Slide scale for day/night length?

SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
I only recently purchased this and began playing, but one thing that struck me as a bit "off" was the rapid progression of the day/night cycle.

Currently it feels as the days and nights cycle much to quickly to really appreciate the difference, and perhaps having a slider in the options menu to change this would be nice? (Or when starting a new game like 7 Days to Die has.)

Being able to optionally slow down the duration of the cycle (or configure the length of each individually?) would also add to to the replay ability and challenge for those who want to experience a world with longer nights and days. (or longer nights than days.)


  • gamer2456gamer2456 NY,USA Join Date: 2015-03-17 Member: 202269Members
    edited March 2015
    I do agree the day/night cycle is quick and could be set little longer for both but it does depend on the planet that circle it sun during the time it take. Like are planet takes 24 hours to circle around are sun but on others it could be less times because of a smaller orbit around it sun.
  • RequiemfangRequiemfang Join Date: 2015-02-22 Member: 201492Members
    atm there isn't a way to modify this via options or world start only way to modify it is through the console

    DAYNIGHTSPEED (insert number without brackets)

    default is 1, higher numbers quicken the time while going below that will slow time. Say 0.5 will make time go half as slow as what setting 1 would do.
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