Buncha ideas and suggestions. :)
The Earth Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206851Members

Hello, I'm a fan of your game who loves Subnautica so far.
I heard that you welcome ideas and such so i've written up a few of my own, hope you enjoy.
Base Ideas/Suggestions:
-First of is just a simple suggestion, The quarts farm. A room or module that uses a small amount of quarts and some electricity to (slowly) grow more quarts. Essential for those deep sea bases where there is little to no quarts and so simple even a twelve year old could make it.
-The filtration Module which produces oxygen from seawater, Creates salt deposits as a byproduct. If not used the salt will be "ejected" back outside after a certain amount of buildup. Can also be used to get water. Already added now.
: )
-A docking port addition for the cyclops (you probably get this a lot). Either as a sideways "clamp" that attaches to a door on the side of the cyclops (would require changing the cyclops slightly) or as a docking "tube" that extends upwards and connects with the pre-existing exit.
-Maybe a dry-dock (UNDERWATER?!) For initial parking of the cyclops that is later used to construct larger deep sea vessels.
-Allow the reaper to grab and manhandle the sea base observatory and/or corridors with its grabbers. (Jesus Christ, How horrifying!)
-A Moonpool upgrade/attachment (above the seamoth) that allows for the repair of the Seamoth and/or indoor construction of additional moon pool vehicles.
Tool Suggestion/Ideas:
When you talked about the power transport system using diving reel code i imagined using a tool (like the Dive Reel) to attach a cable to a part and then drag it over to where you want it connected. Would look awesome, especially if after being attached it had small lights running along the cable every now and then.
Concept image:
-A upgrade to the diving reel that turns it into a grappling hook. (Weee!)
-A matter displacement tool. (like the one in halflife-opposing force.) if you hit anything with it, Then that thing will be teleported a random (within reason) distance away.
Now for some minor stuff:
-The ability to harvest meat from larger dead creatures. (Mmmh, Nutritious stalker filet.) Low on the list.
-Rotatable ladders. (Probably in the works already.)
-A contact page on the site detailing how to contact the various devs and also who to send what to. (such as where to send feedback/praise/suggestions, Emails and such, Etc.)
-A hunger mechanic idea (not mine, I think. Can't remember anymore.): The bar is structured with zero at the right (empty, Start starving boy.), 200/150 Is at the left (over-saturation) and 100% somewhere in between.(full. I couldn't eat a horse if i tried.) Also, Hunger stops going down for a short while after eating.
Location Ideas/Suggestions:
-Gnarly shallows. Underwater beach like the safe shallows, Filled with "tree roots" that twists and turns all around, Creating safe zones for smaller animal as well as supporting some small landmasses above.
-Another idea i have is that the landmass you are on is actually another "floating island" and underneath it lies this HUGE floater colony keeping it afloat, This could also set the stage for going even deeper, As well as other floating islands elsewhere. (Continents? Might be the floaters life cycle.)
"While the floaters lifting the floating island is large, They are still nothing compared to the huge, Continent lifting World-Floaters found under the lithoplate the aurora crashed on.
Running on a unkown form of biological nuclear fusion, These behemoths converts the water around them into life sustaining energy. The only byproducts being massive amounts of heat, Which is channeled into the bottom of the landmass they are attached to, And the byproducts of the fusion mechanics; Which is expelled into the darkest depths below." (may be radioactive, requiring radiation suit.)
A reason to have this would be that if you wanted to add more content to the landmass we are stranded upon, You could justify it as maturing floaters ascending from the dark depths with new land.
Plus it would just be cool. (As well as using the pre-established mechanics of floaters being able to grow large enough to lift islands. Whose to say they can't get even bigger?)
Aurora/large vehicle Ideas/suggestions:
-A control room that is a hollow sphere with screens for walls and a glass floor with the controls being in the middle.
The idea is that the screens provide 360 degrees of sight around your vessel through a series of external cameras, Allowing you to navigate and observe the depths while being safely inside your sub. (And also provides a safer alternative to windows.)
And you can just imagine sitting down into the command chair in the middle of the room, The screens turning on in sequence one by one around you until you have perfectly clear view of outside, Followed by holographic images displaying information.
You could also have holographic displays shoving you the state of your vessel as well as radar and such, Another perk of this system is that you could potentially use it to "see" in infrared or sound or any such with the explanation that the on board computer is simulating it from sensor data into something we can understand.
-Cloning bay: A room or hallways filled by tubes with people in various stages of growth. Its purpose is both medical and organ replacement.
-Docking bay: A room large enough to dock several cyclops's or dozens of seamoth's/exosuit's in. An external cover opens up and several large arms grabs the vehicle, Then places it inside.
-Specimen observation labs: Several rooms containing large tanks and clear glass tubes for holding, Observing and researching the planets local fauna and flora.
-Energy Storage: The Auroras battery storage. Containing the enormous energy charge required to support such a large ship in times without active power generation.
-Life support: A great complex filled with machinery, Tubes flowing with oxygen producing algae and water processing facility's for providing clean water and air. is connected to hydroponics.
-Bio dome: A large open area, Simulating the outside world as well as serving as a park for recreational activities for the crew.
-Hydroponics: Here food is grown in tall vertical towers and tended to by automatic machinery such as robotic arms moving along rails. It is connected to the life support section of the ship.
-Anti matter containment storage: Destroyed.
-Reactor room: A massive fusion reactor providing the absolutely absurd amounts of energy required for star travel.
-Crew quarters: Contains the rooms of the crew. Decorated with plants and the wall consists of screens or holograms giving the illusion of being outside.
-Bridge: Refer to "Cockpit/Command Center" idea up topside.
-Research labs: Close by Specimen observation, Contains the machinery necessary to scan, Catalog and research retrieved items. Consists mostly of computer labs for information access.
-Auxiliary control: A emergency "bridge" to be used if the ships main form of control is inaccessible or otherwise damaged.
Now for some other minor stuff: (AKA, Inane ideas.)
-The blast that downed the aurora came from one of the moons and not the planet. (Imagine if one of them was actually a defense system made by an advanced civilization.)
-At deep light less depths, instead of using flood lights you could use advanced sensors that an on board A.I Interprets and converts into useful information such as visuals.
-Alterra sent the aurora to the planet knowing it already had life and intended to terraform it such that it became uninhabitable for the indigenous lifeforms. (Most likely because of some special resource, Tech, Energy source or something.)
-The aurora was sabotaged. The crashing wasn't intended but the exploding was. They just weren't counting on crashing.
-The player character is genetically engineered (designer baby's) and modified to survive on the planet. This genetic engineering also includes "Genetic Malleability" for easy genetic modification.
-The PC actually has tons of nanites in his blood helping with repairs, Digestion, Modification and breathing.
-Instead of using electricity directly, The Auroras energy system is so advanced they instead pump plasma through the energy tubes, The technology works by extracting the electric charge contained in the plasma directly, Functioning better and producing electricity more efficiently than any steam turbine could.
-While the aurora did have personnel armaments, All of it was nonlethal as they did not wish to disturb the life on the planet. (as doing such would incur massive fines?)
-Alterra cut corners in the budget, striking the offensive weaponry from the list to spare on the expenses. (Who cares about a few scientistMiners? We can just send more.)
-The alien planet you crashed on possesses a powerful anti asteroid defense system, The aurora was mistaken for a asteroid on a collision course and it attempted to redirect it, With devastating results.
I will occasionally update the lists if i get new ideas.
That's all. Once again, Loving the sights and thank you all for such a beautiful game.
Sincerely, TheLordEternal
I heard that you welcome ideas and such so i've written up a few of my own, hope you enjoy.
Base Ideas/Suggestions:
-First of is just a simple suggestion, The quarts farm. A room or module that uses a small amount of quarts and some electricity to (slowly) grow more quarts. Essential for those deep sea bases where there is little to no quarts and so simple even a twelve year old could make it.
-The filtration Module which produces oxygen from seawater, Creates salt deposits as a byproduct. If not used the salt will be "ejected" back outside after a certain amount of buildup. Can also be used to get water. Already added now.
: )
-A docking port addition for the cyclops (you probably get this a lot). Either as a sideways "clamp" that attaches to a door on the side of the cyclops (would require changing the cyclops slightly) or as a docking "tube" that extends upwards and connects with the pre-existing exit.
-Maybe a dry-dock (UNDERWATER?!) For initial parking of the cyclops that is later used to construct larger deep sea vessels.
-Allow the reaper to grab and manhandle the sea base observatory and/or corridors with its grabbers. (Jesus Christ, How horrifying!)
-A Moonpool upgrade/attachment (above the seamoth) that allows for the repair of the Seamoth and/or indoor construction of additional moon pool vehicles.
Tool Suggestion/Ideas:
When you talked about the power transport system using diving reel code i imagined using a tool (like the Dive Reel) to attach a cable to a part and then drag it over to where you want it connected. Would look awesome, especially if after being attached it had small lights running along the cable every now and then.
Concept image:
[b-A upgrade to the diving reel that turns it into a grappling hook. (Weee!)
-A matter displacement tool. (like the one in halflife-opposing force.) if you hit anything with it, Then that thing will be teleported a random (within reason) distance away.
Now for some minor stuff:
-The ability to harvest meat from larger dead creatures. (Mmmh, Nutritious stalker filet.) Low on the list.
-Rotatable ladders. (Probably in the works already.)
-A contact page on the site detailing how to contact the various devs and also who to send what to. (such as where to send feedback/praise/suggestions, Emails and such, Etc.)
-A hunger mechanic idea (not mine, I think. Can't remember anymore.): The bar is structured with zero at the right (empty, Start starving boy.), 200/150 Is at the left (over-saturation) and 100% somewhere in between.(full. I couldn't eat a horse if i tried.) Also, Hunger stops going down for a short while after eating.
Location Ideas/Suggestions:
-Gnarly shallows. Underwater beach like the safe shallows, Filled with "tree roots" that twists and turns all around, Creating safe zones for smaller animal as well as supporting some small landmasses above.
-Another idea i have is that the landmass you are on is actually another "floating island" and underneath it lies this HUGE floater colony keeping it afloat, This could also set the stage for going even deeper, As well as other floating islands elsewhere. (Continents? Might be the floaters life cycle.)
"While the floaters lifting the floating island is large, They are still nothing compared to the huge, Continent lifting World-Floaters found under the lithoplate the aurora crashed on.
Running on a unkown form of biological nuclear fusion, These behemoths converts the water around them into life sustaining energy. The only byproducts being massive amounts of heat, Which is channeled into the bottom of the landmass they are attached to, And the byproducts of the fusion mechanics; Which is expelled into the darkest depths below." (may be radioactive, requiring radiation suit.)
A reason to have this would be that if you wanted to add more content to the landmass we are stranded upon, You could justify it as maturing floaters ascending from the dark depths with new land.
Plus it would just be cool. (As well as using the pre-established mechanics of floaters being able to grow large enough to lift islands. Whose to say they can't get even bigger?)
Aurora/large vehicle Ideas/suggestions:
-A control room that is a hollow sphere with screens for walls and a glass floor with the controls being in the middle.
The idea is that the screens provide 360 degrees of sight around your vessel through a series of external cameras, Allowing you to navigate and observe the depths while being safely inside your sub. (And also provides a safer alternative to windows.)
And you can just imagine sitting down into the command chair in the middle of the room, The screens turning on in sequence one by one around you until you have perfectly clear view of outside, Followed by holographic images displaying information.
You could also have holographic displays shoving you the state of your vessel as well as radar and such, Another perk of this system is that you could potentially use it to "see" in infrared or sound or any such with the explanation that the on board computer is simulating it from sensor data into something we can understand.
-Cloning bay: A room or hallways filled by tubes with people in various stages of growth. Its purpose is both medical and organ replacement.
-Docking bay: A room large enough to dock several cyclops's or dozens of seamoth's/exosuit's in. An external cover opens up and several large arms grabs the vehicle, Then places it inside.
-Specimen observation labs: Several rooms containing large tanks and clear glass tubes for holding, Observing and researching the planets local fauna and flora.
-Energy Storage: The Auroras battery storage. Containing the enormous energy charge required to support such a large ship in times without active power generation.
-Life support: A great complex filled with machinery, Tubes flowing with oxygen producing algae and water processing facility's for providing clean water and air. is connected to hydroponics.
-Bio dome: A large open area, Simulating the outside world as well as serving as a park for recreational activities for the crew.
-Hydroponics: Here food is grown in tall vertical towers and tended to by automatic machinery such as robotic arms moving along rails. It is connected to the life support section of the ship.
-Anti matter containment storage: Destroyed.
-Reactor room: A massive fusion reactor providing the absolutely absurd amounts of energy required for star travel.
-Crew quarters: Contains the rooms of the crew. Decorated with plants and the wall consists of screens or holograms giving the illusion of being outside.
-Bridge: Refer to "Cockpit/Command Center" idea up topside.
-Research labs: Close by Specimen observation, Contains the machinery necessary to scan, Catalog and research retrieved items. Consists mostly of computer labs for information access.
-Auxiliary control: A emergency "bridge" to be used if the ships main form of control is inaccessible or otherwise damaged.
Now for some other minor stuff: (AKA, Inane ideas.)
-The blast that downed the aurora came from one of the moons and not the planet. (Imagine if one of them was actually a defense system made by an advanced civilization.)
-At deep light less depths, instead of using flood lights you could use advanced sensors that an on board A.I Interprets and converts into useful information such as visuals.
-Alterra sent the aurora to the planet knowing it already had life and intended to terraform it such that it became uninhabitable for the indigenous lifeforms. (Most likely because of some special resource, Tech, Energy source or something.)
-The aurora was sabotaged. The crashing wasn't intended but the exploding was. They just weren't counting on crashing.
-The player character is genetically engineered (designer baby's) and modified to survive on the planet. This genetic engineering also includes "Genetic Malleability" for easy genetic modification.
-The PC actually has tons of nanites in his blood helping with repairs, Digestion, Modification and breathing.
-Instead of using electricity directly, The Auroras energy system is so advanced they instead pump plasma through the energy tubes, The technology works by extracting the electric charge contained in the plasma directly, Functioning better and producing electricity more efficiently than any steam turbine could.
-While the aurora did have personnel armaments, All of it was nonlethal as they did not wish to disturb the life on the planet. (as doing such would incur massive fines?)
-Alterra cut corners in the budget, striking the offensive weaponry from the list to spare on the expenses. (Who cares about a few scientistMiners? We can just send more.)
-The alien planet you crashed on possesses a powerful anti asteroid defense system, The aurora was mistaken for a asteroid on a collision course and it attempted to redirect it, With devastating results.
I will occasionally update the lists if i get new ideas.
That's all. Once again, Loving the sights and thank you all for such a beautiful game.
Sincerely, TheLordEternal
Creature suggestions/Ideas:
-A new creature, With the head of a barracuda and the body like a eel. About half as large as a reaper but still pretty long, the creature is quite curious and will repeatedly follow and "investigate" the player by bumping into them. They are quite interested in player bases too, Occasionally peeking into the moon pool or looking into the base through the windows.
Though they are quite docile (in comparison to earth barracudas) if you strike their eyes or flash them with light they will flee with all due haste and leave you be. They may also remember and actively avoid you (or hunt you, Depends on the individuals personality) in the future.
They prefer shallows, Small alcoves and other places where they can hide, but if there is none available they are quite happy to dig their own little cove in the sand.
Often found residing in gnarly shallows, Making nest in the roots.
Eats medium prey such as stalkers or bone sharks.
-On the third Mid development concept art picture there is an Air plant with eye tentacles coming out, My suggestion is instead of having just one eye at the end have 8 small eyes (on each side or around the "head", Blinking at different times), with a bit of an moray eel shaped head(though without the mouth). And for additional cuteness, Give it a small tongue at the tip that "tastes" the water like a snake does with their tongue. (Thp. Thp.)
-I imagined that the large kosh balls were actually immature reefback young gestating. And when they matured they unfurled, Revealing that they were just rolled up into a ball with the "tentacles" anchoring them.
The Nightwing lives primarily in dark and deep places, Where it hunts its prey by first using its speed to ram; Thereby dazing; its prey And then turn back and deliver a quick bite, Causing its teeth to detach and pump a paralytic venom into its prey.
Its diet consists mostly of meat; Mostly from larger creatures such as stalkers, Along with a steady supplement of Hanging Stingers and other poisonous plants and creatures. Because of its great size it ignores smaller creatures such as Peepers and Rabbitrays.
It is slightly larger than a stalker and several times longer, Posing a threat to not only a player but also an armored Seamoth.
Thankfully it is mostly docile, It will not relentlessly attack or pursue and will stop attacking after a few tries if unsuccessful at killing its prey.
It is also quite curious however and has been known to occasionally follow the player back to their base, Usually after changing its mind about them being easy prey.
As a base usually attract hostile or otherwise dangerous creatures this is a beneficial arrangement, As the Nightwing can gorge itself on most dangerous creatures looking to snack on the occupant while leaving the player themselves alone for the most part.
Strangely enough if offered a small fish by the player (after becoming docile) it is very likely to accept, Even though it will never hunt small creatures on its own.
Physical Features:
The Nightwing has four eyes. One pair is large and close to the front and the second pair is smaller, Sitting slightly higher and behind the first.
The head is protected with three to five overlapping plates; Which it uses to ram its prey; With the first covering the whole upper part of the head except for its four eyes, Giving it the appearance of wearing a helmet.
The mouth is filled with long needle like teeth, Upon biting these teeth detach and start pumping venom into the prey while also giving of a chemical trace that allows the Nightwing to track it.
Attached to its "torso" is four wings, These wings are used for intimidation and rapid movement, Allowing it to move with great swiftness and agility. They can also be folded against its body for protection when it needs to escape, pushing itself forward with a single flap then switching to moving like an eel along with the provided thrust.
Along the spine and the belly there runs a fin all the way down the tail That ends in a V shape. Of note is that the fin does not stop with the tail, But rather continues a little after it.
Megasub: (Images included below)
The Megasub Was designed primarily to transport cargo, but has been refitted for deep sea exploration and specimen observation/containment.
Thanks to its roots as cargo transport the Megasub is highly modular and can easily be reconfigured if necessary.
Note: All the rooms of the Megasubs are actually modified cargo holds, This is what allows it to have such a high degree of modularity.
The Megasub; Instead of being a single vessel like the cyclops; is instead a customizable vessel where rooms (called modules) are constructed individually.
This allows you to configure your Megasub (name pending) into your very own deep sea science and exploration vessel.
This is framework that all the modules are mounted on.
Comes with a Command, Engine and Generator Module pre-equipped.
Room Module:
A Simple Room. Will merge if another room module is placed beside it, Can also be separated by building an wall.
Generator Module:
A basic battery powered generator. functions like the generator on board the cyclops. Multiple generators can be mounted to increase power output.
[Index: Top left corner of Engine image]
Fusion reactor Module:
To start up a fusion reactor you first need to feed it a large amount of power to initiate the fusion process until it grows stable.
The fusion reactor has several modes:
Heat Buildup system:
Instead of draining power the fusion reactor consistently builds up heat, The more power used the more heat is produced.
Heat must occasionally be dumped off or the reactor shuts down. once in heat dump mode the sub cannot move, becoming a sitting duck in the deeps.
Heat dumping does not take long and is only a danger when near sea creatures that would be attracted by the excess heat.
If the Reactor Module is placed directly in front the Engine Module then they will be merged into one room.
The fusion reaction is contained by a array of advanced magnet modules Called a Magnetic Array.
By using the fusion process's own magnetic field to power itself; as well as most of the residual heat emitted by the fusion reaction; The Magnetic Array Modules emits a powerful, Directed magnetic field to contain the plasma.
The M.A.M. Is also coated with a material that reflects high energy particles; Such as those emitted by nuclear fusion; That catches any stray radiation not contained by the magnetic field, Preventing it from escaping.
Uniquely enough, The Magnetic Array Modules Is actually suspended in the air by their own magnetic field, Rather than sitting stationary in the walls.
This allows them to be easily replaced if damaged or malfunctioning, As no tedious dismounting is required.
The Observation Window; Which is mounted on the Reactor Chamber; Has a structure that is specifically arranged such that some light is reflected from the inside yet allows the internal coating to still reflect the intense radiation.
While it is far superior at reflecting radiation, The window only possesses its properties from its specific shape, Making utilization of it on a greater scale impractical.
Compatible with: Engine Module, Capacitor Module.
N.B. Bolted plates look optional.
[Index: Fusion Reactor image.]
Capacitor Module:
The Capacitor Module acts as the subs battery, storing power as well as distributing it.
[Index: Capacitor/Specimen Containment/Specimen Interaction image.]
Hydroponics Module:
Provides atmosphere and food for both humans and any captured creatures.
Deep Pressure Shielding Module:
Deep down beneath the ocean there is immense pressure, so much in fact that physical hull have problems staying intact.
The D.P.S.M. creates an encompassing layer between the ocean and you, Preventing the pressure from affecting the sub.
While the D.P.S.M. Is great at negating pressure problems it is not very good at mitigating physical collisions or damage.
The D.P.S.M. is quite power hungry and as such requires the fusion reactor or better to remain functional.
Engine Module:
The Engine module comes pre-mounted to the subs framework and provides thrust, Allowing the sub to move under its own power.
Turbine: Increases speed. Lengthens the upper Engines.
Engine: Increases power. Adds another pair of engines below the first.
[Index: Engine image]
Docking Bay/Moonpool Module:
The Docking Bay consists of six moonpools for docking of multiple Seamoths or Exosuits and comes fully equipped for holding either.
If two Docking Bays are placed right beside each other they can be reconfigured to to hold a Cyclops at the cost of most if not all of the moonpools.
The docking bay can be equipped with a upgrade/builder attachment, Allowing you to both construct new vehicles while in dock or to upgrade pre-existing ones.
The Docking Bay Module must be placed at the bottom of the sub, Unless upgraded with Ejection Chutes (which takes up space in the room beneath.) Not viable with cyclops upgrade.
[Index: Moonpool image.]
Command Module:
Placed deep within the hull the command module is the most protected piece of the sub and can in the event of catastrophic failure be ejected to safety.
A hollow sphere with screens for walls and a glass floor for full view, The controls are located in the center.
The screens provide 360 degrees of sight around the vessel through a series of external cameras, Allowing you to navigate and observe the depths Without being exposed. And it is also a much safer alternative to windows, Which are well known for being a structural weakness.
You also have holographic displays shoving you the state of your vessel as well as radar and such, Allowing You to "see" in infrared or sound as the onboard computer simulates it from collected sensor data into something you can interpret.
Ejection Shaft: A vertical shaft for Command Module Emergency Escape. Also contains a hallway that encircles the shaft for sub traversal.
[Index: Command pod image.]
Specimen Containment Module:
Skipping the middleman entirely, The S.C.M. is a large tank built into the hull that can open up to the outside, Allowing the capture and release of large creatures.
The S.C.M. Consists of a glass floor and a hull compartment that has been refitted into two doors, Inlaid with glass windows to minimizing creature stress.
Can be paired with the Specimen Observation Module to safely research and analyze the creatures as well as extract DNA.
[Index: Capacitor/Specimen Containment/Specimen Interaction image.]
Specimen Observation Module:
A Room made for creature information gathering. Allows researching and analyzation of creatures. Can also function as a creature med bay.
When paired with the Specimen Containment Module a pair of Specimen Interaction Stations are automatically installed.
The Specimen Interaction Station Contains several "snake" appendages used to interact with the captured sea creatures.
The S.I.S. Can also exchange the heads of its appendages to serve several different functions.
Some of the Heads for the S.I.S. include: Claw, Fluid extraction, Surgery and scanner head, Allowing for hands on interaction without contaminating specimens.
[Index: Capacitor/Specimen Containment/Specimen Interaction.]
Fusion Reactor:
Capacitor/Specimen Containment/Specimen Interaction modules:
Engine Module:
Moonpool Module:
Command Pod Module:
This forum is the way you contact the developers and give your ideas. Your ideas are no better than any one else's, and you don't need to have a direct line to the developers.
They are busy making this game, and the last thing they need is to spend hours of their day wading through 1000's of emails from people with suggestion/comments/complaints.
Post your ideas here. It's why the developers set up this forum.
I'm not suggesting that anyone should get any special treatment, But for me at least it was unclear about where i was supposed to give my input, Which means it's probably the same for at least a few others as well.
I can see where you are coming from though. Once people start using their emails they'll have a lot more to go through, And they don't need that.
In the end i'm merely suggesting clearer directions so that it's easier to find where to go and how. : )
There are also some people that aren't even able to post to public places, Those that can't just "suck it up" as a result of mental issues. The mind is a fickle thing and not everyone has a choice in the matter.
Though in the end the point still stands. There are people that wouldn't otherwise give their input, Other than through E-Mail and other such direct methods. That doesn't make their ideas any more or less worthwhile than others, Better communication benefits everyone; Not just those self entitled to better treatment; Allowing for more ideas and feedback to be shared between developers and players as well as making it easier to understand where to go and where it is acceptable to post what will help more than it damages. Communication is key, After all.
Besides the point, They could easily make a new email just for suggestions and then simply browse through it at their own leisure. But as said as repeated, That is beside the point. : )