[Bugs] Some Weird Bugs To Report That Need Atention in Current E.M. version (17024)

PhaotaPhaota Waynesboro, GA. USA Join Date: 2014-08-13 Member: 197942Members, Subnautica Playtester
edited April 2015 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
In the latest Experimental Mode build 17024, whenever you drop an item from the inventory in the Cyclops, it falls like feather and hit the floor with a resounding BOOM, like that heard when the Seamoth or sub hit something. Even the first aid kit does it. This shouldn't happen.

If you equip the Builder tool, the player has the option to construct base modules within the Cyclops control cabin! Why is this even available? It just causes complete chaos inside the craft and makes the module, not only invisible, but untouchable, so you can not deconstruct it. All base building materials need to be inaccessible in the Builder menu while inside the Cyclops.

The first aid kit is still not functioning. It was working fine on Tuesday during the TeamSpeak playtest session, but on Wednesday and even now, it is non-functional. The instructions say to use the left mouse button to work the kit, but nothing happens. So, my character (as well as others using the E.M. version) shows a continual 0% health on his bar.

Cave Crawler sounds are not synced to the creatures themselves (yes, I know they are still being worked on, but this needed to be noted). Also, the sounds are too loud for such a small thing. The skittering and screaching can be heard out of the water and even in your sub or base. That shouldn't be possible. Same situation for the sounds of the Jelly Rays and other underwater creatures. Sounds have a difficult time carrying out of the underwater environment in real life. If you stand on a pier, dock, boat or beach, you're not going to hear anything that is being vocalized beneath the waves unless it is extremely loud or you are using an Aquaphone.

When moving quickly to the left or right while holding the dive reel after the line is anchored, the black line detaches from the reel. Concerning the reel model, if the line is supposedly attached to the dart anchor and goes to a spool within the device, why is there still a dart at the end when you plant the anchor somewhere? It should disappear and only show the line going into the equipment. Also, instead of making the line black (which would be useless in a dark cave environment), it should be white like modern underwater cave divers use or even better, illuminated white. Needs to be thinner as well, if possible.

After loading into the game, either in the lifepod, sub or base, the screen shudders up and down for several seconds before leveling out, like the character is in a short earthquake.

At night, the Seamoth, storage locker and the blue panel at the top of the Fabricator inside the sub all become dark blue, nearly black in color.

In my game right now, the Aurora has already exploded. But, if I do NIGHT and then go back to DAY in the console, I get the explosion countdown and blast sound effects again.

When walking on to the steering wheel platform in the Cyclops, stepping onto the Seamoth docking area in the sub or looking down in either location, the screen shows the dripping water effect that occurs when exiting the ocean onto land or into a vehicle. This is an old issue, but one that really needs to be fixed.

Another old bug, but one that might not have been addressed of late, concerns the X-ray vision of the Cyclops bubble window. When looking through it at a base, items hidden from view either inside a module or buried with the Terraformer are easily seen when they shouldn't be at all. Power generators, storage lockers, fabricators, storage boxes, analyzers, etc. all appear visible.


  • ZergonuzZergonuz USA Join Date: 2015-04-08 Member: 203114Members
    The first aid kit is still not functioning. It was working fine on Tuesday during the TeamSpeak playtest session, but on Wednesday and even now, it is non-functional. The instructions say to use the left mouse button to work the kit, but nothing happens. So, my character (as well as others using the E.M. version) shows a continual 0% health on his bar.

    If your health is at 0%, you already died and need to restart/load game. It is a respawn/death bug, not a first aid bug. The rest of your game will fall apart shortly due to these broken parameters :)

    Otherwise good list of bugs and needed tweaks.
  • PhaotaPhaota Waynesboro, GA. USA Join Date: 2014-08-13 Member: 197942Members, Subnautica Playtester
    edited May 2015
    At the time of this report, the first aid kit was not working. After playtesting with the devs several times, they got it fixed. It was a bug at the time and restarting/making a new game did not fix it.
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