Give Early Access Feedback to the Dev Team
CameramanSan Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

G'day everyone! I've smashed together this guide to some of the ways in which you can give feedback to the Subnautica development team.
Some links copied here for convenience:
Steam Subnautica Forums
Feedback System Data
Developer Twitter List
Some links copied here for convenience:
Steam Subnautica Forums
Feedback System Data
Developer Twitter List
First, it would be really cool to have a hatch on top of the cyclops. Nuff said.
Next, I think the depth limit on the cyclops is a little limiting. One of the big draws of this game is the mystery and wonder of whats out there, so it kinda sucks that you cant go explore that deep dark drop off (that may be the end of the map... not sure how that works).
I know you guys are still working on this, but you need more diversity of life. Its super awesome what you have already, but the more kinds of fish the merrier. Also, you need to implement that giant monster thing from the trailers. It would be kinda awesome. (again, not sure if you already have and i just havent found it)
It might be cool to have some better weapons than a knife or a "stay here while i run away" gun. Maybe a harpoon for starters. Also bigger monsters to kill.
Like LivingConcourse said above, multiplayer would be spectacular! I know its a big thing to add, but it would be soooooooo worth it.
After that, its really just a matter of adding things to keep the player interested. Right now it only takes a few hours till it feels like youve explored most of the game. More craftables is essential, and either some kind of story/missions or just more biomes and creatures would be good.
Oh, one last thing. Maybe some small islands would be cool. Just enough to get out of the water for awhile and to give some other kind of bearing on the surface other than the big giant ship.
Keep up the good work! Its awesome so far!
Perhaps just having the usage rate fall slower when not exerting oneself (I.e in using the seaglide or just floating in place) would help a bit too?
•4 armed repair sub
•capture and research sub (cyclops size)
•Sub that defends the base and other subs from agressive creatures. Non lethal.
Researching creatures gives you bonus stuff (reaserch jars/ containers)
Fully customizable sub hull patterns (all subs and can spray paint on them too)
Other survivors in other pods and in the main ship. Multiplayer AND AI.
Creature creator! (Eg spore.)
Use the game spore for creature ideas.
combine subs to bases to make them extra base additions.
Sorry if this was too long. Any way i can email the devs directly?
Also, since this an alien planet what if you had the job of documenting all life and building a base for future colonies.
In short. Please add underwater domes.
PS: I'll remember what you said about that beer if I ever get a chance to say hello in person.
~ Jake.
Can we have different labels for beacons or the ability to label them, and a beacon in the Sea-moth. Also, a placeable beacon in a base would be good.
It would be nice to place a beacon in the different biomes as you find them (and eventually have them show up on some kind of map - say a sonar map that generates as you explore, only if you have sonar)
so far a fantastic game glad to see the hard work being done at ... well quite frankly breakneck pace
you wanted my feedback here it is
would be nice to be able to have a larger base room maybe a square for crafting purposes also a docking collar for the Cyclops would be a bonus to allow for recharging of power and allow a swim less transition between the two
also there is a bug currently with the base windows on the corridor piece it builds the top most window on the side and make the top see through however the model for the top window is placed on the side of the corridor.
instead of crafting lots of single tanks it would be nice to be able to craft a duel tank that still only take up one inventory slot but has twice the capacity as inventory space is limited of note and carrying around lots of tanks is kind dull as it forces me to do LOTS of trips to acquire the materials for a Cyclops
it is anti intuitive to have to have the dive reel in your had to collect the anchor
also at the time of this posting the feedback menu has stopped working properly and I cant f8 as the you retain control of the character
also blocking a entrance with the terraforming gun dose not stop the light from passing trough the rock (emersion breaking)
deconstructing the fabricator in the life raft puts you in trouble as you CANNOT rebuild it (esp if you don't have our Cyclops yet)...thank goodness for base parts costing the small amount they do or it would be a game breaker
there are other minor bugs (Cyclops shader, life raft repair ect ect ect) but I am sure they will be fixed in good time
great work guys keep it up
hope this has helped
yours in service
I Have some problems with Crashes after playing for a time, but I will post about those in the chrash thread.
I have so far been able to build 2 underwater bases. 1 in the shallows and a second one at the bottom of the 2-300 meter drop. That was interesting and fun.
I have built both the Seamoth and the Cyclops. That feeling when you got everything you need to build the cyclops. So nice
I am currently modifying the cyclops by building in lockers etc. Filling them with food and water and generally getting ready for a long expedition into the unknown.
Here is my short wish list:
1) Tweak thr drain on hunger and thirst levels. It is really fast atm making you farm insane amount of food/waterfish instead of exploring. That is really frustrating.
2) Powerdrain from power sources seems to be somewhat high and should be adjusted.
3) Powerdrain of the cyclops are rediculous. It has 6 power sources yet it drains the power faster than using the seamoth over the same distance. That was a major dissapointment.
I feel like the cyclops is like this giant submarine that should be able to travel for days to explore the vast unknown. As it is now, you got to stop every 5 minutes to make 6 new powersources because the cyclops drank all the juice.
5) Inventory size is a matter once you have started to make everything. I know you have plans to change that into a paperdoll, and that might help as you will equip things, they don't steal inventory space. Even so I would like to be able to craft something for inceasing inventory slots. Maybe a net that you could equip that would allow you to bring more stuff up from the deep, or as previously suggested by someone craft more expensive/advanced equipment that takes less space. Dual tanks would be good.
I would love to be able to craft an emergency bottle, that could give 15-30 secs of air for those times you miscalculate the depts ever so slightly :P
6) Also I would like to see the cupboards/lockers on the cyclops work for as built in storage space. (There is a row of lockers when you enter the cyclops, one door is partly open)
7) As a lot of people already mentioned. Bigger rooms for base building. I also would like to be able to rotate base pieces up and down, and not just side to side. E.g the 3 way tube. I would like to be able to have a hallway with the mid-tube going vertically up or down. ( _I_ ) ( T ). This will allow for more choices when it comes to building the bases.
A nice thing would be for the bubbles to stop when you equip the re-breather, as they way they work is by recycling the air you breath - they are nice and quiet, with no bubbles.
Re-breathers also give longer time, not just the same time at depth, but do require their scrubbers to be replaced - so you could have longer with a re-breather, but it would consume created scrubbers (They also take a lot less space than cylinders, so would be about two cylinders in your inventory with a better capacity than 5)
An elevator function would be nice for really long drops (I have a 150 - 200 meter drop on my base to enter some deep caves)
Vertical corridor sections, so you can create really long ladders (or elevators) in a round tube, with plenty of glass. It could use a similar mechanic to diving, using up and down.
Windows for the L shaped corridors
Windows for the floor sections (Good for bridges or viewing platforms)
Bulkheads with seal-able doors, so that so that you can control how much of your base would get affected in a flood.
Docks as mentioned before, and larger rooms, possibly a modular room, so that as you add sections the room grows.
Being able to rotate by 45 degrees as well as 90
Small corridor sections so that if you try and join two bases, and they are slightly off you can correct (I had to demolish and rebuild my shallow base when I connected it to my main base)
A viewing room, that you can see the entire area from (mostly glass)
Proper airlocks, rather than just hatches (though being able to add a bulkhead (see above) would solve this
Better mechanics to stop plants popping through the walls to your base - the same for the shoals of fish - they seem to exist outside of collision detection.
Lights to light the outside of the base.
Portable lights than can be installed through out cave systems.
Possibly are REALLY large dock area, that you can drive the Cyclops in to to make additions and customise it.
Here is the link to the pics of my base (yes, it is a little large, I did use no cost cheat mode, but I wanted to see how much would break the game - I haven't yet) which game me some of those ideas.
these were my ideas, i know im repeating some already echoed in the forums
So, let me say first off, I wasn't going to post until i had a lot of feedback. I also wasn't going to post on the webbed feedback post, because i had too much. and i created a profile specifically to post this. and second, i know this list ends up sounding a little bossy... Trust me, I'm not. However, when I thought of what I wanted to see in the game as of this moment, i thought it out in totality, with these items concrete. I know they are not, obviously. “and why a list on the forums?” You might ask.... Well there's just way too much for those small text boxes in-game. And I tried to keep out some of my ideas that had already been echoed in the forums.
Now I ask you Dev's, will you ponder these?
-storage container base parts
---Something like what you've already done done: Multipurpose Room
---walls when joined to other storage bases disappear to make larger rooms, all directions no longer needed : Multipurpose Room
---large windows/reinforcements on all sides (bottom too) done: Multipurpose Room
---mega space for lockers /and equipment Seamoth/cyclops bays?
---dome shaped ones too irrelevant: Multipurpose Room
-base customization
beds (set spawn point)
customization bench (color your base or suit)
computers (no good reason why now, to look cool I guess)
-above water parts
---solar power (Eco-friendly?) done.
-battery banks. still would like to see this, coupled with battery recharge station(that's currently in the works)
---must be able to connect to/from seabases already planned
---will allow the quick air refill you get from above water to all bases connected (please? will also help with upcoming limited base air update)
- Stackable ladders with reinforcements
---transports instantaneously from one end of entire stack of parts facing same direction done: Vertical Connector
---1 parts faces direction breaks stack facing other will transport only to that point only if opposite ends are both in corridors no idea what i meant there
---must be rotatable don't think this will ever be put in
---must be allowed on floors, period
---must be allowed on L corridors
---must be allowed everywhere
---windows... done: Glass Corridors
---must be allowed on floors, period
---must be allowed on L corridors
---must be allowed everywhere
---reinforcements... no longer needed : Multipurpose Room
---must have ability to change size larger and smaller
---must have ability to change material being deposited
---must have slant, flat, and square placement shapes
---stops smaller aggressive fauna from attacking, like stalkers
---they are so annoying...
---so is "taming" them, they're so numerous
----I think its far more elegant than killing them
---can help with larger threats
---please be something energy based
---please be pacifier, for a more Eco-friendly feel? done: Propulsion Cannon/Repulsion Cannon
-hatch to hatch docking for base/cyclops being somewhat planned/mulled over
-a 4 person Seaglide(for multiplayer?)
-a 2 person Seamoth(for multiplayer too?)
-a deep sea sub good to 1500-M (lava zone) can be done with Pressure Compensation Module
---has vertical launch tubes on top along spine of sub for aerial vehicles
---holds 4-8 Seamoths or deep sea mini-subs in bottom and lower sides
---cool science/equipment/storage bays on top half? surprise us. fantastical....and too resource intensive
-flying craft
--- solar powered
---can fly
---flying kinda takes away from the watery goodness of this, and map is too small for it to be useful
---can add windows onto the sub, Particularly upper deck seamoth bay. Please?
---can add reinforcements to hull for diving past 200m done
---can be added with 1 of a few modules/package, i.e. science, propulsion, guidance, fishing/trawling, construction
---makes reason to make more than 2
---builder version, more efficient, or faster, or both
---oxygen version, allows caches of water under the surface, like pipes
---medical version, because why the hell not
---repulsor/pacifier version, scare the mean fishes and forces teamwork done: Seamoth Perimeter Defense System
-seamoth is glitchy, is invisible in cyclops bay or is unable to be entered and has no collision physics with player
this one is all over the place, some days its fine, some days its not fixed
-seaglide/vehicle constructor will leave very loud ghost sound if its active sound is playing while being picked up(constructor), or put away(seaglide) for unassisted swimming fixed
-larger seabases have increasing load time for every piece, when placed, that alters its structural integrity fixed
-plants go through base walls
-terraforming leaves fauna "hanging" in midair
b. Fixes
-oxygen is a little too short, by 10-20 seconds worked around : upgraded tanks
-food/thirst and day/night cycle go way too fast
---make food/thirst be like 2 meals/water (3?) a day keep you full
--- make day/night 2-2 1/2 times as long, with the above food/thirst idea to match we're there
-set default speed to 1.45 no longer wanting this, speed is good
-double speed of cyclops
---if/when larger sub added make speed same as current cyclops no longer wanting this, speed is good
C. Gameplay
---coupled with story, there's two seats in the lifepod : Co-op; multiplayer : there's other pods dropped around the map where other pairs can spawn
-make it more towards coexisting with the world, Eco-minded. This game has way more potential for that than others In the works! YUS!
-locker and analyzer placement boxes are too big, have to place too far from walls this should've been in bugs, but its been fixed
-GPS/map room in the works
...I'm REALLY invested in this game, can you tell?...
So, this is my list of Things For SubNautica I would like to see. I will be playing the game and updating this as the game does. Please everyone, discuss away...
sorry for large post, im deleting OP and leaving it here. i had posted a new thread with this for discussion, but there wasnt any happening, so ill put it here.
I'd personally like a 2-4 player co-op with direct ip connection. Not a mmo style mp.
Otherwise an autosave on exit/enter Base/Seamoth/Cyclops. Just lost 4 hours due to crash.
Thus I'm here.. posting. ^^
Restarting game from scratch is good fun, since random land creation is evitable. Game has replayability.
I like alot of the suggestions already posted above.
I'd like to see the game remain a non violent game. I like the stasis gun. The crash fish don't. haha.
I've posted my suggestions in suggestions thread, echos many already made.
I'd add, pipes need to be reworked, maybe snap to, with mouse wheel 45 degree flips, currently you get a wonky line of pipes, last pipe should have an obvious air bubble like the seabed airvent thing. First section, maybe little floats attached which would take it to the surface, like the constructor.
Also permanent critter removal, ie kill a crash pod, clearing them from a cave, they respawn randomly elsewhere.
And lastly.. I hope there's a big alien back story, with history and depth to the game, as well as the survivability scope.
Keep up the great work.
One thing that would be awesome to link NS2 and Subnautica! And that would be a great fanfavour!
I found this on the NS2 wiki. maybe here is the link we are searching for: - add some of the Kharaa lifeforms BEFORE they where changed by the Kharaa! like the Hive, shade, veil, spure, cocoon, drifter,... underwater AND skulk, gorge, lerk, onos, ... on island and above water! it would be so AWESOME to see these creatures BEFORE they get mutated to hostile lifeforms by the Kharaa! so they will be more friendly in apperance! no long claws, spikes, ... storywise it would make perfect sense!
- add a random Kharaa investation somewehere on the map that will slowly grow by passing gametime. changing the biom and the creatures living in it into more hostile forms! to counter it, add a feature to fight the Kharaa grow. this investation can be triggered by a worldevent like a meteor hitting the ocean or ...!
- add a NS2 (TSF) skinpack for suit, base, tools, vehicles, ...
the hive from NS2 as a living creatur in subnautica! would be awesome to see it swimming trough the abyss at very very deep water!
i allready hear all the NS2 fans scream in exitement!
I already spoke about the idea how SN and NS could be connected, and now after i take a closer look on the khaara creature design i found some striking similarities in all of them.
like the bonestructure on the forehead with the mandibles and tentacles coming out of it. i was thinking about how this similarities would have evolved?! (i know it has something to do with that fungus, but that could not be all...) my idea: a parasite-like creature (like in alien) attaching itself to the head of the host and than somehow merge itself with it. resulting in the transformation of the host into the hostile khara-creatures we know! and since i mentioned in my post that the khaare evolved out of aquatic lifeforms it would be a cool idea to see that parasite as a creature in SN. it could live on the bottomside of the floating island, hanging upside down feasting on the giant floaters.
here is my sketch:
i was thinking about SN-concept of non-lethal weapons. This is what i came up with: a Gun that can fire anykind of round object scavenged from the ocean, like floaters, crash-fish or Gasopod-Granades (u need to craft them) which is the second idea!
- floater-ammo will stick to surfaces and enemies render them harmless and slowly float them to the surface (would be awesome to use on big predators)
- crash will explode and stun enemies AoE (they dont kill, maybe small fish)
- gasopod-granades will cloud the area hit and blind enemies caught in the AoE
my sketch of the "Blunderbuss" and "Gasopod-Grenade":
... i thought about our rescue-pod too because since midgame it became pretty useless. just floating around doin nothin but still beaconing all the time! maybe there should be an option to attach it to the cyclops somehow. like an emergency escape-pod. so when ur cyclops is beeing destroyed u can blow urself to the surface using ur old and trusty pod!
maybe the pod can than be used for multiple purposes, like function as ur private quarters and rescue-pod at the same time. this will require to change the interior a little bit. add a bed or something to make it more a place to life in!
an escape-plan can be crucial in hardcore-mode where death is permanent!
Other things i had in mind:
- make animals of same species vary slightly in size and color, so they don’l look like clones
- dead and alive fish should have a different animation when hold in hand
- grabed fish should thrash around and escape after a few sec when not killed (like real fish do)
- animation for fishes on dryland and surfaces
- shouldn’t the hoverfish actually hover on the watersurface?
- day and night should change the animal spawn, night should by more dangerous and scary (beautiful aswell) > something like anglerfish in dark and/or deepwater
- fish should be attracted or scarded by light, movement, etc
- the helm or divegoggle feels to flat, maybe it can be more sperical like the one seen in the cutscene and bend the light slightly at it corners (like the bigdaddy-helm in bioshock!)
- light in submarine should turn dark when u are driving it, or maybe give a option to turn in on or off, so u can see better what is on the outside
- maybe add a bit more of lore by collectable datadisk or something else that can be discovered between the debris
- bigger rooms for seabases, maybe two floors high like livingrooms, sciencelab, hyrocultures, aquarium, trophieroom, restroom, sleepingearea, workshop...
- ability to sleep and restore health, rest and pass time!
- what’s the point in repairing the escape pod? It should do something!
- getting food and water is becoming tedious lategame, so there should be a option to make it more easy later on. Like building crabcages, hydrocultures, waterdistiller, ...
- add a radiationsuit so we can get to the crashed ship! Everybody wants to do that!
- add more rooms to the submarine, at least one more where u can rest, change outfits, look in ur ingame computer and so on, so u feel more at home in ur sub!
- a sonar on ur sub that charts the earea and tracks animals in close proxomity > ability to have a map that u need to fill urself
- research lab or something similar where u can research new food (buffs), materials (stronger sub, new suit or armor)... from plants and animals
- add weather effect: rain, wind, thunder,clouds,...
- aggressive fish grab/bite ur flippers when ur swimming backwars/away from them
- worldevents like: meteorshower, seaquakes > tsunami, aurea borealis, awakening of the worldeater ^^ and more which all have different effects on the world
- challenges (bronze, silver, gold) like harvest 20 creepvine, craft 10 batteries, ... which will give u some kind of bonus if u achieve them
- more real unique places to discover, like a really giant skelleton of some extinkt seacreature or some really cool world anomalies (like in "endless legend", they got some pretty ones)
this is my sketch showing a dead Sea-Emperor-Alpha! The Idea ist that the Tusks are growing more large the older the Emperor becomes! And in case of this Alpha they grow to an enormous sice showing his great age!
- unique boss-fish, like larger version of the common ones, maybee added through radiation > mutation... > to investigate,maybe take a picture and a sample of them
(what would add a nice challenge, not only to find them but to actally get close enough to gather a skin-sample or take a good picture up close without getting eaten)
Hi, this i my idea how a "Research-Feature" could be implemented to the Game!
a) first two Screens Show something like a camera, which allows u to scan/take Pictures of creatures/plant u aim on and give u some extra visual Feedback on Research-Progress and maybe known strength/weaknesses! (buff/debuff icons)
if the creature/plant is unknown u get a visual cue (red border)
b) the lower screen shows a basic example how the "Research-Log" may look like. listing all known Facts, Progress and so on.
if u reach 100% Research-Progress u can "send" the log to Altera Corp to receive some nice bonuses/buffs connected to that creature/plant
the idea is abot a) and b) working together. a) beeing the way how to gather intel and b) how to display it, what u learn from it and so on. like a ingame wiki of some sort.
Now that we have the Aquarium ingame, i thought: "what about the big fish?".
So here is my solution/suggestion:
it is something like a holo projector that can project any blueprint u find or any researched creature/plant! (see above for research-log-idea)
this is my Alien-Suit or Endgame Suit i was thinking 'bout
I thought it would be a nice turnaround for the player, since this suit turns u from a stranger to a actual inhabitant of the alien planet.
and the view trough the membran helmet lets u feel even more alien.
it's supposed to be pretty much an endgame reward after anything else is done, so u can mess around and freeroam without limitations anymore!
Ever wondered who eats ur precious food, when ur away from ur sub or underwater station? Beware of the Ratshark and keep ur Sub Vermin free!
great game so far, i love it allready. keep up the good work!
sry for my bad-english ^^