Beta Patch 1.3

QuietMischief1QuietMischief1 Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7456Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Slowly Dieing Off</div> Ok, crap, I just lost my hive, there's only 2 people left alive on my team, it's 8v2 and their hunting us down.

What do I do? Do I camp out in some vent? Do I get near a hive and go Gorge, hoping I'll reach 80 before they find me.

Hmm, decisions decisions. Oh wait! My health is dropping! WTF?! **obscenity** man come on. ~dead - fade to black~


Ok see, that would make sense in a public game, since we can just start back over, and get back down to business.

In a tournament that might not be the case.

One of Cyanide's strategy's, if/should he do it when he is Commanding, is he will spam health, up to and beyond 60 RP's worth, along with ammo on the ground directly under a hive, so that effectively his Marine's can't be killed, the hive goes down, and it's made much easier. Who's to say a Gorge isn't currently sitting under a hive location with let's say 60 RP's in his bank. ~boom~ This new little "non-lamer" protection thing comes into play, boom, it's already looking gruesome for the little fellow. Now let's say he reaches 80, get's the hive up, and has to wait for it to be finished. Now I could be wrong, but since #evolutionarily decided to not listen to anything I was saying so I couldn't get an answer with out coming to the boards, will his health continue to tick down? Now with the 1 hive ~building~, getting closer and closer to the point where his people can respawn, is his health still ticking down?

Personal experience, happened on ns_caged to me and TE, in a scrim, we shotgun rushed, took out their hive, in the process they took out our CC and our IP's. Horrible predicament we found ourselves in. 3v4, Marines vs Aliens. Low on Ammo, low on health, on a search and destroy mission to find the dirty alien **obscenity** and kill them. -stop- I wish this story had a happier ending, but it doesn't. It was me and 2 of my people left alive. We find one alien, waste him, 3v3. We are running along to the next hive, I'm leading the way when I had the lowest health -big mistake-, overstep a turn, a Skulk takes me out, 2v3, TE kills the Skulk, 2v2. All they have to do is run to the next hives and make sure they havn't gotten set up again.

Right now you can see the problem. If this little non-lamer protection was in place in that current patch, we would've won, cause all teh aliens would of died off since they had no hive. By the end of this scrim, we lost as Marines, they managed to get a hive up, the 2 left alive didn't know the map well enough to reach the hives.

In public games, "Casual Mode" fine, let this bad boy roam free. But in Tournament Mode, please disable it, cause at the moment, Scrims/Matches are 6v6, small amounts of people, with a disgustingly CS feel to it "Hmm, CS in CAL is 5v5, in NS 5v5 plus the Commander, 6v6 HUZZAH!" However this does cause small conditions like the above to happen any number of times. Aside from that, there wouldn't be any "lamers" ever doing anything neccesary of having their health drop slowly till they reach death, making it's presence unwarranted.
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