Should there be a Giant creature at 3000 meters?

Z-comZ-com canada Join Date: 2015-08-30 Member: 207583Members
edited August 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
Something to make you change your pants


  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Yes, one that stops you from going deeper. Earth submarines can go 10000+, so sci-fi subs need a freaking danger:

    The leviathan eater - the last thing you see is a big mouth trying to swallow the cyclops.
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    I actually commented on that kind of thing. The thread is called "Leviathans," it's for things like this. I have to agree, there needs to be *something* down there. This is an alien ocean planet, it just wouldn't be complete without some super-massive sea creature.
  • BloopBloop Germany Join Date: 2015-08-28 Member: 207553Members
    edited August 2015

    Try to imagine a creature (that slept for ages perhaps) lays deep down at the bottom - ready for waking up... you are in a submarine over 3000 meters deep down the ocean, the only thing you could see through the window is eternal black darkness. And then you hear - more feel - a tremendous noise/tremble like the "Bloop-Sound" - the terrific Sound of a GIANT Creature, after a while you would see huge eyes opening - glowing bright, short before your instant death... now imagine such an "entity" in the game of subnautica! Wouldn't that be nice? ;-)

    Here for everyone who wants to know what "The Bloop Sound" is, watch/hear this:

  • BloopBloop Germany Join Date: 2015-08-28 Member: 207553Members
    But I also think such a creature should be more mysterious. They should not release a 3d model of it. a BIG secret is more thrilling! ;-)
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Bloop wrote: »
    But I also think such a creature should be more mysterious. They should not release a 3d model of it. a BIG secret is more thrilling! ;-)

    I really like that idea.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Bloop wrote: »
    But I also think such a creature should be more mysterious. They should not release a 3d model of it. a BIG secret is more thrilling! ;-)

    Yes definitely. Where you hear it first, perhaps in the distance, then louder as you approach it's domain, like the T-Rex approach in the first Jurassic Park movie. We see only glimpses and faint shadows in the darkness and at first it's quite elusive. And then we see it in all it's glory.
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Myrm wrote: »
    And then we see it in all it's glory.

    For about three seconds.
  • Astropig_gamerAstropig_gamer USA Join Date: 2015-08-31 Member: 207625Members
    imagine you sitting in your sub descending deeper into the depths then u spot something moving in the shadows at first you wonder if its a stalker then you say it cant be how would such a creature be down at 5000m then u see it a giant creature flys out of the shadows and slaps your sub the lights start dimming then it goes black all you hear is the moaning of a giant creature the red flashing lights come on you can barley see, water starts pouring in faster than you can seal the holes you start sinking deeper and deeper the lights go completely out you look out the window and all you can see faded glowing blubs coming from the creature the glass shatters water rushing in, the last thing you see is the giant creature disapeering back into the shadows as your suit runs out of oxygen...
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Protip: don't do a poll just for "yes" and "no" options.
  • jjust19jjust19 Australia Join Date: 2015-08-28 Member: 207535Members
    I think this creature should spawn in when players go too far out or too deep under the world. Essentially, it will kill the player instantly (regardless of what the player is in). Or maybe we could have a baby version near the deepest point of the map that will provide some extra challenge to players (maybe have it guard some crucial material/item?).
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Also there should be giant creatures everywhere.
    Both hostile and peaceful
    I want my Ghost Whales dammit
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Also there should be giant creatures everywhere.
    Both hostile and peaceful
    I want my Ghost Whales dammit


    My brother was actually telling me about an idea for a giant herbivore. Like, bigger-than-the-Reaper giant, but it only eats plants. If you swim near it, it will turn around to take a look at you, maybe have some cool animation, then go along with its business.
  • Astropig_gamerAstropig_gamer USA Join Date: 2015-08-31 Member: 207625Members
    They could make a new biome deep underwater with very thick vegetation were it lives
  • zakhm123zakhm123 England Join Date: 2015-08-22 Member: 207386Members
    Something big...
    Something lurking in the darkness...
    Something waiting for you to enter IT's domain...
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