I think I messed up the main menu

Commando24Commando24 Viel Join Date: 2014-03-10 Member: 194643Members
edited March 2014 in Modding
so I've had 2 issues while using the cinematic editor. the first I feel is bigger than the second.

1) one day I thought it would be cool to do an alien version of the main menu. so I loaded the main menu map and set to work placing cysts and a harvester. some of the stuff was already animated so it made it a bit easier for me. I saved it after some work and started to play NS2. when I opened it however I realized that the main menu was different. rather than being greeted by the marine, I saw that instead my custom main menu loaded. now I think this is both cool and slightly scary. I find it cool because I guess this is my first successful mod *confetti drops from ceiling*. however I'm a bit scared because I don't think I can revert back to the normal marine menu so I feel like I broke the game in some way. images below.

2) while in the cinematic editor I tried to place the texture for infestation (and by texture I mean the decal) while working on the alien main menu. I opened the infestation_decal.material file but it never showed up. so I was wondering if I opened the wrong material file, or maybe it's just a problem with this specific map (the main menu map).

any help would be much appreciated.


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