Bad Games.

moto43moto43 Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9742Members
edited November 2002 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Sometimes it's just not worth it.</div> Ok, I log onto a server and let somebody else take the com. It's 3 marines (myself, Dominator and someone else whom I'm only goint to call Com, which is NOT his actual nick) versus a single alien (Treefrog).

First thing Com does is drop the infantry portal at the very front of the base, were any fade worth his bacteria can blast it to peices. Then drops a turret factory right next to it. Instead of puting the turrets at the front to protect the entrance, he drops 2 of them at the rear of the base, one on either side of the com-chair. We build those and head for the waypoint. Somehow I end up falling into the ventilation (Not on porpose, I was just clumsy) and can't get out. Meanwhile Com is complaining that I'm not doing anything usefull, even after I explain that I'm trapped. After about 10 minutes of abuse from Com and repeated requests by me for Treefrog the skulk to come and kill me, Treefrog is kind enough to inform me that typing "kill" in the console will get me out.
Yay! ISincerlyThankyouVeryMuch!
So I respawn and find that in the meantime, Treefrog has (inteligently) built OF and Def chambers litteraly on our front doorstep. And Com starts complaining about how I'm not leaving base, while I'm running out of ammo trying to clear a path through the door.

So, we eventualy loose.

Eventualy, during the second game, Com left and Dominator took the CC. Things when up from there. Though a whole bunch of people showed up on both sides after that, and though we lost that one too it was through no fault on our side.


  • WolfWolf Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1100Members
    And WHY did you not switch?
  • DemerzelDemerzel Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9181Members
    yeah why didn't you switch or are you one of these people who must be marine?

    Far too often when using the break before a game starts to get a drink, I come back to the ready room and see that the marine team has 2 more players already than the aliens and that 3 or 4 people are stood in the marine doorway. On having joined a game like this, five minutes later there were still three people left in the ready room obviously waiting for another to join the alien team so they could go marine. They were seemingly prepared to wait as long as it took for a space to open up in the marine team.

    It's almost comical that they dislike alien so much or love marine so much that they have to only play that side. It reminds me of people not auto-teaming at TFC because "I'm always blue". argh some people.
  • moto43moto43 Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9742Members
    edited November 2002
    I hit enter too soon, see revised post.
    <edit> I didn't switch teams because my menu's were busted at the time.
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