sustainability A use for sea bases

warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
Well seeing as right now the cyclops is the best place to live in game, there really needs to be some sustainable materials cause with out them the player will have to search far and wide, this may sound good at first but that also means that many people will run low on supplies jsut attempting to get the complex bits done. it also means taht if a player ever wants to do a large cave dive there will be problems, as they will soon bleed an area dry of resources while doing the dive. (pipes for the caves, dive reels, tools and construction it all adds up.)

so for this reason and a few other more complex ones I am going to suggest a few new parts for sea bases and just general base builders.

Food and water

wall filter
info: a sea base part that filters salt out of the water, can be upgraded to purify water.
power drain: 1 power per 20 seconds
storage: 12 slots (salt) 8 slots (water)
power use: drains power while active but once inventory is full will turn off.
to build: 2 titanium, 3 quartz, 1 airsack, 2 creeper vine, 2 crash powder
to upgrade: 3 bleach, 2 airsack, 2 coral chunks.

fish farm
info: a large cage with a hatch is used to "breed" fish in mass, though requires some work to get running.

how it is made
1. player builds a sea base... foundation
2. player places a tether anchor to the foundation (suggest the anchors be compatible with subs)
3. player builds and places chains up to the height they want teh farm height dictates what fish does the best in the farm.
4. player builds the farm.
5. player puts 4 to 6 fish in the farm to start.

function: once built the farm will slowely produce fish via breeding, aka eggs will be laid at the walls of the farm, said egg clusters can either be collected for a low food and water food or let hatch for fish. note each egg cluster can have 4 to 8 fish hatch from it, and the fish farms would have a max of 50 fish each. (might be pushing it)

note: some fish like peepers can not be farmed as they require coral or other special food sources.

tether anchor: 2 titanium
chain links: 1 titanium, 1 copper.
the farm: 6 titianium, 6 copper, 1 glass.

Crops and hydroponics bays

info: this would require sea base room but the idea is simple rarely the player may find ejected supply catches from the main ship, these catches will have some times have seeds, that allow the player to grow crops in their sea bases.
note: at start their will be three seeds the player can find, each plant can be used for food or to extract seeds, unlike other things seeds stack up to 200 per slot.

Tomato seeds
info: grows the vine plant, has a low food value but can be used to craft high end foods.

Rice seeds
info: grows rice, which can be combined with salt, fish and creeper vines to make a sort of bread, low food value but can be used to drawl in food fish as a bait.

marrow seeds
info: a plant unique to the planet, marrow would be a bone like plant found on the island which can have a bone marrow like liquid extracted from it. this liquid has a high hydration value and a moderate food value. IT can also be used as a oil for production of heavy equipment like drones.


ok this is a strange category as it isn't a necessary one, but the parts would really make sense for survival

first off health. as the player gets hurt depending on how they are hurt they will need medical supplies. as negative effects may acure the negative effects are as follows.

1. bleed
caused by: hostile fish that bite, the stupid spike pants
effect: slow bleed draws shark creatures (not counting the stalker) and player takes 1% health damage every 5 seconds for 30 seconds if not bandaged.

2. toxic
caused by: that one defensive fish.
effect: heavy hunger loss, and I mean heavy, not directly fatal

3. acid damage
caused by: rarely acid mushrooms (1 in 100), the hanging jelly fish things, and probably anything large enough to eat the player.
effect: health doesn't regenerate so 1 point of acid damage means 1% health that is lost until medical gear is used.

4. burn damage
caused by: crash fish explosions
effect: slower swim rate

5. heavy damage
caused by: most shark creatures bites
effect: slower player movement, chance of bleed out being caused. (basicly this is saying you just got your arm broken to bits by a shark bite)

medical supplies to counter this stuff.

vine bandage
use: cures bleeding, also heals 5% health (so can heal acid and heavy damage. though only like a 10% chance of healing heavy damage)
craft: 2 creeper vine

use: heals toxic slows down hunger decay.
craft: 1 creeper vine seed (The glowing things on teh creeper vines) and one acid mushroom (the creeper vine seed works as a low grade anti toxin.. more on why bellow)

first aid kit
use: heals all damage types, main use is healing heavy damage.
heal amount: 50% health
craft: 1 silicone, 2 creepvine, 1 airsack, 4 salt, 1 bleach, 1 titanium(used for tools)

nano medical
use: heals everything
heal amount 99%
craft: ??? and glass.

That is just the health side of things, besides the bandage the fabricator the player has will be unable to craft advanced medical gear, though the pod does start with antitoxins and a first aid kit (the first aid kit). for this the player has to craft a medical station which would be a wall mount for a sea base.

The medical station would have two uses first it would heal the player while near it, from inside or outside the sea base, second it would allow crafting of medical gear from inside the base... in hardcore the medical station will be the only way to regenerate health.

Now for fitness

this is a bit less needed but sleep is required for all humans, and creatures as such I suggest an exhaustion meter being added bellow the food and water one. the meter would slowely go down and as it goes down the player mental health will be effected. teh drain would be such that after 3 days the player starts seeing things and after 6 tehy start taking damage.

how sleeping would work.

the player by default would be able to sleep in the escape pod, but as that loses power the player will no longer be able to safely sleep in the pod (CO2 build up) as such they would need to craft a bunk area either for their sea base or their cyclops.

sleeping mechanics.
when the player enters a "bed" area they will be given an option of 3 sleep lengths. short (2 hours) medium (5 hour) and long (half day) each would have an effect.

short: fills the sleep bar by 1/6, though drains 5% of food and hydration value.
medium: fills 1/2 the sleep bar though drains 10% food and hydration value
long: completely fills the sleep bar but drains 15% food and hydration value.

advantage to sleeping becides to avoid a debuff and death, a high rested state means the player will swim faster and hit harder with tools. (melee combat) a high rest also means the food and hydration values would go down slower allowing people to balance their food, water and sleep, to maximize their preformance. with a high value player having more speed then a low value player.


  • DavycannonhoundDavycannonhound Join Date: 2015-02-24 Member: 201527Members
    I'm not sure fitness would be problem since you're swimming constants and surviving... I can see the sleep portion though. Like most of your base add-on ideas, disagree with the burn damage as you are underwater...
  • lxhlxh Austria Join Date: 2015-03-13 Member: 202074Members
    Hmmm, sounds interesting but it's definitely a lot(!) of development effort just to be excluded by simply choosing freedom mode.
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    I doubt it would be excluded for freedom mode, there is still some bits that can be useful in freedom. really think freedom should have all the features from survival just not require the food and water, it should be a you can eat but you don't have to thing instead of the you don't have to eat so you can't thing.
  • ZourinZourin White Castle Join Date: 2015-02-27 Member: 201577Members
    Fitness would not be an issue. You're swimming, constantly, in the ocean. You're burning calories faster than most runners, and it's a full body exercise. Every motion you make meets resistance from the water. If anything, the player-character would be prone to drowning from exhaustion from spending so much time. A couple hours in the water is enough to put anyone down for several hours of recovery sleep.

    Sleeping would be nice. There hasn't been a timescale associated with the world we landed on, and whether or not the player character is in an accelerated game-time state or if the world itself just spins fast. That said, there isn't enough space in the seabase tubes to walk around a ladder without falling down it, much less space for furnishings. I'm all for furnishings, decorations, and conveniences in a survival game, but there isn't space for it as-is.
  • aeroripperaeroripper Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
    Looking forward to sea bases becoming more useful as things get added. Right now the only thing I used one for (just a corridor) is to put a few lockers and a fabricator in it until I got the cyclops. Beyond that, cyclops is better in pretty much every way.
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    Ok on the guy saying there is no room for beds... they could be a wall mount like the windows, only they make an out cropping on the structure, would make sense for the limited space.
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    I really like these ideas since it gives the player a solid reason to build a sea base as opposed to sticking with the cyclops for their home.

    Being able to plant a kelp farm would also be a nice addition to the sea base, and could serve to attract fish for harvesting as well.
    I disagree with the burn damage as you are underwater...

    Even under water localized super heating of the area can still cause burn damage from the nearly boiling hot water, plus depending on the chemicals released upon the fishes death one could also acquire a chemical burn quite readily. (While not technically the same as a heat burn but for game purposes it would function the same.)
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    Things I forgot


    hydroponics lab

    info: a small area designed for testing the plant and coral life of subnautica
    use: player would be able to build things like water growing pods for coral and kelp and also study the plant and coral life of the planet.

    KELP hydro pod
    use: grows mini creeper vines, and kelp is used for food and medical production
    look: short, skinny and tall tank.
    craft: 4 water, 2 glass, 3 salt

    coral hydro pod
    use: grows coral, like the disc coral and even the glowing mushrooms
    look: tall long and fat
    craft: 8 water 3 glass 6 salt

    plant hydro pod
    use: grows land based food, generally stuff salvaged from the ship by the player.
    look, short, skinny and long.
    craft: 1 glass, 6 water, 1 titanium

    use of growing coral and underwater plants,some plants like the creep vines may have extracts that have medical use example creepvine seeds can be eaten to deal with toxins or cooked to deal with burns (requires studying them)

    example of things that can come from studying coral

    studding a disc coral might lead to discovering a nero circuit like structure in it allowing for the player to replace computer chips wiht cut disc coral for crafting, studding the brain coral will allow the player to craft self refilling O2 tanks or even find biological air supplies for their subs and stations lowering power costs.

    also hydro pods may grow agile which can lead to things like a nutrition paste or even a sent deterrent paste.

  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    Sleeping would be nice. There hasn't been a timescale associated with the world we landed on, and whether or not the player character is in an accelerated game-time state or if the world itself just spins fast. That said, there isn't enough space in the seabase tubes to walk around a ladder without falling down it, much less space for furnishings. I'm all for furnishings, decorations, and conveniences in a survival game, but there isn't space for it as-is.

    I do rather enjoy the need for sleep in Fallout New Vegas, it adds to the immersion and the sleep buff is nice to have before tackling challenging areas so having it as part of our survival needs here would fit right in.

    As for the size of the bases I do agree they feel rather claustrophobic right now with only small tubes to walk in, but down the road there will no doubt be some larger types of sections we can fit beds, lockers, etc inside with room to spare. (Being able to add exterior spot lights will be nice as well.)
  • FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment San Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    Awesome ideas! Linked it to my design trello here so I don't lose track of them.
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    last bump. I promise. *crossed fingers*
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    bumping as something similar to it was brought up in another topic.
  • Jacob-EllingerJacob-Ellinger Grand Rapids Join Date: 2015-03-27 Member: 202641Members
    warbrand2 wrote: »
    Well seeing as right now the cyclops is the best place to live in game, there really needs to be some sustainable materials cause with out them the player will have to search far and wide, this may sound good at first but that also means that many people will run low on supplies jsut attempting to get the complex bits done. it also means taht if a player ever wants to do a large cave dive there will be problems, as they will soon bleed an area dry of resources while doing the dive. (pipes for the caves, dive reels, tools and construction it all adds up.)

    so for this reason and a few other more complex ones I am going to suggest a few new parts for sea bases and just general base builders.

    There needs to be a 'ambivalent' option at the top of these post aside from disagree and agree.
    In short I like some of this but others I feel need a little more thought.
  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    Well it is always best to just say which parts are lacking and how the ideas can be improved.... I know the fitness part was lacking if not useless. (was just me messing up on wording an idea for sleep)
  • PhalaguimPhalaguim Scotland Join Date: 2015-04-06 Member: 203026Members
    They're good ideas warbrand, but abit over complicated and production resources I think understated.

    A fish farm could be modular, ie you build parts then put them together to make the whole, or it would have to be created directly using the builder.. which generally only uses titanium and glass. Or it could just be a net made from seagrass with some floats and weights attached.

    Imho the required materials for building something are abit understated in current recipes. If you were building a box, you might use 1 titanium or you might use 6 or 2 per side.. the cyclops should require something like 60 plas steel.. not 5. And a whole lot of other parts. But the problem is your inventory space.. the designed system requires you to be holding all the items.

    Link the fabricators, constructors to storage.. and you have a whole new set of resource sinks. Allowing for multiple items to be constructed before being combined into something as big as the cyclops.

    Obviously the question is, do they have the time or inclination to make such changes..
  • wingliswinglis Join Date: 2015-04-09 Member: 203193Members
    This actually seems like a really good idea, but like lxh said, it would take a LOT of development and a LOT of man (or woman) power.
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    Flayra wrote: »
    Awesome ideas! Linked it to my design trello here so I don't lose track of them.

    omg is that ur actual photo :D


    anyways it would be awesome to have habitat and farming modules and maybe refineries and purification stations that can give us water AND salt

    also I really hope u make the map infinite (well as big as minecraft) with greater depths (5km sounds nice :P)
  • KelfaKelfa Join Date: 2015-05-30 Member: 205084Members
    Phalaguim wrote: »
    Link the fabricators, constructors to storage.. and you have a whole new set of resource sinks. Allowing for multiple items to be constructed before being combined into something as big as the cyclops.

    Or you could add a few stack recipes like the titanium ingot is (its basically a stack of titanium). Of course according to newton one titanium ingot weighs as much as 10 titanium and having an inventory full of them can't be good for the back of the poor wasabi one but who cares.
    tarek wrote: »
    also I really hope u make the map infinite (well as big as minecraft) with greater depths (5km sounds nice :P)

    Totally agree with that. Large map with big biomes (like the arctic one, i love that. Especially the idea that ice prevents the player from surfacing)

    I also thought about a limited oxygen supply in the subs (especially in the seamoth).
    It could be upgradeable or the player would be able to build air tanks as a furniture, each holding several minutes worth of air.
    Bases could have an apparatus wich filters air from the water.

    link to some infos on arctic biome
    link to thread
  • Saffron_bakerSaffron_baker Sweden Join Date: 2015-06-09 Member: 205352Members
    Nice also you should find the tomato seeda in the aurora!
  • claverflavclaverflav utah Join Date: 2015-06-27 Member: 205810Members
    I like all this.

    fish farming, wall filter for water/salt, hydroponics.

    as for the health stats and fitness, i like it (cause i like survival games), but it could be really cluttered on the screen for all the different types of damage and the sleep and fitness meters... so it should totally show only on a seperate screen (tab screen) and should only flash on the main screen when your close to depletion of one or the other stat.

    honestly radiation should be one too, instead of just a flashing red radiation sign. and you could use iodine to fix your radiation poisoning. which technically is in ocean water (on earth).
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