Submit Your Creature Ideas!
Join Date: 2015-05-08 Member: 204292Members

Hey peeps; let's give the devs some fan submitted materials for creature concepts!
Here's one!

(Giant Sea Scorpion/Eurypterid)
Here's one!

(Giant Sea Scorpion/Eurypterid)
Have you aver seen a cuttlefish/octopus hunt? Its amazing!!
They use their awesome camouflage/mimicking ability to ambush the prey.
A short but very nice video demonstrating their abilities.
so basically i imagine it as an Ambush/defensive predator. Mimicking surrounding fauna (looking like coral, rocks, Bubblers etc.), and waiting for prey to to get within range. Would do an ambush attack to catch prey (small fish) or to attack when feeling threatened before jetting off to a safe distance.
This could be the first predator that does not chase the played on sight.
to make it really exotic looking, it could take the shape of a mix between a seapig and a cuttlefish:
but with long tentacles four eyes and general features/abilities of a cuttlefish.
strong pulsating bio-luminescence could be a nice giveaway in the dark if you are careful (i.e. in a low light level env. if you shine your flash light on it then turn it off/away it will respond with light pulses). and could be a nice change of pace to have a "enemy that is more recognizable in the dark".
Something like this would be good. It's called a basket star. It folds up if you bug it, and I think it could be a good decorative thing for the grand reef.
Giant jellyfish that resemble this Metroid would be nice with long catch poor which remain mam remote should!
Here are also some nice suggestions.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18to4zyklspopjpg.jpg&imgrefurl=
i was toying with the idea of a Turtle-shrimp.
A slow moving herbivore. With a hard scaly shell similar to a turtle. with multiple shrimp like legs and head.
To make them interesting, they could cultivate plants on their back for blending in, with a chance that the plant is a Spikeplant or Crashhome that would defend the Turtle-shrimp from predators or the player.
1.Frogfish - passive - food 50 - h20 20
something that is harder to catch then a peeper, but well worth catching. They swim in quick boost slowing down so they can move again. The best way to catch them is to sneak behind them when they aren't paying attention. When everything is peaceful they make short bursts of movement that doesn't propel them very far. But when in danger they move frantically to get away from that said danger making it tough to chase.
Best way to catch them is to take off your fins(those flippers) and take your time to catch one.
2.Spike Burster - defensive - dmg 5 per spike
Like the gasopods when you get too close to these fish they release spikes from their body. Less dangerous than the gasopod but much more prettier. Basically they look like a transparent pufferfish, they have the same spike as the spike plant but much smaller. The spikes cover a majority of its body but the face. Now alone these guys are manigable but when in a pack they can cause massive damage.
Just stay away from them pretty much
3.Sound Breaker - hostile - dmg 50
A dangerous creature that relies on sound and movement to kill its prey. Though they may be blind any sudden movement you make, they can detect it. Their primary attack is a loud sonar screech, its close range with a wide spread. Most damaging creature that doesn't one shot you. It looks like an eel, transparent skin and you can see its blue flesh. The recent creature the shocker(that will soon be implemented) are its rival.
They are most common in the koosh zone, but can rarely be seen in other, never seen in the safe shallows.
I could come up with more but 3 is good enough, anyone wanna try and draw one of these creature are well welcomed to do so.
But draw it in subnautica style art, I dont think I can mimic that style, but I've seen others do that.
Also would be more the clam meat food source and maybe you could beads use the gather?
i made a quick sketch of it (inspired by the peeper XP)
cause when i wandered into the pelagic environment i noticed the lack of life
The Cyclops Shark
Make the exact same thing with one or all species of small fish found in Subnautica. Approaching them would become a risk versus gain decision, since they could very well be the predator and attack you.
Also, given how many giant aggressive creatures are planned on being added, I'd love to see a few more large passive creatures too.
a jelly fish and a saw shark also im to lazy to add a image of a jelly fish and a saw shark soz
Also playful like leviathans they don't try to kill you, just knock you around abit or drag you down into water then flick you away. Things that make the game fun without making it frustrating or killing you.
Last one of its kind, The guardian would spawn in a biome whitch has huge bones and skulls along the ocean floor. The guardian is, like its name suggests guarding the remains of its parents. The guardian would be bigger than the reaper leviathan. It would be a bat-like creature whit huge fins for wings and long tail. It would attack the player if he/she would go near the biome or in to the biome. He would be able to make holes in to cyclopes and destroy seamoths by throwing them at the ground.
As much as I love massive sea creatures, and I mean LOVE, we already have the reaper and the reefback, and we're getting close to having the full scale sea emperor (which, unless the devs change their mind, should dwarf the reaper) and the crab snake, both of which are supposed to be very large. I feel like that's enough for the short term, for now I just want to actually be able to see more stuff. The reefs should actually look like a reef, not the fish equivalent of a ghost town.
I really do, they're awesome! But maybe people just don't have much to say about them... Like me.
Those creatures should just be made more alien looking. Nothing else wrong with them.
For some areas, maybe. The sea should feel empty sometimes. Safe shallows and kelp forests are populated enough for me, though I'd like to see some more variety in species. What I'd really like to see is some open water species. And maybe some more life in grassy plateaus. I'll say nothing about other biomes, since they are still under development.
Most of these new critters are basically 'Instant Death On A Stick'.
Some rather awesome illustrations here to be sure, but knowing there's something like THOSE UNHOLY ABOMINATIONS waiting out there...
Well, let's just say that Bleeders, Crashes and Reaper Leviathans are quite enough to give most folks a damn good reason to craft a clean wetsuit.
It probably wouldn't hurt to have a few bizarre shellfish, an odd cephalopod or two ('Mimic Squid') or even a wacky crustacean sidekick.
I live in the proverbial 'Land Down Under'. Yes, it's basically (mostly) true what they say about Oz.
Pretty much everything that isn't obviously 'cute and cuddly' in Oz probably wants to kill you. Matter of fact, most of it does.
Sometimes, even the cute and cuddly ones get a bit stroppy too. Kangaroos and wallabies are actually highly skilled MMA fighters.
Blue-Ringed Octopus, Irukandji Jellyfish, Box Jellyfish, Cone Shells and Stonefish aren't actually Kaiju-sized city-killers.
With the exception of the Box Jellyfish, most of these beasties are less than 12 inches (300mm) in size.
All deadly, or at least extremely venomous to the point of "Kill meeee nowwwww..."
'Bigger' doesn't necessarily mean 'badder'. I love reefbacks. Best damn alien whale analogue ever.
If you really want to scare the living faecal matter out of a Subnautica diver, design your ideal aquatic Xeno-Murderbeast like this: Fairly small, pelagic,
almost completely transparent, swims in vast shoals that suddenly materialize as if from nowhere, and capable of rending its victims apart within seconds.
Imagine a shoal of near-invisible, extremely irritable piranha, cranked up on PCP.
Now go and change your wetsuit.