 1. The complexity level of play during this practice is arguably floating around div 1 - premier which is why I labeled Skill level as premier in the description
Sure has a real game resemblance because I do, do this in game but not against 2 shotguns. Mainly lmgers and 1 shotgunner is who I do it against. "Most fades" don't know their limits and have poor maneuverability so yes they die from overcommitment quite often . I try to pick my engagements cautiously.. and thanks for the compliment :}
The aim of this practice is obviously to improve swipe accuracy, micro positioning and engagement manoeuvres.
I like the idea of half damage training (though perhaps it benefits the fade more than the marine due to fire rates) & found this video interesting. Thanks co0kie.
I get this too. I guess it's an NS2 bug. Sound breaking up. Crackling.
Great stuff btw. Very nice flicks for blinking immediately after swiping - I'm jelly. Do you use a medium sensitivity or at least smaller than 16 cm/360? I'd like to improve my skulk/lerk/fade movement without having to increase my sensitivity, but it's tough doing large swipes across the mousepad at a blistering speed all the time.
I wouldn't mind seeing a vid of you practicing against a fade of similar skill level. For me, it can be pretty infuriating trying to track a good fade.
Afaik, crouching as a fade makes you appear standing to marines, so it wouldn't matter unless you were trying to avoid an overhanging obstacle. I forget which patch this was implemented in, but someone please correct me if this was taken out.
You're most welcome =]
Thanks a lot RedDog for the feedback and the tweet ! That was probably the toughest battle of them all. I thought I was going to die but I tried my best at being unpredictable leading to that win.
We all have our opinions and methods for practice and I'm sure there are better ways of going about it. As for learning situations and mastering them, that is dependent on positioning & execution. The ability to hit a swipe when being sneaky, picking your target when approaching from behind, or disengaging when seeing x marines, etc. is dependent on landing your hits & maneuverability. Training against overwhelming odds is a good thing yes, but it also may produce bad habits. If you can maintain good habits and yield high results on the battlefield, you're a lethal fade.
Hey Om Nom ! Yes Singularity is div. 1. I use 3.8 sensitivity on 800dpi. I'd find a mid ground sensitivity between a very comfortable maneuverability sens and a very comfortable alien swipe tracking sens. After that, adjust the sens again by +.2 or -.2 until you're really comfortable.
When you say "track a good fade", do you mean with an LMG? A good fade usually won't confront an LMG from a distance so killing a fade 1v1 with an LMG might be a one sided battle most of the time. In order to kill a good one, it takes a bit of creativity, predicting, and a shotgun to set up and put some shells up their ***. And if your weapon upgrade isn't good enough, grab a battle buddy
Ninja Edit! I saw it when you DID say 0/0 :P
Damn topo drills. *shakes fist*
1.) can't wait to see the marines view of all this because from your view it seems like it should be easy to hit you when you just jump / crouch around in his face swiping. I know its not easy because he can't kill you but I'm just confused why this makes you so hard to hit.
2.) can you explain more how you keep that momentum up so high? Is it simply bhopping or is there more to it? I can never seem to keep that much speed especially when I get near a marine I always seem to collide with his body and come to a stop.
3.) I noticed you prefer celerity over adren, this goes against everything every other good fade has told me, can you explain why celerity is better? I thought celerity only increased your walking speed as a fade which wasn't really helpful?
4.) at the end of video 1, you both have low health so you go up and then somehow pick up an incredible amount of speed and get the last swipe in before he can react. I can't ever remember getting my fade moving that fast, how the heck do you do that??
5.) Can you upload these to VIMEO or some site that allows more than 30 fps? The action is too fast to follow at this framerate. slow mo would be INCREDIBLY helpful during the crucial moments of the battles. Even better would be slow mo with the specific keys you are hitting at the time shown on screen, although that may be asking a lot!
This depends on how you define "good fade." There are good pub fades and then there are comp fades. Most comp fades use celerity as energy management isn't really much of a problem. You rarely see two fades split up in competitive matches. Having a teammate who is also a fade helps reduce energy consumption because you can take turns engaging the same target.
So if I am getting this right - its jump, tap blink, tap blink while keeping a similar altitude and I will get to ludicrous speed?
How to use shadowstep?
At this level of play.
1. It's being unpredictable that makes me hard to hit... Notice I rarely confront the marine head on because that would be an advantage for him. If I feel like I'm being predicted too much, I get out and reset.
2. I hop and blink combo often... I hop when I don't have energy to blink so I keep moving. Notice how I swipe by him, not into him.
3. Celerity covers great distances at fast speeds with blink. There's no point in getting adren. if you can conserve your energy especially because now that they've changed the cost of energy per swipe. It does also increase the walking speed as a fade which helps for walker fading but you don't want to do this so much or at all.
4. That's celerity blinking for you =p. He thought I was still around the pillar haha. You should try experimenting with it
5. I don't plan to do anymore uploading. I was just making a video because people requested me to do so. It plays at 720p as well as 1080p. Have you tried watching it on 1080p?
I don't use stab but it combos great with vortex. It's more of an endgame option. I don't use shadowstep either even if it's researched (never really is in comp play)... I don't like the halt in momentum you get after using it.
He didn't miss a lot of shots... He landed 3 meatshots most of the time with a lot of chip. I got pretty low and lucky a lot. As for location, it's not even a smart room for a fade to fight so it was even. Hub is deadly for a fade when shotguns come out. There's just too much open area. I'm not sure even a great shot can kill a good fade with 0/0 shotgun.... That doesn't seem logical but yes it sounds like great practice if you don't mind dying all the time. As for knowing when to retreat, you get out when you have no armor in which I consider standard. I wouldn't engage a shotgun in comp play unless I get a sneaky swipe and he doesn't hit me. Either than that, if you get blasted with a shotgun once, you can get pinched in your hive so avoid sgs most of the time.