Learn how to lose
Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166084Members

I keep running into games where we are losing and people just don't seem to know how to lose. I'm not trying to start a discussion about conceding or mass F4. I'm talking about people that can't take losing in this game.
It usually starts with a comm or a player that thinks they're better than maybe they actually are. They get killed or the team starts to lose and they just start whining over the mic about how everyone else is losing the game for them (telling the team they suck ect...). Then the people getting bashed get defensive, nobody is having fun, and everyone is pissed off.
You're going to lose this game roughly 50% of the time. Believe it or not, sometimes the other team can just play better. If you can't handle that, stick to single player games.
It usually starts with a comm or a player that thinks they're better than maybe they actually are. They get killed or the team starts to lose and they just start whining over the mic about how everyone else is losing the game for them (telling the team they suck ect...). Then the people getting bashed get defensive, nobody is having fun, and everyone is pissed off.
You're going to lose this game roughly 50% of the time. Believe it or not, sometimes the other team can just play better. If you can't handle that, stick to single player games.
Don't play with those losers. Find a server with a better community.
I will take this moment to shamelessly plug Tactical Gamer.
I've played there before. A+ server and admins. Which is why it's almost always full too
We've got two whole servers, but one fills up and, "welp, guess I can't play there".
A general principle in any game - you can't force the losing side to play a game they don't feel they have a chance to win. You should play to win, always. If you cannot win, there is no sense in playing on (other than training, of course).
there are like three different things wrong with this post. first, the topic was really specifically about players taking on a negative attitude when losing. also, comebacks can and do happen, and if you actually have experienced players they can show you how effective a last minute base rush can be. if an "experienced player" wants to concede when you're on 3 nodes then he's either not that "experienced" or he's not actually interested in winning, he just wants to rack up some kills. there are very few no-win scenarios in ns2, especially if you're playing on like a 24 man server, and if there are then they usually only come about in the last minute or so of the game. if your team can't figure out how to go for a win then your team isn't honestly thinking about winning. the real problem that people have is that their team is too disorganized to get a plan off the ground.
I do play there! I play under the name Turkey. It's just hard to get on because it's a popular spot. I have both taunt and chuckle on favs and a prime thing.
50 percent if its not a green week. In which case a good player can swing a lot of games. Also, sometimes it is the teams fault. If you get no support from the comm and they don't have a build order, sometimes it really is their fault. Sometimes you just think "why'd you jump in the chair if you have no idea what you're doing?".
This a thread for plugins then?
Join us at TAW.net. Best losers EU. Give me a message or add me on steam.
That's true, and that's not exactly the point I was trying to make. It was more about how people handle being on a bad team.
The other day I played a game where teams were stacked against us. The comm gets on the mic and starts talking about how much we sucked. Once the game was over, he starts talking to all the marines in the ready room about what a joke his team was. We were a bad team (and I thought the comm was less than good seeing as he didn't put down the first spur until the 4 minute mark), but it was pretty irritating to hear about it too afterward. This seems to happen in a lot of games.
All I'm saying is you can lose without being rude. Scramble the teams next round. Try to have fun even if you don't get to slaughter the other team because it's going to happen roughly half the time.
Although when someone jumps in the chair without any clue as to what to do, that's a whole other story. If it's not a green server and you don't have any experience in the game, you end up wasting everyone's time in the server. Of course you should eject them and kindly explain to them why they don't need to be in the chair.
At maximum negativity, you reach a point where you simply can't react any angrier without turning green. Why not just have fun and joke around instead of adding more hate to hate... Ah c'est la anonymat sur internet, c'est la vie
There is a time and a place for negative reinforcement. Gaming is not it. Gaming is for fun.
Just played a 30min game, trading bases and hives, lifeforms and jetpacks dying everywhere, both teams slugging it out. I lost my res sink stupidly a few times but I still pull off some good plays and kill quite a few fades and lerks. We take out a hive just before they get Xeno up but a good timed base rush on the aliens ends the game in seconds. Good game despite what some might think is a misplay on the marine commander not beaconing in time, I get frustrated but I recognise that the aliens played well and congratulate them for it and don't flame the commander since I also know, he did well. A few times in that game I saw people that were experienced pub players from my PoV trying to concede as soon as we lost a base, that really does screw things up for everyone because unless you're pinned in with inferior tech, res and map control, you can make a comeback and we did, the game could have easily gone in our favor had we beaconed back in time.
Those types of games are awesome. I often play 4v4 on SC2, sometimes I get into a crazy macro game where it could go either way yet I end up losing, still I "gg wp" as I leave but I really enjoy playing games like that.
Players that start blaming/raging other players do disgust me though. Plenty of times I've seen players instantly resort to blaming commander, if I identify that the comm isn't trolling then I get really defensive over that person. Blaming commanders is generally the sign of either a bad player or a rager.
That being said, I still hate losing and losing a game (when you're doing well, killing lifeforms, etc) but your team isn't quite up to scratch, pulling their weight or is too apathetic are the games that do frustrate me especially on a more experienced server. I can tolerate rookies and rookie teams when I'm on those servers though, everyone starts somewhere.
And likewise those funny games where you get your asses beat down all game and then for no apparent reason the enemy team falls apart and you win with ease.
NS2. 'tis a silly place.
i would regreen myself in a second. the color in chat is just so much more pleasing to the eye.
i'm taking it somewhat personally because i've raged once or twice in 1300+ hrs. and each time i did, it's been because i know it was my team's game to lose and if only the comm were slightly better we would have won... And what i mean by "better" is actually taking a bit of advice...
like maybe not dropping as many useless structures, or maybe being a bit better at ammo drops, or not dropping buildings together to form gorge-happy time placements. you tell them, and it really doesn't sink in. And they still think they were awesome at comming even if what happened was they were carried so hard your fucking shoulders ache.
I have never won a game as comm and thought to myself "damn that was all me," the most i've ever thought was, "hah, you better thank me for those med drops minions"
Brings a few names to mind >.>
I guess the real point here is if you can't handle losing at a video game you should probably disconnect or learn to give helpful advice in a positive way that fosters teamwork.