The first SN fan film? - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Since Subnautica development builds were made publicly available on October 31st, youtube videos have started to spring up. Here’s one that caught our eye, as being possibly the first ‘fan film’...
I somehow doubt that.
Unless you're counting lets-plays then i think it is.
A video is a video regardless of it's intent or content. Let's play is just as valid as any other no matter the title.
To ignore this, and make a claim like this is in itself a slap in the face to those who actually have taken the time to bother making a video of the game.
Be careful here.
I say this because i don't think lets plays count as fan film.
I usually count fan films as short stories using the people in the game or as in this case a kind of trailer.
But really don't take any of this as an insult. If i have somehow offended you I am sorry.
Also, before I can go on any further I have to say that I didn't post this for myself, and I didn't take one bit offense to it believe me.
What I was concerned over was the wording itself, and how people do get their diapers all into a bunch over nonsense but there are people that would see this as a claim to fame for someone who may not deserve that title, and may very well feel they are due since they took the time to make the video, and bring it up to a specific high quality production, anyway you know what I mean.
For myself I know my videos are poo, and I pretty much design them to be that way out of sheer laziness (totally intentional I can assure you).
Have a good day guys, again it's the wording.
Of course we 100% appreciate all the stuff everyone else has been doing on youtube, especially you! We don't mean to play favorites. Your efforts are not lost on us, so we apologize if we make you feel otherwise sometimes. We're always looking for ways to engage and appreciate our community, but we're not perfect.
I fully understand your reasoning for it, and I know your not playing favorites here, just was a bit concerned how others may react, that is all. You are right, there are YT members which really put a bag full of effort into their productions, and it's nice to see developers taking notice.
Perfection is in the eyes of beholder, and there is only a handful of developers which if there was a level of perfection in the industry I would say your pretty close to the top along with a couple of others out there (in my opinion just two others).
Just a concerned, and grateful gamer... Cheers!
ads are getting smarter
Really? So any video is the same as any other video?
You're the only person in the world who believes this.