What is your "go to" server for NS2 goodness?
England Join Date: 2009-03-19 Member: 66806Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

First things first this isn't an advertisement to join specific servers no outside influences, no finger pointing and no "my server is better than yours" whatsoever.
Now thats out the way my favourite server must be IBIS gaming, even though I'm british I found this US server welcoming with a good mixture of newbies and veteran players, with the occasional steam workshop bug, performance, reliability, friendliness, jokes and teamwork on this server keeps me coming back over and over.
Player count of 24 is just right in my eyes, any more seems to reduce the experience for me personally!
Plus I love playing grenade launcher golf with lerks & fades regularly
Now thats out the way my favourite server must be IBIS gaming, even though I'm british I found this US server welcoming with a good mixture of newbies and veteran players, with the occasional steam workshop bug, performance, reliability, friendliness, jokes and teamwork on this server keeps me coming back over and over.
Player count of 24 is just right in my eyes, any more seems to reduce the experience for me personally!
Plus I love playing grenade launcher golf with lerks & fades regularly

A close second would be LuckyFkers simply because I love the mod they have that improves Exo's and adds Onocide.
Basically, when team A concedes it starts a timer (60 seconds iirc) and team B has that much time to kill the Hive/CC. Team A can't do any damage, and every time team B kills someone, it takes time off the timer. If team B can't kill the Hive/CC before time is up... then team A wins.
So it turns conceding into a sort of mini game with the winning team rushing to kill the Hive/CC and the losing team trying to get in their way to die and lower the timer.
It's fun, and it tends to make people more willing to concede when the game is over.
Mods optional, prefered of similar or higher skill & any language I speak.
Eh, I think people concede too often in pubs.
It goes both ways. Tgns usually gets it just right.
-Want to have a serious match? TacticalGamer.
-Want to relax and run a ridiculous strategy (Whole team gorges and whole team make gorge tunnels from your base to marines and play whack-a-gorge)? TacticalGamer.
-Want to go full on try-hard? Come by Friday night for Captain's night (Dodgeball style picks from one of the two team captains, each team takes a turn being Aliens and Marines on the same map with the same spawns). The password to enter the captain's night server is posted on the TG forums around 30 or so minutes before it starts.
-Want to get eaten by my lerk until you break your keyboard over your face*? TacticalGamer.
There's almost always someone on the server with basic admin permissions, so things don't get out of control.
Overall, great community, and I recommend you join the forums as well (not sure of the posting rules here, so I'll avoid linking it.)
As mentioned above, the win-or-lose mod makes even conceding because of an inevitable loss fun, as sometimes you can get the "Victory" if the other team kills too many of you without focusing the hive/chair.
I accept NO responsibility for any keyboards/faces/etc damaged before/during/after the digestion of your face by my lerk.
it's annoying to play outside of the captain servers because there's usually only 3-6 players I recognize on any other server, and when half of them quit after a round i'm forced to suffer through a awful game or look for a different server. i would really enjoy if you could queue for a different server while being in game.
Second one for admin troll policing.
-TG games are usually fun as well. I'm not a fan of one of their admins but aside from that, the 16 playercap makes games very fun.
-HBZ when it was alive and seeded
-TA used to be fun. Now its 24p and I cri evry tim.
Same rules, losers go out with a bang!
Since they are fairly strict regarding their rules, it's a good place to enjoy some games without having to deal with the typical hoodlums you find everywhere online.
I'm getting to be like Danny Glover because I'm getting to old for that shit.
I can rarely find a decent siege server where it has people that know what they are doing!
I find it amazing that people are still clueless on how to play siege, even though the concept is probably nearly 10 years old already!
Typical playercounts are around 12 players and the average skill and teamplay is higher compared to most other servers I tried.
It's east(ish). Close enough lololol
Steam sale = double edged sword. Lots of new players the past couple weeks makes it difficult to find consistent good games. Eventually they will either get better or move on (capn's games ftw).
When I connect to other continents when NA servers aren't active, I enjoy the community at YO and the thirsty onos servs.