Energy management, research, and upgrades (google doc)
Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
I originally started this as a post, but it grew really fast. I made a google doc with a lot of ideas on how to implement energy management in the game, along with research and upgrades. Enjoy!
Good specifications are the lifeblood and guiding message of a properly managed project. The more the better. Input and output specifications enable clear communication between modules, functions, that are written by separate people. Without them it is chaos, never ending bugs, and trips to memory wacky land.
Now, if the reader or developers don't like, or can't deal with reams of specifications then it is already too late to save Subnautica because it could be mired in a huge mass of spaghetti code that will never be unraveled in a productive and economically feasible manner.
It's fairly easy to manage food and water (keep airfish in storage for an endless supply of water), and once and a while catch a bunch of peepers and salt. I use the stasis rifle to catch lots of them at once. I agree with you on the oxygen usage, as I don't find that a fun mechanic with its current implementation. I can't explore the deeper waters effectively at all unless I surface with the seamoth a lot.
As for the battery situation, something like the suggested implementation would have to be prototyped to see if it actually was fun or not, and if it did work, tweak the battery times accordingly. Even if something like energy supply (as a resource alongside oxygen, food and water but used for items and vehicles).
hehe, I would like to see some of energy management make it into the cyclops though, at a minimum. The idea of customizing your items and vehicles through research could be interesting, regardless.
Sorry I can't be more specific and give details, just think all that would be overwhelming, turn a lot of people off immediately, and or change the game too much
Though I agree power shouldn't be easy to deal with, it shouldn't necessarily be complex
I think that larger vehicles like the seamoth and the cyclops should be exempt from battery requirements. The seamoth with a self-recharging battery is a good enough limitation (maybe solar charged so that if you run out at night you have to survive till morning?)
The Cyclops I feel is large enough to generate its own power, and having to deal with replacing batteries in your main "home" area would detract from the fun of the game. (also, its big enough to have its own power generation system)
If base building does become a thing, I don't think XL Batteries are not the best way to handle them. Since its creating a structure complex, there should just be a Power Generator that runs the complex. Each Power Generator would produce x units of power, each type of room requires x units to run. (more generators for more/advanced rooms)
Power Generator produces 5 units of power
Rooms - Power Use:
Life Support - 2 units
Cafeteria (Food/Water Dispenser) - 2 units
Aquarium - 1 unit
Research lab - 3 units
As for vehicle power, flashlights, etc. I think a degree of abstraction is required for gameplay purposes. Just build the batteries once and take it as granted that the batteries are re-chargeable and the few real minutes into which your game-day is compressed include some off-screen chores like battery charging. (Battery charging using what? ok, the ocean current-powered generators I guess).