DimmDrive: Can't afford a new SSD or the hassle?
New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation

This looks pretty amazing if you dont have an ssd or the means or desire to get one!
Basically you'll load NS2 onto your RAM... FULLY as thought it's a disk. (Ram Disk)
The Ram disk tech or idea isnt new, but this interface is super streamlined. Wish I knew about it before i got a new pc.
This looks pretty amazing if you dont have an ssd or the means or desire to get one!
Basically you'll load NS2 onto your RAM... FULLY as thought it's a disk. (Ram Disk)
The Ram disk tech or idea isnt new, but this interface is super streamlined. Wish I knew about it before i got a new pc.
Much cheaper, been around longer, no need for steam intergration and just works.
False, was fixed
8GB (70€) + 30 € for this software = 110€ to speed up games and software.
Well, 110€ for an 250GB Samsung SSD would speed up your whole system.
Ramdisks are a nice idea but pretty useless in times of SSDs.
Or just to do it for fun?
It's not a scam; it's just dumb and unnecessary to spend $30 on it in my opinion. Unless you really like it for some reason. It's your money, but just be aware that there's other options and make an intelligent choice.
And not just RAM drive software - think of other ways you can spend your $30 that you might enjoy more (alcohol, women, SSD, dinner).
More ram didnt make your pc faster btw. but a SSD do.
Lets say you have an 7200rpm HDD+32gb ram + a ramdisk for NS2
I have a Samsung EVO, 8gb ram
We both start our systems at the same time to play NS2.
The result?
You need around 40sec to boot the system + 5 sec to load the ramdisksoftware + the time to load NS2
I need 7 sec to load Windows + 4 sec to load NS2
Hell, i changed the map 4 times before you even startet NS2.
Thats what i called fun.
8 GB DDR3 - $60 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231636
Yes, SSD is cheaper. But say you already have 16GB or more of RAM for another reason (you do video editing, the computer "just came" with 16GB, your mom was building the computer and she thought moar ram=moar faster, you were dumb, etc.). I guess you can sell the ram and buy a SSD... :-) But if you don't want to sell the ram - why not just use it since you have it anyway? Ramdisk!
Yes, SSD doesn't need to be "preloaded" and if you're just booting your PC, you're waiting for the data to be read from the mechanical disk anyway. However, when it's loaded, it's at least 10x faster than the fastest SSDs out there, and if you keep your computer on 24/7, it doesn't need to be "preloaded" once it's been loaded once.
If you are about to buy RAM to use it as a RAM disk, I would probably choose a SSD though.
In any case, spending $30 on ramdisk SOFTWARE is pretty dumb, again, my opinion. If you really think it's "worth it," do it. I don't.
But it would have saved me when I was using my macbook last year to play competively and a patch broke my game and I started hitching bevause the hdd but I didnt have time to do any ssd replacement shit OR money for how expensive it was then etc etc etc theres uses
Edit: I forgot, you need a Mainboard supporting Intel Smart Response Technology.
I would not buy for 30USD this DIMMDRIVE application since there exists alot of Freeware ramdrives which are a bit older but working properly
I need dimmdrive ???
How is that relevant?
249 actually fixed the loading screens. Even when you loaded up for the first time, it started up pretty fast.
Yeah I have one for my laptop. It's pretty great in boosting general performance.
I'd rather this than a hybrid.
Either way, it's all off topic lol
If it fixes the micro-pause/stuttering, and you don't need to buy more RAM, and you don't know how to manage a RAM disk perfectly for Steam games, and you love playing NS2...
I'd say it's worth $30.00, and I wish I knew about this way long ago.