Stutter, Lag, Framerateinconsistency since B267
Germany Join Date: 2014-07-09 Member: 197328Members, NS2 Playtester

Hello Everyone,
So since Update 267 most of my friends and I get 1. really bad stutter (mini game freezes ca. 100-300ms) which makes aiming in close quarters a nightmare 2. Inconsistent framerates (mine fluctuates between 90-121 while 121 is my fps-cap. all this time my gpu is never at 100% load) 3. Input lag issues, which I cannot quantify and reproduce all the time and might be server related so I will not focus on them.
I ran the Techsupport.exe and added a image showing my gpu-utilization during the last game. Download here
I also Recorded gameplay with "fps" "r_stats" "net_stats" using shadowplay at 60hz, which also shows the lags (complete freezes where the same frame with unchanged r/net_stats is displayed for around 12ish frames). If really needed I can upload that aswell
I hope you guys can help, as this affects many people (mainly high-end systems) and makes the game almost unplayable.
So since Update 267 most of my friends and I get 1. really bad stutter (mini game freezes ca. 100-300ms) which makes aiming in close quarters a nightmare 2. Inconsistent framerates (mine fluctuates between 90-121 while 121 is my fps-cap. all this time my gpu is never at 100% load) 3. Input lag issues, which I cannot quantify and reproduce all the time and might be server related so I will not focus on them.
I ran the Techsupport.exe and added a image showing my gpu-utilization during the last game. Download here
I also Recorded gameplay with "fps" "r_stats" "net_stats" using shadowplay at 60hz, which also shows the lags (complete freezes where the same frame with unchanged r/net_stats is displayed for around 12ish frames). If really needed I can upload that aswell
I hope you guys can help, as this affects many people (mainly high-end systems) and makes the game almost unplayable.
It should make a plog and save it to your ns2 folder in your windows profile.
So please try out the new build and give us feedback if that changed the situation in any way.
Try the latest build and provide another p_logall and techsupport if you are still having issues.
Also please run dx9 fullscreen only.
p_logall in console please.
Then have hitches.
Then check your natural selection 2 folder in your windows profile.
Then post .plog file here.