Predicted Projectile Bilebomb
Changed files:
Edit: Did put large code blocks into spoilers to make post easier to read ~Ghoul
Changed files:
// ======= Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. ======= // // lua\Weapons\Alien\BileBomb.lua // // Created by: Charlie Cleveland ( // // ========= For more information, visit us at ===================== Script.Load("lua/Weapons/Alien/Ability.lua") Script.Load("lua/Weapons/Alien/Bomb.lua") Script.Load("lua/Weapons/Alien/HealSprayMixin.lua") class 'BileBomb' (Ability) BileBomb.kMapName = "bilebomb" // part of the players velocity is use for the bomb local kPlayerVelocityFraction = 1 local kBombVelocity = 18 local kAnimationGraph = PrecacheAsset("models/alien/gorge/gorge_view.animation_graph") local kBbombViewEffect = PrecacheAsset("cinematics/alien/gorge/bbomb_1p.cinematic") local networkVars = { firingPrimary = "boolean" } AddMixinNetworkVars(HealSprayMixin, networkVars) function BileBomb:OnCreate() Ability.OnCreate(self) self.firingPrimary = false self.timeLastBileBomb = 0 InitMixin(self, HealSprayMixin) end function BileBomb:GetAnimationGraphName() return kAnimationGraph end function BileBomb:GetEnergyCost(player) return kBileBombEnergyCost end function BileBomb:GetHUDSlot() return 2 end function BileBomb:GetSecondaryTechId() return kTechId.Spray end function BileBomb:OnTag(tagName) PROFILE("BileBomb:OnTag") if self.firingPrimary and tagName == "shoot" then local player = self:GetParent() if player then self:FireBombProjectile(player) player:DeductAbilityEnergy(self:GetEnergyCost()) self.timeLastBileBomb = Shared.GetTime() self:TriggerEffects("bilebomb_attack") if Client then local cinematic = Client.CreateCinematic(RenderScene.Zone_ViewModel) cinematic:SetCinematic(kBbombViewEffect) end TEST_EVENT("BileBomb shot") end end end function BileBomb:OnPrimaryAttack(player) if player:GetEnergy() >= self:GetEnergyCost() then self.firingPrimary = true else self.firingPrimary = false end end function BileBomb:OnPrimaryAttackEnd(player) Ability.OnPrimaryAttackEnd(self, player) self.firingPrimary = false end function BileBomb:GetTimeLastBomb() return self.timeLastBileBomb end function BileBomb:FireBombProjectile(player) PROFILE("BileBomb:FireBombProjectile") if Server or (Client and Client.GetIsControllingPlayer()) then local viewAngles = player:GetViewAngles() local velocity = player:GetVelocity() local viewCoords = viewAngles:GetCoords() local startPoint = player:GetEyePos() + viewCoords.zAxis * 1 local startVelocity = viewCoords.zAxis * kBombVelocity local bomb = player:CreatePredictedProjectile("Bomb", startPoint, startVelocity, 0, 0, 5) end end function BileBomb:OnUpdateAnimationInput(modelMixin) PROFILE("BileBomb:OnUpdateAnimationInput") modelMixin:SetAnimationInput("ability", "bomb") local activityString = "none" if self.firingPrimary then activityString = "primary" end modelMixin:SetAnimationInput("activity", activityString) end Shared.LinkClassToMap("BileBomb", BileBomb.kMapName, networkVars)
Script.Load("lua/Weapons/Projectile.lua") Script.Load("lua/TeamMixin.lua") Script.Load("lua/Weapons/DotMarker.lua") Script.Load("lua/Weapons/PredictedProjectile.lua") PrecacheAsset("cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.surface_shader") class 'Bomb' (PredictedProjectile) Bomb.kMapName = "bomb" Bomb.kModelName = PrecacheAsset("models/alien/gorge/bilebomb.model") Bomb.kClearOnImpact = false Bomb.kClearOnEnemyImpact = true Bomb.kradius = 0.2 local kBombLifetime = 1.5 local kBileBombDotIntervall = 0.4 local networkVars = { } AddMixinNetworkVars(BaseModelMixin, networkVars) AddMixinNetworkVars(ModelMixin, networkVars) AddMixinNetworkVars(TeamMixin, networkVars) local function UpdateLifetime(self) if not self.endOfLife then self.endOfLife = Shared.GetTime() + kBombLifetime end if self.endOfLife <= Shared.GetTime() then self:Detonate(nil, nil, true) return false end return true end function Bomb:OnCreate() PredictedProjectile.OnCreate(self) InitMixin(self, BaseModelMixin) InitMixin(self, ModelMixin) InitMixin(self, TeamMixin) if Server then self:AddTimedCallback(UpdateLifetime, 0.1) self.endOfLife = nil end end function Bomb:GetProjectileModel() return Bomb.kModelName end function Bomb:GetDeathIconIndex() return end function Bomb:GetDamageType() return kBileBombDamageType end function Bomb:ProcessHit(targetHit, surface, endPoint) if Server and self:GetOwner() ~= targetHit and GetAreEnemies(self, targetHit) then self:Detonate(targetHit, surface) else return true end end function Bomb:ProcessNearMiss( targetHit, endPoint ) if targetHit and GetAreEnemies(self, targetHit) then if Server then self:Detonate( targetHit ) end return true end end if Server then function Bomb:Detonate(targetHit, surface, force) if not self:GetIsDestroyed() then if targetHit or force then local dotMarker = CreateEntity(DotMarker.kMapName, self:GetOrigin(), self:GetTeamNumber()) dotMarker:SetDamageType(kBileBombDamageType) dotMarker:SetLifeTime(kBileBombDuration) dotMarker:SetDamage(kBileBombDamage) dotMarker:SetRadius(kBileBombSplashRadius) dotMarker:SetDamageIntervall(kBileBombDotIntervall) dotMarker:SetDotMarkerType(DotMarker.kType.Static) dotMarker:SetTargetEffectName("bilebomb_onstructure") dotMarker:SetDeathIconIndex(kDeathMessageIcon.BileBomb) dotMarker:SetOwner(self:GetOwner()) dotMarker:SetFallOffFunc(SineFalloff) dotMarker:TriggerEffects("bilebomb_hit") DestroyEntity(self) CreateExplosionDecals(self, "bilebomb_decal") end end end end Shared.LinkClassToMap("Bomb", Bomb.kMapName, networkVars)
Edit: Did put large code blocks into spoilers to make post easier to read ~Ghoul
Also everything which is inside the "Fixes to be tested" list has been merged into the beta build.
Beside that bile bombs should not bounce, but I'll ignore that for now.
So far your code come close to the remi's solution (without the bouncing feature). But be aware that in your version BileBomb:FireBombProjectile() gets also executed by the Predicted VM, which could cause some issues.
For the future:
If you want to to provide patches for the vanilla build please provide them as diffs or patch files!