NS2 STATS - How does it all work?
Join Date: 2013-07-08 Member: 185996Members, Reinforced - Shadow

I've been keeping an eye on NS2 Stats (http://ns2stats.com/ranking/index) for the last little while and I'm curious - does anyone know how the ratings are generated? Like, does anyone know the algorithm for ELO Ranking? How about Rating in the top 1000 list? To raise your ranking, should you be focusing on K:D only? Does you in game score affect it? etc.. There is no explanation on the website how any of the stats are arrived at...
The implemented model large follow this.
- When it refers to 'skill level' does it mean Hive Skill, ELO Rating, or NS2 Stats 'Rating' (the rating in top 1000)? Or something different?
- "Nothing you do during the round other than winning the game has any effect on your skill level." Then how come there is such a disparity between Win/Loss and ELO on the NS2 Stats Ranking Page. There are some people in the top ten, who have more losses than wins but are still ranked in the top 10.
He is asking about the ns2stats.com rating :P.
Internal NS2Stats calculates a bunch of different ratings. The one used for the top marine/alien (commander) rankings is the classical elo rating ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system ) where we use the avg team elos to calculate the changes based on the rounds outcome.
The given code can be found here: https://github.com/Synomi/ns2stats_web_source/blob/master/protected/components/LogParser.php#L1020
The other ranking we show at the ranking page is a bit more "tricky".
Basically it's our own ns2stats point system awarding you points for every action you do. Basically higher rating means more active and effective ns2 player (we kinda came up with it to see who is the greatest ns2 addictive
Re: Basically higher rating means more active and effective NS2 player (we kinda came up with it to see who is the greatest NS2 addictive.)
Does that mean it's largely score based and cumulative over time? So stuff like building structures/healing and all that stuff plays a role in your rating/ranking as well as K:D? Is it weighted in any way - like is K:D way more important than other stuff, or is it based on your overall score for each game?
I guess all these questions are leading to - what should I focus on to improve my rating/ranking? Higher score? Higher K:D? More time playing? etc