NS2WC Was Great!
Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester

Great matches, gg to everyone you all played excellent
Good job to red dog/wasabi/hugh/uwe team/everyone who started the event
I had my doubts originally when the thing was firstly announced but it was great to see the whole thing even if I missed it live, it was a great event and I hope this game can 'cyst' in some more events
Good job to red dog/wasabi/hugh/uwe team/everyone who started the event
I had my doubts originally when the thing was firstly announced but it was great to see the whole thing even if I missed it live, it was a great event and I hope this game can 'cyst' in some more events
Got up 2 hours too early to watch the NSWC, lol time-zone conversion fail on my part. But I was eagerly watching every minute of that 6:30 hours of that. My butt is now in the form of my chair.
I was sorta hoping for a more epic final match, but...what can you do, legit France Formage strategy is legit.
Anyways, well done all the contestants, safe to say, that you all are the best NS2 players the world has ever seen!
Thanks to the NSWC team and contributors, it was a pleasure to see all our hard work fulfill our dreams. Hopefully the skeptics and Debby downers in our ranks will see the mountains that we can move if we think of "NS2" as being much more than just "a game"
Mission Accomplished everyone, now go get some R&R!
Stream went down a couple times so it's split up a bit.
I largely agree with you.
Having 3 commentators and rotating them every 2 matches was a genius idea. Whoever came up with that one ->*pat on the back*
It allowed the commentators to take a little break and come back refreshed while providing the watchers with variety.
The games themselves were nice, too. Not one, but two very close setups. I gotta admit: Last tournament I switched off the stream after the 2nd round of Archea winning hands-down, but this time I stayed glued to the chair.
My commander of the year nomination goes to Virsoul, who was clearly the best of 'em all.
Each time Titus were aliens, they'd lose quickly to the Snails, but when it was their turn playing marines, they'd pull off a hard earned working victory to the point where the Snails forgot to rebuild their RTs. I especially remember that "pull-out" beacon in Nano. Just great.
I also enjoyed those little team profiles and pre-game interviews you did. I'd like to have seen more of them.
Especially that team photo with all the names and flags on it. You could maybe extend that and introduce each player separately by showing their individual strengths.
Yes, I get it that Intel and Nvidia contributed big time and therefore wanted to be shown in a positive light, shoving out some extra advertising for SSDs and that god-awful PhysX. That's something I could live with - if it wasn't for them there would've been no NS2WC. And you managed to wrap it up in the NS2 art contest, so it had some connection to the game.
[BIG surprise though that UWE apparently didn't use SSDs before in their office... are you kidding me?]
Speaking of art contest: This was the only thing I didn't like. The "social media expert".
All her comments made it painfully clear that she had never played NS2 and wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole... [IDK, when was the last tournament? April 2013? She was already on the last one and that's plenty of time to do some "homework" by playing NS2...]
When she commented on the picture showing a marine sitting in a saddle and riding an Onos it became quite clear that she'd be much more useful on a horse (race) show...
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with liking horses better than NS2. But if someone doesn't give a crap about NS2 - why invite that person to be a NS2 game show host again?
Suggestion: This year's winner of the art contest or a randomly elected group of judges from the studio crowd would do a vastly superior job, because they would "get" the insider jokes, pick up on them and therefore provide a much better commentary and art judging.
Pretty much what I said last year:
All in all, I watched the whole thing.
It was very well made, I could see that a lot of thought and planning had gone into the event.
I'd rate it 1.75 thumbs up!
Anyway must congratulate all the teams for getting to the last four, thank them for some awesome high-level NS2 gaming, and of course "gg" to the Snails for their win.
Finally we get to put some faces to the names we see stomping the pub servers from time-to-time!
One other little gripe I have though is about the maps. If Jambi is played in the World Cup, why isn't it an official map? Just seems absurd that some official maps are seemingly unacceptable for comp play, but unofficial maps are? I know comp has certain needs, and I get that, but if a map is going to be an option at the highest level, it should at least be official at the lowest.
Also should add Kodiak to. That map is f'kn awesome.
I am so proud of everyone involved. Thanks!
Would love to have the first round between Titus and Snails on youtube, that was the best game of the entire tournament (although all were good).
Also well done crew/casters.
I had doubts & issues with many aspects in the early phases of the tournament but it seems to have ended well. Im also up for donating next time, if possible.
Im still glad I donated this time.
I have faith some of the early issues wont be there next time.
So once again to all, well done.
This wasn't an official UWE run event, it was a community run event with the help of UWE. Hence it makes perfect sense that a community event will use community maps that are not official. Why does it need to be official to be considered acceptable to be played/ good?
Also kodiak needs a lot of work before it can be played competitively. Caged is more likely to be the contentder for 2nd best competitive non-official map at the moment.
@bonage Feedback please so I can make this happen :P
I am very proud to have supported it (twice!), and wouldn't hesitate to support another such event. UWE even managed to get a good number of the 'things to fix before the WC' done - with limited staff - which has really helped to make it a superb finals event.
Now plz open up onos tier donations again, I'm still sore I missed out first time!
(I know I give you guys a hard time over the alien vision, but I still love the game and I still think you're probably the best game development company out there
I guess that's fair to say about the community involvement, but at the same time to an outside observer, (like a new player who doesn't know better) NS2WC was pretty "official". But that's not what I'm talking about.
I wish Jambi would just be available in the regular rotation. Not strictly for competitive play, but available for regular pubbers like me, especially as Jambi represented NS2 on probably it's biggest event ever. I think there are only a handful of active NA servers that have Jambi as an option.
If the only reason Jambi is out is because it's ugly, then NS2 will run out of players pretty quick.
As for donating again... We need to debrief a little in a couple weeks and talk about how we might move forward should this happen again. I can say there is a lot of support from everyone, just want to make sure we get even more planning behind the early stages.
Thanks again everyone!