Should Fade Be More Advanced?
Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members

I think my title asks a good question indeed (lets hope this doesn't turn ugly). I personally think fade should be much harder, should be that lifeform in NS2 that has more skill-oriented gameplay. Right now, the fade is less useful compared to other lifeforms. It is mainly used for drawing fire and assisting phase gate destruction from my experience as the other lifeforms are often better in other cases (onos still draws fire better, but not as good at escaping to make it useful enough). I have an idea for blink, where instead of flying it can be an ability that allows for teleporting (not too far) at the cost of energy (amount of energy would have to do with balance). Shadowstep should maybe receive a buff and maybe even come first but as a tradeoff the fade should have lower health/armor. This way shadowstep would be useful for speed while blink can be used for positioning (maybe similarly to fade reveal trailer?) and both used together can help the fade escape. This way the fade would be a high-risk life form because of the low hp, and along with these abilities it would give an exhilarating and mildly intense experience (and probably frustrating for some). Do you guys think vortex should be changed or are you happy as it is?
The only issue fade really has right now is that vortex and stab are eh, greatly reducing the value of purchasing fade upgrades compared to any other lifeform.
Other than that, Fade isn't in too bad a spot at the moment. @OP, might be worth providing some context as to why you think Fades need to be changed, as explaining why you dislike the current mechanics will generate a better discussion. All you have done is suggest changes without providing a reason why, so most posts are simply going to be yes/no votes.
It's been tried before and it simply didn't work out. Mostly because attempting to teleport like in the above vid during actual fast paced combat is incredibly unpredictable and confusing.
Fade is in quite a good spot right now, sure the upgrades are absolute junk for most part but a fade in the hands of a good player can easily turn the tide.
I understand a fade or lerk is hard to get used to for a newcomer and they will die an awful lot before they can even get good at it. However buffing these lifeforms would create a serious imbalance.
This is exactly why balancing NS2 is so difficult. Making something that's not OP against players who can't aim while still being able to dis out damage when they can aim is quite the predicament.
I was a big fan of old vortex. It was truly unique and cool ability, which required some imagination and team coordination to be awesome.
Plus, the teleporting around is nothing like it was in that Youtube video above from the beta.
Assuming we dont want to change the HP of a fade then there needs to be an effective way for new players to play with the fade that does not always risk almost certain death.
Acid rockets would make the fade useable by new players and leave them with an option other than running into melee range.
Acid rockets where shit except for the harassment factor (a bit like bile without adren) compared to getting up close and swiping (assuming you knew how to do so effectively).
I skip fade personally as its too weak unless you deal with sole marine which limits what you can do. but acid rockets would bring another role to play and that fade can now harass marines and bait them without blinking in and out and risking death.
That part made me drool a little. The possibilities...
Of course, the way it is shown, it would be completely OP. But I don't see why this couldn't be made balanced - for example, a moment of standing still before the teleport would add a risk factor, so you can't just spam it in close combat.
That kind of teleporting and positioning system is clearly dysfunctional when you consider that marines do not stand still.
Only if this was the main method of movement, but not if it was the "new old" Shadow Step.
I think what I find appealing are the tactical options of teleporting anywhere within LOS. This would make the Fade more interesting and scarier, but not necessarily stronger.
They may be able to do "work", but the amount that they can help the team is not enough for the amount of res they use up. Lerk is currently the most "efficient" lifeform. Lerks are easily capable of killing jetpackers so im not sure what you mean; Simply shoot if they have shotguns or bite if they have other weapons. The former requires kiting and shooting precision (not hard to shoot with lerk) and the latter requires timing and bite precision (rapid bite makes biting easy).
I did suggest reasons why, to make fade gameplay more advanced/skill-oriented and making it more high-risk/intense. It also makes gameplay based on good positioning/timing.
Vortex is good at drawing fire from marines and escaping unharmed.
I never research fade upgrades and I've never had anyone ask for or complain about it.
Good thing it was it took more skill to play and take down imho, and even a rifle had a chance, so it wasn't the typical "no shotties + fades = GG" as it is right now. Felt much fairer to marines, but a good fade could also be much more effective then now.
Stab was never useful so it could see a replacement either way.
I guess you had bad fades, because shadowstep is worth it, assuming you have the other upgrades for the team.
Seriously, the guy can generate WORMHOLES on the fly. WITH HIS BRAIN. What the hell do you expect? Still, funny to watch him try to make tea with those scythe-hands.
In almost every game I play, lerk feels unchallenged to me. What I mean is that for 25 res, you can kill over 50 res worth of marines. (as in their equipment). Of course it's much easier to use lerk when you get umbra. It also might be im just too good with dem lerks =D
Join us in pugs. Bet you don't last that long. :P
Have a go against comp/pro marines with shotguns. Most pub players aren't smart enough to anticipate Lerks when they make their play obvious, so there is never enough combined firepower to drop them. And the Lerk flies off and heals up at the nearest Crag/Hive/Gorge. Against good players though, you will die the moment you try the same play twice, as the moment you are visible, 2-3 players will be in position to rip you a new orifice, and you wont be able to escape before you die.
You forgot some key factors, like the fact he can teleport to wormholes just my swiping his big scythe hands. seriously. the mans a god.