United States Join Date: 2015-06-03 Member: 205186Members

Who dosent like trains.
The idea is that there would be extremely fast trains with large amount of storage that would build and then lay track on a 2 x 1 instead of the standard 2 x 2 platforms.
it would require a large amount of titanium to build the train along with 1 power cell and a computer chip (changes for train building requirements would be nice).
The track would be extremely cheep (with a bend, and steep drop and rise piece). A station that requires is made with with titanium and glass to have a large back wall to overlook the current location.
there would also be a deep version without glass that would go below 200 depth that would belong in a under section but would need double the titanium.
Upgrades would be the "friction energy" and it would generate energy in the dock (depending on what you think could possible store the seamoth or cyclops? what do you think).
And the "speed module" which increase speed in turns to the ships default on straits and rises and would double the speed on a strait away and triple it on drops.
There is also a main station that would be absolutely gigantic and feature the super generator which would send power down the tracks and would require 16 power cells 20 gold 36 silver and 20 titanium.
this may sound extreme but it would never die and as always i want you feedback and what should change in the recipes.
I provided only recipes as to not limit possible designs.
If you like remember to leave a agree or awesome there are too many dislikes for others to find the idea.
The idea is that there would be extremely fast trains with large amount of storage that would build and then lay track on a 2 x 1 instead of the standard 2 x 2 platforms.
it would require a large amount of titanium to build the train along with 1 power cell and a computer chip (changes for train building requirements would be nice).
The track would be extremely cheep (with a bend, and steep drop and rise piece). A station that requires is made with with titanium and glass to have a large back wall to overlook the current location.
there would also be a deep version without glass that would go below 200 depth that would belong in a under section but would need double the titanium.
Upgrades would be the "friction energy" and it would generate energy in the dock (depending on what you think could possible store the seamoth or cyclops? what do you think).
And the "speed module" which increase speed in turns to the ships default on straits and rises and would double the speed on a strait away and triple it on drops.
There is also a main station that would be absolutely gigantic and feature the super generator which would send power down the tracks and would require 16 power cells 20 gold 36 silver and 20 titanium.
this may sound extreme but it would never die and as always i want you feedback and what should change in the recipes.
I provided only recipes as to not limit possible designs.
If you like remember to leave a agree or awesome there are too many dislikes for others to find the idea.
I would see it as a fast & economical way to get around well explored areas while keeping the subs for mining runs & expeditions out into the unknown. It also allows you more choice of base location rather than being restricted to resource rich areas if wanting to build a sizeable base without extensive time consuming trips back & forth between the resources & your base.
This idea gets a big thumbs up from me
Just like Home!
Seriously however, i think they are a nice idea, the problem would be how to pose the about having self building tracks?
Below is a good start to a concept art / design for subnautica, just replace the train with a smaller single car in the subnautica style (so probably similar size & look to a single base module / capsule with windows on each side & a clear bubble window on either end since it will be bi-directional) which can be upgradeable to 2-3 cars maximum which can be for storage so you can run back and forth between resource rich areas to mine materials for your base or submarine fleet construction, etc. you would also be able to construct a fabricator & work bench in the main car to refine materials as you go, like you do in the Cyclops.
As someone else suggested, you can simply have a 2x1 base foundation that includes a length of monorail track which auto levels itself with the sea floor up to a certain height like the base foundations already do with the ability to extend supporting structures down from it to cross any significant valleys.
Just picture this underwater Concepts and Capacities 4_files/image025.jpg
I think it would be a pretty neat variation on vehicles / ways to get around Subnautica but limited to a maximum depth of 200m and 3-400m for upgraded cars (like you can now upgrade the Cyclops to go deeper).
Just imagine a scenic route which you can get out off at any time to go explore the area & it could go from really colourful coral & lush seaweed areas to twisting canyon routes & even go through the big cave & cavern systems under the seabed & come out at a different spot. I can see it would be great for getting back to such spots you've already discovered & explorered but in a much quicker & direct way without having to worry about needing to steer your craft through it all. It could be a big loop that's lets you admire the scenery, collect all the resources you need at all the different biomes & see some of the interesting & dangerous creatures as you pass through the dark caverns and then back to your base.
As I said, I love the idea!
This was supposed to be a survival game with danger and exploration. I want to see more systems that support that, perhaps a mod that will allow you to add these things is fine. But for the final release I think the devs really should focus on the core systems that will deliver what they originally planned.
If warpers are implemented and uf you can extract dna or develop a warper tech, it even becomes obsolete. Why taje the train from base A to base B when you can warp from A to B?
I know which feature I'd rather see implemented
@drakuel - Why does it need to be seen as "theme park" rather than infrastructure that expands the idea of colonising a water world? I see it as the next step in base expansion & linking areas of interest or high value for easy access & efficiency of time use rather than having to slowly drive your Cyclops back & forth all the time to well known areas.
Like the new outposts of the wild west that would eventually be linked by rail once they're settled so instead of having to ride a horse or catch a coach out there every time, you'd catch the train & at the same time it was much more efficient at transporting large quantities of resources.