How do I fix my old Mods?
Hi there, I mainly make graphical replacements so just replacing the .dds files
Sometime last year a workshop update occurred which changed the way resources were handled and loaded in-game, I think it was a complete change in how textures were applied to models to make way for the kodiak skins. Not sure though, but ever since then my mods have been borked and now that I'm starting to get back into NS2 a little I'd like to use my weapon skins and other graphical tweaks once again.
Also, sometime later, crosshairs got broken. At least the two I've created all of a sudden have become corrupted on the workshop or something like that, I don't get it at all, but no custom crosshairs for me.
The way my mods worked were an identical directory structure to the game, with the replacement files the only files that exist in the mod directory. So like pistolmod/models/marine/pistol/
etc. Not sure what's changed or what I need to do to fix it all, so I'm posting here for help. I know I'll probably have to nuke my workshop submissions and that's fine with me, because they didn't even work back then when it came to editing them haha.
Sometime last year a workshop update occurred which changed the way resources were handled and loaded in-game, I think it was a complete change in how textures were applied to models to make way for the kodiak skins. Not sure though, but ever since then my mods have been borked and now that I'm starting to get back into NS2 a little I'd like to use my weapon skins and other graphical tweaks once again.
Also, sometime later, crosshairs got broken. At least the two I've created all of a sudden have become corrupted on the workshop or something like that, I don't get it at all, but no custom crosshairs for me.
The way my mods worked were an identical directory structure to the game, with the replacement files the only files that exist in the mod directory. So like pistolmod/models/marine/pistol/
etc. Not sure what's changed or what I need to do to fix it all, so I'm posting here for help. I know I'll probably have to nuke my workshop submissions and that's fine with me, because they didn't even work back then when it came to editing them haha.
If you don't want to fix it I'll fix it for you...least I could do for "breaking" it.
My pistol skin
My crosshair mod
I have a whole bunch of other mods and I assume none work anymore, thanks for taking the time to reply SamusDroid although I think the issue may be something different.
Also, when I run sandbox mode it says build 218 up the top left. That can't be right.. can it? Does NS2 keep old binaries around for compatibility reasons? Because my pistol mod actually works in sandbox mode, yet I'm 100% certain I have tested it before in 2014 and it wasn't working. -and I'm aware of whitelisted servers, and I'm sure that wasn't a problem for it.
Now onto the other problem. Rifle and Exo skins were changed to atlased textures, you'll have to fix them in order for it to work.