Subnautica Earliest Access - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Since creating the first underwater prototype in January of 2013, I’ve been obsessed with the underwater and the unknown. Actually, this obsession goes back much farther than that, which is...
Summary of all the get:
Get access to Subnautica on Steam (From October 31)
Get 7 gameplay prototypes (One unlocks each day until October 31)
Get the DRM Free soundtrack with 12 tracks
If you are one of the first 10,000 to purchase Subnautica Special Edition, get a limited run personalised Hull Plate to put on a bulkhead aboard your Cyclops Submarine, recording your purchase number / 10,000 and the date your launched into the Subnautica ocean.
Every day until the 31st you will get access to a new prototype of the game through Humble Bundle, and on the 31st you will be able to link up a Steam copy and play either the latest weekly build, or the daily experimental build. We're hoping to get a LOT of feedback and discussion to help build an awesome game!
The underwater prototype was the earliest. :P
We just wanted to get this into people's hands and we know there are people who love to be involved in the very early development of a game, because their feedback can really make a difference. And for us it is really helpful to get a much broader spectrum of feedback by opening it up to the public. But we really want to stress this is just for the really dedicated fans who want to support us in our endeavors, and are willing to ride (or swim) all the ups and downs that come with such an early, early....EARLY access like this.
Bought today and had a play, good to see the basic physics, here's hoping that you continue to keep a reasonably realistic view on them (not too arcady!)
Ahhhh alright you got my (or more specifically my wonderful girlfriends) 35 bucks. But you better be damned ill give as much feedback as humanely possible, or my name isnt Squidd. A. Pult.
Apparently too much ballast on one side is not physics-firiendly.
Rest in piece BlockMobile, you will be missed.
Looks very promising guys
I personally loved bughunting in the Ns2 alpha/beta. 'twas fun.
Just preparing you for the Steam release }:D (thank god it's not Early Access!)
No, seriously, what a lovely concept for getting funds! I love the prototype build idea! UWE are the best!
Ordered, I think I got plate no.9, and I honestly can't wait to see where this goes. I might drown, but at least i'll drown alongside a great community.
I found a treasure partially clipped inside a cliff! Also huge flippers and oxygen tanks! I even accidentally got outside the map!
By the way, as a scubadiver myself I have to ask: is the heavy breathing sound that comes when you start running out of air still in the latest version? I'm just pointing out that IF it is, maybe some kind of beeping warning sounds could be a little better since realistically when you run out of air you're breathing normally and then suddenly you can't breath anymore.
I know I'm full of warnings, but I also want to state that it's good to not get too attached to anything that is in the early prototypes. There's a lot of stuff in there that we explored, but ultimately felt wasn't the right way to go for the final direction of the game.
I was probably gona get this game anyway :P