IDeas: creature concepts
Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members

Aka I am bored lets post thoughts after googling fish.
1. spiny stars
info: spiny stars would be large star fish about half the size of the player these starfish like creatures would spawn only in shallows and would feed on the acid mushrooms and braincoral, by default they are not hostile to the player though they can block the coral from spawning air, and kill large sections of acid shrooms.
interaction: these love metal, as such a sea base in shallow water will quickly become a home for many of he spiny stars, though they can inadvertently cause breaches as they move along the structure.
use: the player can cut off the arms of this with a knife, doing so doesn't "harm" teh creature, the arms can be used with the creeper vine and salt to make bandages which can heal the player when damaged. (50% health per use, 3 uses per bandage set)
2. swallower (needs better name
inspiration 2:
info: swallowers would be large seamoth sized fish found in moderate to deep areas, by default this fish would attempt to "eat" everything it sees including the player, this means that a swallower will eat everythign from small fish, to wreckage to the minisubs. If the player is eaten by this they simply have to stab it with a knife until they have "cut it open" at which point it will die releasing everything that was inside it.
interaction: the player can cut it open killing it and giving its scales, and everything it has eaten, these things will always have a large amount of the food fish in the area inside them and most metal and drop loots.
use: NA just a hostile creature.
3. sea lurker
info: the sea lurker is a deep sea spider like creature that the player would find mostly harmless, though if attacked they can release a small "ball web" that can slow the player down for a time.
interactions: these things love to web up light sources as that attracts small fish to them for food as such, a player in a dark area may find them selves having to cut webbing and lurkers off of their subs or bases periodically, though if left the web can be used as a way to quickly get food as smaller fish will get trapped in it.
use: the web can be used to make netting walls which block fish from going through them. though large fish could just bash through it.
4. filter whale
info: a filter whale would be a large sea creature rivaling the main sub in size, though the creature would be 100% passive to the player even ignoring the player and other fish as they attack it, this fish would slowely swim across deep water areas doing mostly nothing. the unique thing about this fish would be a hollow mouth which would sort of be like a coral tube is in game, these things could be swam through with out a care.
inerations: the filter whales would mostly ignore the player, though as they swim through deep water they have a tenancy to filter quartz resulting in their "filter tube" having large deposits of it. as the creature is completely harmless the player can jsut swim up and grab it.
use: large decorative fish that can be found in any area that has deep water (though can be found from shallows to the deep).
1. spiny stars
info: spiny stars would be large star fish about half the size of the player these starfish like creatures would spawn only in shallows and would feed on the acid mushrooms and braincoral, by default they are not hostile to the player though they can block the coral from spawning air, and kill large sections of acid shrooms.
interaction: these love metal, as such a sea base in shallow water will quickly become a home for many of he spiny stars, though they can inadvertently cause breaches as they move along the structure.
use: the player can cut off the arms of this with a knife, doing so doesn't "harm" teh creature, the arms can be used with the creeper vine and salt to make bandages which can heal the player when damaged. (50% health per use, 3 uses per bandage set)
2. swallower (needs better name
inspiration 2:
info: swallowers would be large seamoth sized fish found in moderate to deep areas, by default this fish would attempt to "eat" everything it sees including the player, this means that a swallower will eat everythign from small fish, to wreckage to the minisubs. If the player is eaten by this they simply have to stab it with a knife until they have "cut it open" at which point it will die releasing everything that was inside it.
interaction: the player can cut it open killing it and giving its scales, and everything it has eaten, these things will always have a large amount of the food fish in the area inside them and most metal and drop loots.
use: NA just a hostile creature.
3. sea lurker
info: the sea lurker is a deep sea spider like creature that the player would find mostly harmless, though if attacked they can release a small "ball web" that can slow the player down for a time.
interactions: these things love to web up light sources as that attracts small fish to them for food as such, a player in a dark area may find them selves having to cut webbing and lurkers off of their subs or bases periodically, though if left the web can be used as a way to quickly get food as smaller fish will get trapped in it.
use: the web can be used to make netting walls which block fish from going through them. though large fish could just bash through it.
4. filter whale
info: a filter whale would be a large sea creature rivaling the main sub in size, though the creature would be 100% passive to the player even ignoring the player and other fish as they attack it, this fish would slowely swim across deep water areas doing mostly nothing. the unique thing about this fish would be a hollow mouth which would sort of be like a coral tube is in game, these things could be swam through with out a care.
inerations: the filter whales would mostly ignore the player, though as they swim through deep water they have a tenancy to filter quartz resulting in their "filter tube" having large deposits of it. as the creature is completely harmless the player can jsut swim up and grab it.
use: large decorative fish that can be found in any area that has deep water (though can be found from shallows to the deep).
5. Viewer
inspiration image:
info: the view would be a food fish that spawns in deep water, the unique thing about this fish is the fact it's brain can be seen quite clearly not only that but it shows a light similar to that of a flashlight and as such when picked up can be used as a living flashlight that.
interactions: this fish would swim away from everything that so much as moves near it, and would use its "light" to try and blind the player or predators, as such the player will have a hard time catching these fish, or elminating them. though they are only active at night so day time movement is safe from being blinded.
use: can be cooked or picked up and used as a living flashlight.
6. Beast -o- war (needs better name)
inspiration: aka man -o- war jelly fish.
info: this would be a large jelly fish that hovers over the surface with its tendrils dropping upto 50 feet down, the beast will not really move only drifting on the waters surface, but its tendrils can and will catch anything that comes to close, be it big or small.
interactions: the beast -o- war generates a natural EMP around it messing with mechanical systems, not only that but its tendrils are deadly and able to kill the player in seconds, but if the player can get near it with out aggravating it or getting to close to active tendrils they can cut off some of the tendrils for a highly conductive cable. they can also clime on top as the tops can support the players weight making them good triangulation points.
use: the natural EMP will cause larger fish to avoid it, while smaller fish will be drawn to it, this means the player can easily use them as a safe area, the tendrils them selves would be used for wiring to create late game equipment or even EMP generators which can knock out even the larger beasts.
note: the EMP generated not only messes with the fish, but the players HUD, making things like the )2 meter lie, and beacons vanish. subs and powered mobility rigs in the area will also malfunction slowing them down greatly.
note2: would likely power a sub is you rammed into it, but staying to close would overload. (tendrils conduct electricity but also mess with power sources)
also one more fish idea
swarm mother
inspiration image: and
info: the swarm mother is a mouth brooder fish about 3x the size of a standard food fish. that would exist in deep caves, generally having burrowed a small tunnel for its self. The swarm mother would be a neutral creature that if attacked or if you grab one of its young, will release a swarm of its young the fish will attack the player until the player flees or releases the fish they caught. most the attacks will not do damage, but in a swarm that doesn't mater
interactions: these things will be seen "digging" sand to tunnel "nests" they also are a school fish that keeps in large groups that means where you see one small one swimming around there is almost always a nest some where near.
use: the young ones would have a high food value when cooked, the mothers can be used as living defenses for sea bases as their broods will chase off any predator fish... though if the player harms the mother it will always be hostile while taking its young only aggravates till player is out or range or safe.