Exosuit Customization and Exosuit Bay



  • Seamothwizard44Seamothwizard44 Join Date: 2015-09-17 Member: 207995Members
    Get a proper animation for it like the ones in dev
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    @Seamothwizard44 I would, but sadly the most I could do is write up a big design document of how it would be implemented and impact the game.

    Hell I can barely draw.
  • Radon088Radon088 USA Join Date: 2015-10-31 Member: 208871Members
    I greatly approve of this idea.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Bumping for posterior s
  • WolfiyWolfiy Join Date: 2015-11-04 Member: 208974Members
    Looks very nice!
    Not much to say other than I'd love to see these ideas in-game :D
  • SPIRIN1224SPIRIN1224 Moon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203469Members
    Very good idea, much on except for bay, not very efficient and practical but good drawing anyway.
  • TotallyLemonTotallyLemon Atlanta Georgia Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204764Members
    SPIRIN1224 wrote: »
    Very good idea, much on except for bay, not very efficient and practical but good drawing anyway.

    I'm still under the impression that the regular moon pool will be used for storage.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    SPIRIN1224 wrote: »
    Very good idea, much on except for bay, not very efficient and practical but good drawing anyway.

    I'm still under the impression that the regular moon pool will be used for storage.

    Updated information on the Wiki states that the Exosuit can be stored within the Cyclops, but still no mention of the Moonpool.
  • LukamicLukamic Australia Join Date: 2016-01-05 Member: 210932Members
    Using your idea of the Warper DNA to create "Portals", it would be cool if we could use the DNA to create a machine in a base that could act as an exit or entrance for this portal. It would be cool to see an upgrade module for the Exo-suit and for the sea-moth that allows them to open a "Portal" that will then take you to where ever you have built the exit/entrance machine. For every use the machine would use roughly 100 power and the module on the vehicles would use roughly 50% of its total power. Very cool ideas, I love how you used the DNA to modify machines.
  • terraformer004terraformer004 north america, central standard time Join Date: 2016-01-03 Member: 210832Members
    edited January 2016

    Disclaimer: I'm terribly sorry, i wrote this comment before I saw that the updated info that they will allow it to dock in the cyclops

    The only problem I see in this (the rest is amazing!!) is: if the exosuit is going to require a whole different room (not moonpool) to be mounted to the base, where is going to be mounted in the cyclops?

    maybe you don't think it should be mounted in the cyclops, but I do. In the exosuit, gravity sudenly matters because you are walking on the floor: some drop offs are huge, and once you fall down there in the exosuit, you are stuck (unless you can rescue it with cyclops). if you have to waste time hiking around the ocean floor, that makes it hard to explore the multiple far-reaching underwater areas with just 1 exosuit. Thats an inconvenience that is fixed by being able to dock to the cyclops.

    Personally, I think it would be awesome to have that 2-story docking station for the exosuit, so maybe the cyclops could act as a trasportation vessel for the exosuit, whereas the base is an upgrading station. best of both scenarios?

    P.S. this ALL hinges on whether or not the exosuit can swim- if it can swim AND walk - i have no issues.
    P.P.S. Its also a big question how they are going to handle oxygen - is it going to be limited in the bases, cyclops, and seamoth? will oxygen need to be replenished by a machine or plants as the following tweet implies? https://trello.com/c/f0gwktVZ/279-making-cyclops-relevant this would hugely affect, well, pretty much everything, and it's worth considering how it would restrict exosuit travel if they were tethered to bases and not able to be transported by the cyclops
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